英语翻译1 Which is a vector quantity?(1) electric charge(2) electric field strength(3) electric potential difference(4) electric resistance5 A machine launches a tennis ball at an angle of25° above the horizontal at a speed of 14 metersper secon

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 22:12:42
英语翻译1 Which is a vector quantity?(1) electric charge(2) electric field strength(3) electric potential difference(4) electric resistance5 A machine launches a tennis ball at an angle of25° above the horizontal at a speed of 14 metersper secon
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英语翻译1 Which is a vector quantity?(1) electric charge(2) electric field strength(3) electric potential difference(4) electric resistance5 A machine launches a tennis ball at an angle of25° above the horizontal at a speed of 14 metersper secon
1 Which is a vector quantity?
(1) electric charge
(2) electric field strength
(3) electric potential difference
(4) electric resistance
5 A machine launches a tennis ball at an angle of
25° above the horizontal at a speed of 14 meters
per second.The ball returns to level ground.
Which combination of changes must produce an
increase in time of flight of a second launch?
(1) decrease the launch angle and decrease the
ball’s initial speed
(2) decrease the launch angle and increase the
ball’s initial speed
(3) increase the launch angle and decrease the
ball’s initial speed
(4) increase the launch angle and increase the
ball’s initial speed
11 A 0.15-kilogram baseball moving at 20.meters per
second is stopped by a catcher in 0.010 second.
The average force stopping the ball is
(1) 3.0 × 10–2 N (3) 3.0 × 101 N
(2) 3.0 × 100 N (4) 3.0 × 102 N
12 A spring with a spring constant of 80.newtons
per meter is displaced 0.30 meter from its
equilibrium position.The potential energy
stored in the spring is
(1) 3.6 J (3) 12 J
(2) 7.2 J (4) 24 J
16 Which statement best describes a proton that is
being accelerated?
(1) It produces electromagnetic radiation.
(2) The magnitude of its charge increases.
(3) It absorbs a neutron to become an electron.
(4) It is attracted to other protons.
18 If the distance separating an electron and a
proton is halved,the magnitude of the
electrostatic force between these charged
particles will be
(1) unchanged (3) quartered
(2) doubled (4) quadrupled
21,If the amplitude of a wave traveling in a rope is
doubled,the speed of the wave in the rope will
(1) decrease
(2) increase
(3) remain the same
25 As a transverse wave travels through a medium,
the individual particles of the medium move
(1) perpendicular to the direction of wave travel
(2) parallel to the direction of wave travel
(3) in circles
(4) in ellipses

英语翻译1 Which is a vector quantity?(1) electric charge(2) electric field strength(3) electric potential difference(4) electric resistance5 A machine launches a tennis ball at an angle of25° above the horizontal at a speed of 14 metersper secon
(1) 3.0 × 10–2 N (3) 3.0 × 101 N
(2) 3.0 × 100 N (4) 3.0 × 102 N
(1) 3.6 J (3) 12 J
(2) 7.2 J (4) 24 J
(1) 引起强辐射.
(2) 电势差大大增加.
(3) 吸收一个中子转变成电子.
(4) 被其他质子所吸引.
18,如果将电子与质子之间的距离减半 ,那么在这些激烈的粒子之间存在的大量静电力将会
(1) 不变 (3) 变为原来的1/4
(2) 变为原来的2倍 (4) 变为原来的4倍
(1) 减小
(2) 增大
(3) 保持不变
(1) 与横波方向相垂直
(2) 与横波方向相平行
(3) 环圆行移动
(4) 呈椭圆形状移动

4)电阻/ 就是对电有抵抗力
5) 一个机器在地平线上以25度的角度和14公尺/每秒的速度 扔了一 个网球。 球过了一会儿回到地上。Which combination of changes ...


4)电阻/ 就是对电有抵抗力
5) 一个机器在地平线上以25度的角度和14公尺/每秒的速度 扔了一 个网球。 球过了一会儿回到地上。Which combination of changes must produce an increase in time of flight of a second launch? 这句看不是很懂。 好像是“哪些改变联合一起可以让时间增多把。。
1) 扔球时减少角度并且减少扔球的速度
2) 扔球时减少角度并且增加扔球的速度
3) 扔球时增加角度并且减少扔球的速度
4) 扔球时增加角度并且增加扔球的速度
11) 一个重有0.15千克的球以每秒20公尺的速度往网飞去,可是被捕手
(1) 3.0 × 10–2 N (3) 3.0 × 101 N
(2) 3.0 × 100 N (4) 3.0 × 102 N
12) 一个弹簧,它的常数是每公尺80.牛顿。这个弹簧在离它的平衡位置 0.30公尺的地方被转移。请问在这个弹簧里面的潜在的力是;
(1) 3.6 J (3) 12 J
(2) 7.2 J (4) 24 J
(1) 它制造了电磁辐射
(2) 它的负荷量增大
4) 它与其他[核]质子相互吸引
18) 如果电子和[核]质子之间的距离是一半(2等份)的话, 那么
在这些粒子(+ = - 粒子有这些符号)之间的静电力的量级是:
(1) 不变 (3) 4份之1
(2) 变2倍 (4) 变4倍

21) 如果一个电波的振幅在通过一条绳子上的时候变成了2倍, 那么电波在绳子里面的速度是:
(1) 减少
(2) 增加
(3) 不变
25)当一个横波”电过, 或者通过(不知道怎么表达)一个medium 的时候,哪个medium的粒子往...方向动
(1) 波向垂直的地方
(2) 波向并行的地方(跟电波一样的方向)
(3) 以圆圈的方式
(4) 以椭圆形的方式
