The main difference between Chinese culture and American culturePlease give me some specific points!Thanks a lot!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 09:09:53
The main difference between Chinese culture and American culturePlease give me some specific points!Thanks a lot!
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The main difference between Chinese culture and American culturePlease give me some specific points!Thanks a lot!
The main difference between Chinese culture and American culture
Please give me some specific points!
Thanks a lot!

The main difference between Chinese culture and American culturePlease give me some specific points!Thanks a lot!
Differences Between Chinese Culture and North American Culture (1) 鈥 Food Style
Before I came to North America,I had been living in China for twenty years.I was born in Xining,Qinghai province,and also grew up in there.My family members were from different parts of China.My mom鈥檚 hometown is at the Huabei plain which is the north side of The Yellow River.However,my father grew up in Nanjing,the famous city which locates beside the Yangzi River.
Most of people in southern China are used to have rice as their daily main food resource,but northern China mostly has wheat.But no matter which part of China,meat is not the major food for us.Chinese people always believe that rice,wheat,vegetable,fruit are the best for our health.In contrast,meat would give more troubles to our health,for example,heart attack,high blood pressure,and etc.
After I came to America,I found that people mostly have meat as their food resource.The most important is that they mostly have beef,chicken,shrimp,turkey,instead of pork and lamb.In restaurants,you can easily find hamburger,steak,ribs with a little rice and a piece of bread.I believe that the food style gives American people much more energy than we have.They are much stronger than us.That is the fact!
I have heard of an interesting story about Yao Ming,who is one of the famous NBA player right now.During his first season in NBA,millions of people are attracted by his height and his cute smile.However,he is not strong enough to play NBA game yet!He ever told the reporter that he likes to have soup that his mom makes for him.Soup could not help him,only steak,cheese,butter could make him stronger and gives him more energy.In order to increase his competition,he has to be used to American food style!
Even though I have lived in America for ten years now,I still love my Chinese food.They are not only the food,but culture.I would never give it up.Meanwhile,I have become to be more used to American food as well.
鈥淐ustom is the great guide of human life鈥?wrote Scottish philosopher David Hume.Knowing the customs of a country is,in effect,a guide to understanding the soul of that country and its people.As a foreign language leaner,we should know the culture in our target language鈥檚 country.Only in this way,we can really learn the language well.
People express their culture through traditions in food,clothing,recreation,and ceremonies; through the education system and institutions of learning,including museums and libraries; and through the arts,encompassing the visual,literary,and performing arts.As a result,we will talk about the differences from some aspects.
First,I will mention the addressing.In China,we will put the family names before our given names,and then in order to express our politeness,we would like to add 鈥渟ir鈥 or 鈥渓ady鈥 or their title after the name.On contrast,in America,people would like to put their family names after their given names and first names and they will put Mr.,Mrs.,Miss,Ms,Dr.or Prof.before their names.It is foremost and first for us to know these differences so that we won鈥檛 make misunderstandings.
It is great honor to meet an American friend ,but don鈥檛 be frightened by their warm embrace.This is their common way to express their warmth and friendliness.In China,people don鈥檛 make embraces to express those feelings.Quite often we will shake our hands.We should learn the proper way to express our friendliness in different countries.
And then we will talk about time conceptions.In America,their living beat is quite fast,so they consider time is quite precious.So,when they accept an invitation,they would try their best not to be late,but they also don鈥檛 go early to the inviters鈥?as this is considered to be impolite,and it seems to disturb the inviters鈥 preparation.In China,we should also not be late for the inviters.However,in order to show our thanks and politeness,we would go to the inviters鈥 house to help them prepare the meals and then we will have a happy time together.
To open a conversation,people in different countries have different ways.In China,when people meet their friends by chance,they will say.鈥 Where are you going?鈥 or 鈥 have you eaten?鈥 and then they will go on talking about other things.But if you do this in America,you will be misunderstood that you want to invite him or her.Americans would like to say,鈥 beautiful day,isn鈥檛 it?鈥 to open a conversation even sometimes it is raining.It is not because the Americans can predict the weather but for the sake of customs.
Let me come to the aspect of eating.Chopsticks are used for all meals in China.Food is placed at the center of the table and may include more than one type of main dish to be eaten with rice.All the food will be shared by all the persons and won鈥檛 be divided into several helps.While in America,they would use forks and knives for their meals.Every person has his own dishes and they won鈥檛 share one dish together.They think this is quite hygienic and they will enjoy their meals comfortably.However,what they eat is not so healthy,because they would like to eat a lot of meat and something with high calorie.Maybe it is good for them to obtain more fibers and keep a healthy body.
Finally,I would like to mention something about the difference in marriage.Besides the ceremony for marriage has obvious difference----Americans will hold it in a church,while Chinese will hold it in a hotel inviting their relatives and friends to have dinner----their marriage notion has quite a lot of differences,too.Above all,I would like to give a case to you.A 28-year-old girl,who was studying in New York,said she never thought his husband wanted to divorce with her without any specific reason after their one-year marriage.She asked him why he did so.He said he didn鈥檛 love her any more.Then she questioned him didn鈥檛 he always said he loved her a lot.He said,鈥 At that time I loved you,so I married you; but now I don鈥檛 love you any longer,so I want to divorce with you.鈥 She was very angry and thought he had cheated her,but in her husband鈥檚 opinion,he treated her so honestly that he would divorce with her.In this story lies a different marriage notion.Americans pursuit the true love,no matter they are married or not.Once they find there is no love between the husband and the wife,they will choose to divorce.In China,however,people pursuit the completeness of the family.They think divorce is the last way to solve the family problem.We think we have the responsibility to keep the family peaceful and complete and give a harmony environment to our children to grow healthily.They every couple should head the way that husbands and wives should finish their lives hand in hand.
From all these aspects,we can think of many differences in values,such as the notion of social statues,collectivism and socialism,the treatments to children and so on.In fact,we cannot say which one is right,which one is wrong,as we all know Americans and Chinese are not in the same group,people on the opposite side of the globe can never achieve the thousandth part of the group on the other side of the globe.What we should do is to learn the difference,and then we can really learn the language well.


