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证明:过点B作BG⊥AB,取BG=AP,连接CG、GQ (注:G与C在直线AB的同一侧)

Speech, how to determine the identity of the speaker

Needless to say, such a presentation results even for a student teacher working in the field for the ordinary, there are still ...


Speech, how to determine the identity of the speaker

Needless to say, such a presentation results even for a student teacher working in the field for the ordinary, there are still quite difficult. There are many factors, the most important point, I believe that: earnestly concerned about the identity of the speaker of the effect of their speech plays an important role. First, the effect of speaker identity and speech 1, the identity of the speaker and the audience When the content of speech, language and keeping the identity of the speaker, the audience will identify with the content of speech, the formation of resonance, and then won a better speech results; the other hand, speaking the effect will be greatly reduced. If Zola's ! clear, not clear how the source of the original in every generation we have springs in this drink! I love Guy de Maupassant, because he truly our Latin descent, he is a decent family of great literature. Maupassant's speech on the funeral, success. From another perspective, this effect was mainly due to the audience on the speaker's Generally speaking, the speaker's identity is always a particular speech,abercrombie marseille, but always with the role of the audience expected to hear the speech of psychological; as a speaker, not only through the contents of his about to conquer the audience, and his own identity also affects the silence among the audience, have a role. As the audience when receiving the content of speech, and always combined with the identity of the speaker to understand. Audience but also the content of the speech and to compare the identity of the speaker,mbt chaussures paris, looking for one of the internal relations, such as speakers Zola close relationship with Guy de Maupassant is a typical example. In other words, if the speech content and the identity of the speaker line, they sound back to the easier to understand and accept. If the speech content and speaker identity are inconsistent, or far from, the character finds toad the content should not or do not, they will be rejected from the inner psychology, or even deny the speaker's speech content. Thus, when the influence of speech will be greatly weakened. 2 speakers, the theme of identity and coordination of speech as the speaker refers to the intuitive view is the main speaker's position, status, actual not stop there, should include the speaker's age, education, experience, personality, etc. the audience is to be taken into account these elements together. Experience with a person's identity is closely related, it can be used as the background of speech, restrict the speech of a man content, form, style and language. For example, a senior lecturer with a younger speakers in the audience's eyes to have different requirements and standards. Identity also shows that a person's cultural background, an expert, scholars and people of a lower cultural lectures on topics in content and should be different. Wait. This means that, in the eyes of the audience, people speaking, their speech topics, look at the issue of perspective,franklin marshall pas cher, information content and quantity, should be roughly commensurate with their status, so that speech will produce the desired results. Conversely, the speaker should not be blind pursuit of self-identity does not match the subject matter or other things, or tend to return to backfire. In real life, some people just so that they only consider the speech content is moving, regardless of its contents are consistent with their own identity, with some inconsistent with their own content or language full of his own speech, hitu membership produce the desired effect of this speech, the result is difficult to do so. Such cases are common. Because of this, which gives every speaker made a very real and pressing issue, that is, the speech must pay attention to their own identity from the start to consider the content and form of speech, which is seeking to effect a good speech necessary . Second, the identity of the speaker and the speech content, form position 1, determined according to the identity of the speaker speech topic speech topics and content and their identity must be consistent. This is a very important principle. In other words, to be consistent with their identity. In this way, one more voice, more say, more smoothly, but also to meet the audience from the topic of the role of expectations on the psychological needs, thereby enhancing the effect of speech. As we all know, Jiangsu Province,birkenstock paris, the famous grade teacher Zhou Yongpei education teacher is a respected veteran, respected by the people, for young teachers in his speech, earnest lecturer Germany, speaking of scientific research, serious demands, even some adverse criticism on the style to meet his special status. The audience also felt very warm, people prefer to listen to. This tells us that as an objective in itself is sometimes the constraints, can talk about, can not say anything, it is luxurious. Speakers should speak from their own departure as the most 2, according to the speaker's identity has to do to send speech speech tone and a different tone, tone, depends not only on the needs of the content of speech, but also to take into account their status, and speakers to tone, do send with their as consistent with the passionate and lyrical atmosphere to combine reasoning, convincing people with reason, and emotionally moving, which opened to the audience's heart. For example, Einstein's speech in memory of Marie Curie a bright future. When Albert Einstein is said to read the last part of the eulogy, because too excited, he lived choking, shortness of breath together. Einstein's emotional speech, is the natural expression of his inner truth, simple and minimalist, and his pies, such as later, as thousands of readers like you and me. This shows that speech, the speaker should grasp - not pretentious - their speech, tone of voice, tone, and pies to play better speech results. In short, identity as a background, as a silent language, speech on the impact of great weight. In the speech to take account of Previous
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如图,在RT三角形ABC中,∠ACB=90,AC=5,CB=12如图. 已知:如图,在Rt三角形abc中,∠acb=Rt∠,∠a=30°,cd⊥ab于点d,求证三角形abc相似三角形cdb已知:如图,在Rt三角形abc中,∠acb=Rt∠,∠a=30°,cd⊥ab于点d,求证三角形abc相似三角形cdb 已知:如图,在Rt三角形ABC中,∠ACB=Rt∠,AC=4,BC=3,求证:四边形EGFH是平行四边形图是对的。抱歉抱歉抱歉,题目应该是:已知:如图,在Rt三角形ABC中,∠ACB=Rt∠,AC=4,BC=3,将三角形ABC平移到三角形A'B'C', 已知:如图,在Rt三角形ABC中,∠ACB=Rt∠,AC=BC,CD⊥AB于点D.求证:三角形ACD相似于三角形ACB 如图,在Rt三角形ABC中,角ACB=90°,角ACB=30度,把三角形ABC绕点C按逆时针如图,在Rt三角形ABC中,角ACB=90°,角ACB=30度,把三角形ABC绕点C按逆时针方向旋转,旋转的角度为α(1)当三角形ADA,是等腰三 如图,在Rt三角形ABC中,角ACB=90度 如图,在Rt三角形ABC中,∠ACB=90°,AB=2AC,D为AB边上中点,连接CD,证明三角形ADC为等边三角形 如图,在三角形abc中,角acb=90 如图,在Rt三角形ABC中,∠ACB=90°,AC=BC,AB=4cm.D为AB的中点,求三角形ABC的面积及如图,在Rt三角形ABC中,∠ACB=90°,AC=BC,AB=4cm.D为AB的中点,求三角形ABC的面积及CD的长。 如图,已知在Rt三角形ABC中,角ACB=90°,AC=12,BC=5, 如图,在Rt三角形ABC中,角ACB=90度,AC=BC=6 已知如图在RT△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,CA=CB 已知如图在RT△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,CA=CB 如图,Rt三角形ABC中,角ACB=90度 如图,在Rt三角形ABC中,∠ACB=90°,DE为中位线,∠CEF=∠A(1)求证:四边形CDEF为平行四边形 如图,在Rt三角形ABC中,∠ACB=90度,∠A=30度,CD⊥AB,BD=1,则AB=() 如图 在rt三角形abc中,∠acb=90°,cd⊥ab,若bd比ad=1比3,求∠b的度数 如图,已知:在RT三角形ABC中,∠ACB=90°,AC=12,BC=5,求MN的长.