
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 04:54:10
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“20世纪90年代末以来,“80后”这个概念反复出现在文坛的争辩与评议中.我们暂且不追究“8O后”这个概念的提出是否与其存在的真正意义相符.然而.我们今天看到的是铺天盖地的80后作品占据畅销书的光荣榜,牢牢的抓住了广大读者的眼球.有人说,他们是“文坛乃至整个文化界的一大景象,带给人们以无尽的思考” 毋庸置疑.也有人说80后是包装成功的商业产品,其作品是肤浅的,是幼稚的.我们当然不能否认80后作家还未进入人生真正的成熟期,其作品所接触的范围也是处于青年时期,谁说人的青春期不是纯真而又美丽的呢.著名作家莫言就认为,“如果所有人都写出托尔斯泰一样的经典作品,那这个社会也太枯燥和沉重了.百花齐放才最好.”80后文学的客观存在与发展,不得不使我们对其进行理性的审美思考,80后文学的审美价值到底是什么?审美价值是客观的,是不取决于人而存在的自然性质.也正因此,它客观地、不取决于人的意识和意志而存在着这些现象同人和社会的相互关系,存在在社会历史实践的过程中.而我们的审美评价又是主观的,它是对价值的主观体现.我们在不断的社会实践中发现这个物质世界的审美价值.”

Since the end of 1990s,the concept "After 80" repeatedly appears in literary debates and comments.We just defer whether the coming out of the concept of “After 80” is matched with the real meaning of its existence.However,today what we see is the overwhelming works written by “After 80” writers occupy the best-selling book list,and those works firmly seize the attention of a large number of readers.Some say "they are new scenes of literary field and the whole cultural area,who bring people to the endless thinking." There is no doubt about it.Some also say “After 80” writers are successfully packaging products,whose works are superficial and immature.Of course we can not deny that “After80” writers have not really entered the mature stage of life,the scope of their works would be exposed to a period of youth,but who can deny that puberty is pure and beautiful!A famous writer Yan Mo believes that,"If all the writers wrote the classic works as Tolstoy did,then the whole community would be very boring and heavy,it's better to let a hundred flowers bloom.” The objective existence and development of “After 80”works enable us to have a rational and aesthetic thinking,and what is the aesthetic value of literature in “After 80”works?Aesthetic Value is objective,which is not dependent on the nature of human.For this reason,it exists objectively and not depending on people's awareness and will,these phenomena and the relationships between people and society have a historical existence in the course of practice.Our aesthetic evaluation is subjective,which is the embodied subjective value.We’ll continuously discover the aesthetic value in the social practice of this material world.