The difference between Chinese culture and American culture.
American has more conception on space than on place. People always walk towards windows once come into an American house in the country...


The difference between Chinese culture and American culture.
American has more conception on space than on place. People always walk towards windows once come into an American house in the country side. What a strange thing is that the first praise is about beautiful screen outdoors once come into the host’s room. Moreover, the host would also glad for your appreciate to his insight. The horizon far away is not only the boundary of heaven and earth, but also the symbol of the future. American won’t base on a certain place, no matter how beautiful there is. They will be attracted by expansive space stretching into the horizon, where their future is.

On the contrary, let’s have a look at a traditional Chinese house. The court is usually surrounded by a long wall which has a group house behind. There may be a cabinet garden in the corner. It will be quiet and harmonious once you come into this private place. Architectures, corridors, rockeries and miniascapes are all arranged well. However, you can’t get a forane scene. Without an expansive place, all things reflected in a court are only changes of each season. The unique broad scene is sky in vertical. Chinese are always base on own ground. When they ought to leave, that is not for another heaven of hope in the horizon, but for another world sublimed from their religion imagination.
Chinese have deep emotion on land and never treat wander as a kind of happiness. The sutra of Taoism < Tao Te Ching> describe the ideal life in peace and work with contentment as this follows: the neightbor country is in sight, and the sound there is in ears; but the people won’t meet each other until death. Noetic speaking, Chinese peasantries have higher status. When I went behind the reasons, I found two reasons. For one thing, what they do is the root of food production. For another thing, they don’t different from businessmen who only expect benefits. Although there are some difficulties, they won’t betray their country for their passion on the land.
Reminiscence repeated as the theme in Chinese poesies time and time again. American readers often surprised with Chinese nostalgia repeated in poesies frequently, even bored sometimes. To comprehend how deep this emotion is, we must know Chinese love stable and peaceful life as they suffer the threat of chaos from the war, division and flood-drought disaster for quite a long time. They treasure what they have been lost since becoming destitute and homeless. On the opposite, American removes coming forward mostly. They yearn native land is acctually for the memories about childhood which has gone forever. At the same time, the future is waiting for them in a broad space faraway.




形成这样的差异其实与文化形成时期的社会历史背景息息相关。众所周知,华夏文化的形成与发展都是处在封建社会的形成与发展时期,因此,华夏文化必然受到封建思想的影响。而在封建社会中,统治者为了维护自身利益,更好的统治人民,往往通过各种途径向人们灌输诸如“谱度众生”、“因果循环 ”之类的思想。因此,人们为了能够来世“成仙”就今世行善,于是就有了对芸芸众生的“大爱”。
