
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/07 07:45:25
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Deng Ya Ping,born in February 6,1973 in Henan Zhengzhou,retired women's table tennis team players.
From 5 years old start to play,in 1983 into the Henan team,entered the national team in 1988.His athletic career,won 18 world titles,2 consecutive 4 time Olympic champion,became the first back-to-back Olympic table tennis gold medal athlete.Known as the "table tennis Queen",one of the 2001 Beijing Olympic biddelegation,Ambassador for Beijing's Olympic bid; in April 16,2009,was DeputySecretary of Beijing Communist Youth league.In September 26,2010,Deng Ya Ping was appointed Deputy Secretary General of the people's daily,long since.