英语翻译A culture shock I was born and grew up in France.Nearly 25 years ago - at the age of 25 - I moved to Denmark and had a culture shock!The first thing I noticed was the the difference in food culture.In Denmark people did not mind drinking

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 21:06:25
英语翻译A culture shock I was born and grew up in France.Nearly 25 years ago - at the age of 25 - I moved to Denmark and had a culture shock!The first thing I noticed was the the difference in food culture.In Denmark people did not mind drinking
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英语翻译A culture shock I was born and grew up in France.Nearly 25 years ago - at the age of 25 - I moved to Denmark and had a culture shock!The first thing I noticed was the the difference in food culture.In Denmark people did not mind drinking
A culture shock
I was born and grew up in France.Nearly 25 years ago - at the age of 25 - I moved to Denmark and had a culture shock!The first thing I noticed was the the difference in food culture.In Denmark people did not mind drinking something sweet with their food,they served few vegetables,and the bread often tasted – for me – like cardboard.It was not unusual to have to content oneself with one dish for a so-called dinner,which was usually consumed in the evening.Most meals were supposed to be eaten quickly and alone.The food was rarely a topic of conversation.It did not take much before the Danes felt that the food was - not refined - but too fine.Brown gravy – always tasting and looking the same -- over-done meat,onions,and potatoes seemed to be their favourite food.When I brought French products with me home to Denmark,my guests were not very interested.In their view French sausage and French cheese looked positively disgusting.Liquor was more interesting.Without restrain they would taste everything,just like they did not refrain from eating my imported candy - which I had thought would last for months - in just one evening.
Some differences are noticed straight away
Different food cultures and cultural differences in general are neither easy to analyse nor to describe.Cultures are very complex systems of differences - intertwined with each other,which the culture members are guided by in their choices.If you come from a different culture,it is often easier to wonder at the strange choices – and differences – you are confronted by.You do not become conscious of everything,but when it is a question of food,the confrontation is almost inevitable:you must eat even if it disturbs you to the core when you are submitted to a different food code.
The components of food culture
Among the basic differences which the multiple cultures employ in the building of their food culture,some are physiological taste experiences (sweet,salt,sour,bitter,cold,warm,dry,spicy...).Some have to do with preparation (raw,boiled,fried...).Others refer to basic attitudes (ethos) concerning the relationship with nature and the universe (pure,unclean,holy,secular,genuine,healthy,necessary...).Yet others refer to the social ties (traditional,public,private,luxurious,festive,everyday-like,exotic...).In other words,it is not just what you eat which is interesting,but also how,when,with whom,and why.And all these domains intersect:everything we eat - as well as the way in which we eat it - is influenced by all the systems of meaning at once.

英语翻译A culture shock I was born and grew up in France.Nearly 25 years ago - at the age of 25 - I moved to Denmark and had a culture shock!The first thing I noticed was the the difference in food culture.In Denmark people did not mind drinking



我出生在法国长大。近25年前 - 在25岁 - 我搬到了丹麦和那里的文化有冲击!我注意到的第一件事是在饮食文化的差异。在丹麦,人们并不介意食物中带一点甜的,他们送一些蔬菜,和一些面包经常要尝一下 - 像纸板 - 为我。这是不寻常的内容与自己所谓的晚餐,通常是在晚上食用菜之一。大部分膳食应该迅速,仅被吃掉。食物是很少的话题。它没有采取之前,丹麦人认为,食物是 - 精制 ...



我出生在法国长大。近25年前 - 在25岁 - 我搬到了丹麦和那里的文化有冲击!我注意到的第一件事是在饮食文化的差异。在丹麦,人们并不介意食物中带一点甜的,他们送一些蔬菜,和一些面包经常要尝一下 - 像纸板 - 为我。这是不寻常的内容与自己所谓的晚餐,通常是在晚上食用菜之一。大部分膳食应该迅速,仅被吃掉。食物是很少的话题。它没有采取之前,丹麦人认为,食物是 - 精制 - 但太细。卤汁 - 品尝和寻找相同的 - 超额完成任务的肉类,洋葱,土豆,似乎是他们最喜爱的食物。当我带回家丹麦法国产品,我的客人是不是很感兴趣。在他们看来,法国的香肠和法国奶酪显得积极恶心。酒是更有趣。没有限制,他们样样俱全,就像他们没有不要吃我的进口糖果 - 我原以为会持续几个月 - 在短短的一个晚上。
不同的饮食文化和文化差异,在一般的分析既不容易,也不来形容。文化是非常复杂的系统 - 差异与相互交织,文化成员的指导下,在他们的选择。如果你从不同的文化,它往往是容易怀疑奇怪的选择 - 差异 - 你面临。你不会成为自觉的一切,但它是一个粮食问题时,几乎是不可避免的对抗:你必须吃,即使它扰乱了你的核心,当你提交到不同的食品法典。

在多元文化在他们的饮食文化的建设中采用的基本差异,有些是生理味道经验(甜的,盐,酸,苦,冷,暖,干,辣......)。一些必须做的准备(原料,煮,炸...)。其他参考的基本态度(精神)有关自然界和宇宙(纯洁,洁净,神圣的,世俗的,真正的,健康的,必要的...)的关系。还有一些人是指社会关系(传统,公共,私人,豪华,节日,每天,充满异国情调的......)。换句话说,它是不是只是你吃什么,这是有趣的,又是如何的时候,谁,以及为什么。所有这些领域的相交:我们吃的一切 - 以及我们吃的方式, - 是一次意义的所有系统的影响。



求助英语翻译(人类语言非机器语言,谢谢)The term culture shock has already begun to creep into the popular vocabulary. Culture shock is the effect that involvement in a strange culture has on the unprepared visitor. Culture shock Can you give a brief definition of culture shock?Provide two examples of culture shock,please. what is culture shock? Culture shock's essay reverse culture shock culture shock 可不可以这么用?culture shock in Titanic? 请问culture shock有哪些方面? 英语翻译A culture shock I was born and grew up in France.Nearly 25 years ago - at the age of 25 - I moved to Denmark and had a culture shock!The first thing I noticed was the the difference in food culture.In Denmark people did not mind drinking 英语翻译A culture shock I was born and grew up in France.Nearly 25 years ago - at the age of 25 - I moved to Denmark and had a culture shock!The first thing I noticed was the the difference in food culture.In Denmark people did not mind drinking 英语翻译My reaction when I got to the school was one of culture shock. Culture shock is the effect that immersion in a strange culture has on the unprepared visitor.Peace 跪求大神!英译英!there is a potential for culture shock最好改下句式词汇. Culture shock is a term used to describe the anxiety and feelings 正确还是错误? What are the reasons for culture shock? 我急求一篇英文版的Culture Shock's essayone essay for Culture shock 如何写英语作文“What would you do if you went to a strange country and have serious culture shock? culture shock 文化冲击的含义.用英文哦 以How to deal culture shock为题的英语作文