英语翻译1.PARTIES.The parties to this Agreement are Owners of the apartment K herein after referred to as "Landlord" and Tenant_______ and _______________________________,hereinafter (if more than one (1) Tenant jointly referred to as "Tenant").T

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 05:53:07
英语翻译1.PARTIES.The parties to this Agreement are Owners of the apartment K herein after referred to as
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英语翻译1.PARTIES.The parties to this Agreement are Owners of the apartment K herein after referred to as "Landlord" and Tenant_______ and _______________________________,hereinafter (if more than one (1) Tenant jointly referred to as "Tenant").T
1.PARTIES.The parties to this Agreement are Owners of the apartment K herein after referred to as "Landlord" and Tenant_______ and _______________________________,hereinafter (if more than one (1) Tenant jointly referred to as "Tenant").The premises described herein shall be occupied only by the above named persons.Tenant has completed a rental application,set forth as Exhibit A,and Landlord is relying on the truth,completeness,and accuracy of such information as an inducement to enter into this Agreement.This Agreement is between Landlord and each named Tenant.The named Tenant(s) are jointly and severally responsible for full performance of all obligations under this Agreement,including,but not limited to,the obligation for the payment of rent.
2.PREMISES.Landlord hereby rents to Tenant and Tenant hereby hires from Landlord the premises commonly known as address Subject to the terms,conditions and covenants set out herein,all of which are a material part of the consideration of this Agreement.
3.TERM.The tenancy under this Agreement shall commence on December through K and/or shall continue on a month-to-month basis thereafter until either party terminates the tenancy by giving written notice to the other of their intention to terminate the said tenancy,which notice must be given at least 30 days prior to the date of termination.The thirty (30) days notice referred to in this paragraph does not restrict the Landlord from serving the Tenant with any three (3) days notice that the Landlord is entitled by law to serve on the Tenant.
4.RENT.Tenant agrees to pay rent monthly,in advance,no later than the first (1st) day of each and every month.There is no courtesy/grace period and rent is late if received after the first day of the month.The rent payable each month will be the amount of $500 Said rent shall be payable to K The Security Deposit is $250and it will be REFUNDED back to you at the end of your lease.
5.UTILITIES INCLUDED.Heat,Water,Electricity,Hydro,Washer/Dryer,Refrigerator,Gas,Toaster,Oven and Laundry in unit.
Each named Tenant is jointly and severally responsible for full payment of the above stated rent.In the event that a rental payment is submitted for the rental unit by a person and/or entity not named herein as a Tenant; said payment shall be deemed to have been made on behalf of the named Tenant herein.The Landlord's acceptance of any such payment shall not be construed as creating tenancy rights in the person or entity who made the payment.Furthermore,the Landlord's acceptance of any such payment shall not be construed as a waiver of any rights available to the Landlord.

英语翻译1.PARTIES.The parties to this Agreement are Owners of the apartment K herein after referred to as "Landlord" and Tenant_______ and _______________________________,hereinafter (if more than one (1) Tenant jointly referred to as "Tenant").T
1.缔约方.本协议的各方是指公寓所有者K_______业主以下简称为“房东”和房客_______和_____以下称房客(如多于一个租户共同称为“房客”).此处所述的前提只能属于上述被提到的人.租客已完成了租房申请,做为展示件A,房东根据其真实性、完整性、准确性,作为起因订立本协议.本协议是业主和各提名租客之间制定的,提名租客们共同及分别负责本协议项下所有义务,包括,但不限于,支付租金的义务.2.前提.据此房东租给房客,而房客从房东租用本协议规定的,俗称的 地址
3.条款.根据这项协议租赁应自12月通过K 和/或将继续在一个月至一个月的基础上直至任何一方发出书面终止通知表示有意终止租约,上述通知必须至少在终止日期的30天前.这段里所指的三十(30)天不限制房东服务租客的任何三(3)天,这是法律规定房东服务于租客的.
4.租金.租客同意每月支付租金,可提前,不迟于每月第一天.这里没有礼貌/宽限期,不允许租金迟于每月的第一天.每月支付的租金将是500美元,应按时付到K ,押金250美元在您的租约到期将退还给您.

1。缔约方。各方的协议 公寓 K 代表业主以下简称为“房东”和房客_______和_______________________________,以下(如多于一个租户共同称为“房客”)的。此处所述的处所,应只能由占领上述被点名的人。租客已完成了租房申请,集展示一个出来,房东是调查真相,完整性为依托,并将这些信息的准确性,作为吸引订立本协议。本协议是业主之间和租客。租客们是共同及个别就本协议项下所有...


1。缔约方。各方的协议 公寓 K 代表业主以下简称为“房东”和房客_______和_______________________________,以下(如多于一个租户共同称为“房客”)的。此处所述的处所,应只能由占领上述被点名的人。租客已完成了租房申请,集展示一个出来,房东是调查真相,完整性为依托,并将这些信息的准确性,作为吸引订立本协议。本协议是业主之间和租客。租客们是共同及个别就本协议项下所有义务得到充分的表现负责,包括,但不限于,为支付租金的义务。
2。房址。特此房东租给房客 与租客从业主聘用 俗称的房址 地址
3。条件。 根据这项协议租赁应自12月通过 K 和/或将继续在一个月至一个月的基础其后直至任何一方发出书面终止通知,表示有意终止租约上述其他租赁,必须发出通知给予至少30天前的终止日期。三十(30)天通知本款所指不限制从服务租客与房东的三(3)天通知,房东是有权依法送达租客。
这是没有礼貌/宽限期和租金期和迟每月的第一天。每月支付的租金将500元应付到 K 押金250元在您的租约到期将退还给您。
5。什费包含。 暖气,水,电,水电,洗衣机/干衣机,冰箱,煤气,烤面包机,烤箱和洗衣房单位。




1。当事人。本协议各方业主的公寓K完全被称为“业主”,承租人,以下(如果多于一(1)条承租人共同称作“租”),所述场所应由上方的仅占命名。承租人有完成租赁申请,如a,房东不依赖于真理、完整性、准确性等信息,诱使签订本协议。本协议的房主和每一个名叫承租人之间。这个名叫承租人(s)共同和连带责任的义务,为充分表现,在此协议下,包括但不限于,义务支付房租。处所。此租金,承租人和业主特此聘用从房主租房屋俗称地址条款、条件和条款此处出发,所有这一切都是一个重要的一部分,该协议的考虑。术语。根据本协议规定的租赁开始于12月通过K和/或将继续在month-to-month直到一方终止后根据租约书面通知对方终止对他们的意图,通知说租必须至少30天前终止之日。在三十(30)天内通知本款所指的不限制房主主与佃户从服务的任何三(3)天通知房东有权在法律服务的房客。房租。承租人同意支付租金每月,事先不迟于第(1)天的,每一个月。没有礼貌/宽限期,租金是迟后收到这个月的第一天。每个月的租金数额将500美元的租金须支付说K保证金是$ 250and它将如数退还回你的租约。设施包括在内。热、水、电、水电、洗衣机、冰箱、气体机、烤面包机、烤箱、洗衣间的单位。每一个承租人连带负责全额付款的上述租金。如果租赁付款申请租用的单位是由一个人及/或实体不是本作为承租人支付;应视为已被指定为本的房客。房主接受任何该等款项不应被解释为创造租赁权在个人或实体付款了。再者,房主接受任何该等款项不应被解释为放弃任何权利的房主。
