商务英语翻译!高手进!Managing a portfolio of supplier relationships Relationship building is argued to be a key aspect of a buyer’s role (Wingate and Friedlander, 1978; cited in Fiorito, 1990). A company will have a variety of relationship

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 18:50:52
商务英语翻译!高手进!Managing a portfolio of supplier relationships Relationship building is argued to be a key aspect of a buyer’s role (Wingate and Friedlander, 1978; cited in Fiorito, 1990).  A company will have a variety of relationship
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商务英语翻译!高手进!Managing a portfolio of supplier relationships Relationship building is argued to be a key aspect of a buyer’s role (Wingate and Friedlander, 1978; cited in Fiorito, 1990). A company will have a variety of relationship
Managing a portfolio of supplier relationships
Relationship building is argued to be a key aspect of a buyer’s role (Wingate and Friedlander, 1978; cited in Fiorito, 1990). A company will have a variety of relationships ranging from close partnerships with key suppliers to develop products, through to distant relationships for a one-off purchase and an emphasis on getting the lowest price (Table I). Kilduff (2005) suggests that an adversarial and arm’s length approach is typical of fashion retailers. Often long-term relationships will involve social and interpersonal relationships, as well as formal and contractual relationships between organisations (Bruce and Morris, 1998; Palmer, 2000; Tucker and Jones, 2002). Within fast fashion, the question arises, are long-established suppliers able to provide a time-compressed service in a tight budget? Some suppliers are investing in design capabilities to reduce time to market to achieve these constraints. Buyers have to switch supply to bring on-stream local suppliers to introduce innovation rapidly into the market which may involve buying weekly. Flexibility is critical in fast fashion to ensure rapid replenishment.

商务英语翻译!高手进!Managing a portfolio of supplier relationships Relationship building is argued to be a key aspect of a buyer’s role (Wingate and Friedlander, 1978; cited in Fiorito, 1990). A company will have a variety of relationship
关系的建立被认为是一个买方角色的关键因素.一个公司拥有一系列关系,从关系密切的关键商品开发供应商,到关系比较有距离的一次性购买和强调获得最低价的采购. Kilduff(2005)认为,手臂所及的长度与对抗性的关系最典型的就体现在时装零售商上.通常长期的关系将涉及社会及私人关系,以及各组织之间正式的和契约关系.在快速消费的时尚界,由此产生的问题,是长期建立的供应商在预算紧张的情况下能否提供快速的服务?一些供应商正投资于设计能力以缩短产品上市时间从而突破这些限制.买家必须转变供给而迅速带动那些意味着每周都要购买的本地供应商将创新引入市场.灵活性对需要确保迅速补货的快速时尚业至关生死.

管理投资组合的供应商关系关系建设被说是买方角色 。公司将有各种关系密切的伙伴关系,与关键的供应商开发通过远距离的关系,一次性购买的产品,从和强调获取最低的价格表一、 感知到 2005年表明对抗和臂的长度的方法是一种典型的时装零售商。经常有长期的合作关系将涉及社会和人际关系的关系,以及组织布鲁斯和莫里斯,1998 年 ; 正式合同关系帕尔默,2000 年 ;塔克和琼斯,2002年。在快速的时尚,问题...


管理投资组合的供应商关系关系建设被说是买方角色 。公司将有各种关系密切的伙伴关系,与关键的供应商开发通过远距离的关系,一次性购买的产品,从和强调获取最低的价格表一、 感知到 2005年表明对抗和臂的长度的方法是一种典型的时装零售商。经常有长期的合作关系将涉及社会和人际关系的关系,以及组织布鲁斯和莫里斯,1998 年 ; 正式合同关系帕尔默,2000 年 ;塔克和琼斯,2002年。在快速的时尚,问题出现,长期供应商能够提供在财政紧绌的时间压缩服务吗?一些供应商投资时间减少到市场实现这些约束的设计能力。买家要切换,使能效当地供应商引入创新快速进入市场,可能涉及购买每周供应。灵活快速的方式,以确保快速补给至关重要。
