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Social responsibility
The British generally have a sense of social responsibility. Some people reached a very high "Lei Feng" realm. There is only one China "Lei Feng", but I have to say that Britain's "Lei Feng" absolutely more than one, but also more than 10.
This sense of social responsibility is manifested in many forms, some of us in the eyes of Chinese people a little bit difficult to understand.
My landlord did not fly the Green Party is to her beliefs. Last year, the Lebanese war, 100,000 British people sacrifice rest time Saturdays to London demonstrations are peaceful. There are a few people intruded into the Scottish RAF base to see if a stop in Israel Yun bomb American aircraft, and so on. But best embodies a sense of social responsibility is a British non-governmental organizations and volunteers.
In 2005 the United Kingdom the number of volunteers for 20400000, at least once a month to participate in voluntary action. Control Britain 60 million the total population, it should be said that this figure is impressive. The British Ministry of the Interior estimates, the annual contribution made by volunteers the economic value of over 25 billion pounds.
Britain has a large number of charitable organizations (charities), or in the traditional sense of the existence of the charity as the main purpose of the nonprofit organization. Britain in the Middle Ages on a church set up a charitable cause, 400 years ago the world's first charitable cause of a specialized legal norms. So charitable organizations in the United Kingdom has a long history, and there is broad, mature enormous impact.
British society is very tolerant with a long characteristics. Here are many reasons, religious, historical, demographic composition and so on are all reasons.
Tolerance is the basic content of the first maximum tolerance of different views, allowing all kinds of views published exchanges. Tolerance is a necessary condition for democracy. As a famous statement said: I do not agree with your point of view, but the expression of the death to defend your rights.
Tolerance also means that we should respect other ethnic groups of people, other cultures. Finally, the United Kingdom also represents tolerance asylum, which is accepted in other parts of persecution of people ran to the refugees and so forth here. The Ministry of the Interior has specialized institutions dealing with these issues, there are specialized court related case.
We all know that the fact is: in Victoria era, Marx lived in London for a long time (the Prussian authorities and the Belgian government expelled), the use of the British Museum's library collection, in his theoretical research, writing "Das Kapital" and and Engels together in 1848 in London issued the "Manifesto of the Communist Party." It is entirely possible that no British tolerance, not Marxism.
Britain has a strong culture of the creative factor, or the atmosphere of the community as a whole is to encourage innovation, and appreciate the various means of differentiating itself (here also tolerant factors play a role).
Weeks said that China is to encourage innovation, but we should recognize the contrast from the relatively conservative society as a whole, people who lack the means of differentiating itself understanding, encouragement and protection.
From a historical point of view, the creation of the British invented or created by the British is a lot of scientific theories, such as Newton and Darwin's theory. There are many innovations and inventions in our everyday life. Casually can cite examples are:
A modern sense, the postal system; frames; modern sense, the railway mode of transport; Metro: First lines connecting the northern region is London Paddington to Farringdon line, in 1863 opened; MRI, or magnetic resonance imaging technology, and so on.
However, we recognized the greatest invention is the parliamentary system, the entire western England is the birthplace of parliamentary democracy. This topic is very large, say a few individual needs.
Democracy and the rule of law
This referred to the British tradition and system, we must look back at history. History is very complicated, but we can select several of the most important scenes, or they may be called debris: "Great Charter", John Locke, Thomas POON and Robert Owen.
British history is the most important document "Magna Carta", the English called Grand Charter, which is the original Latin, called Magna Carta. The basic background is in the June 10, 1215, England's aristocracy who because of dissatisfaction with the autocratic King to unite, the threat of force, in consultation with the Kings a lease for part of the King to give up power, respect for the independence of the judiciary, so that the monarchy by law norms. King agreed to the request of the aristocracy, nobility is to swear allegiance to the king.
This document is a British parliamentary democracy and the legal system and starting point. "Magna Carta" is the historical status: British common law system foundation.
During the Middle Ages, Scotland, England has its own Parliament, and of course the very different now, belongs to the sovereign rule of procedure organs. 1707 Scotland and England's Congress today, the merger of the British Parliament.
John Locke (John Locke 1632-1704) Lockhart most important contribution was his theory of political theory, the theory of governance. He was at Oxford University studying and teaching for 15 years. Late in the 17th century, that is from 1666 after more than 30 years, Locke wrote several of the now very famous book and political papers, which are generally classified as political thesis "government", a Chinese translation of domestic Commercial Press edition.
"On" is the most basic view is opposed monarchical power God granted. This is the earliest human rights theories. Locke also first to propose the distribution of power and government restrictions, that the executive power and legislative power should be separated, but in order to prevent an arbitrary way, the legislative power should be higher than that of the executive power. Locke vigorously advocate tolerance (toleration) the spirit of this end was made papers.
Locke's thinking on these people who later had a great influence. Decentralization view was later French philosopher Montesquieu to develop into a separation of powers theory, freedom and human rights thinking of the founding father of the United States Thomas Jefferson and others to accept and deepen; Voltaire's thinking on the Lockerbie to France , greatly influencing the French Enlightenment and the French Revolution later.
Incidentally, the death was buried in the Lockerbie Oxford University's Christ Church College cathedral, if you to the University of Oxford's largest colleges visited, we can see the signs on the ground.
Thomas POON (Thomas Paine 1737-1809) is a 18th century British scholar and revolutionary activists. This is a rare in the history of British legend, life in the United Kingdom, France, the United States spent. He is like the history of China who wrote "Revolutionary Army," Rong Zou.
In January 1776 he was "common sense" (Common Sense) published a book entitled The British North American colonies independent promote the booklet as immediately as wildfires burn times of the entire North American colony, circulation of more than 120,000 (then colonial North America residents were only 4 million people, including illiterate). This book can be said to be North America "Declaration of Independence" the prelude.
In March 1791潘恩published a "human rights" a book (Rights of Man), the advocate of human rights, warmly supported by the French Revolution. He did not speak French, but France was awarded the title of honorary citizenship, elected to the French National Assembly.
潘恩in Lewes now lived in the house is a small house museum, I was fortunate to read, full of respect.
Robert Owen (Robert Owen 1771-1858) is a well-known history of the socialist thinkers, philanthropists, the British his honorific title "Father of cooperatives." Prime Minister Tony Blair in 1999 in a speech said to him (the foundation of the Labor Party).
Owen origin impoverished, stem from apprentice from the last owner of a textile company. He attached particular importance to solving the problems of poverty, and in their own treatment plants to improve staff initiated the cooperative movement, immigrants in the United States to develop a harmonious zone experiment. He also proposed a set of educational theory (education combined with productive labor, universal compulsory education, etc.). He's thinking of the 19th century and the cooperative movement closely linked to the trade union movement, Marxism and the subsequent formation of the Labor Party's birth (1900), and so have had a far-reaching impact.
These historical events and figures on the British today still play an influence. To learn more about how some British history, contribute to understanding of the United Kingdom, the British understand, adapt to British culture. (