请说明原因 (已知答案是D项,为什么不是A呢?)It is hard for Jennifer to see what problem she has( ) in the company.Simply because she is a girl?A.got promoted B.getting promoting C.got promoted D.getting promoted

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 20:01:15
请说明原因 (已知答案是D项,为什么不是A呢?)It is hard for Jennifer to see what problem she has( ) in the company.Simply because she is a girl?A.got promoted B.getting promoting C.got promoted D.getting promoted
xU]O`+KdDvKJ&| p N]Lh~=o^v"!3˖,iryo|)L"5| 3pyndOYz,Ko;Y]<6n$KI /hp "HO Dl9EH2M7KQ"`e%k|$^#܊o5هG|"<7lHL;  JӳG&p~rGh`Lz(CSY ې/[L `iqg|6Sv]ttU#qA/k{Fu2*@@SHbi5c!/WB] ӳ:48ݴuBPFy G"#)VoN 2Zay5bxucfUEI z.h.kz δMR K49z^GWG3 R$1{PQt!+n$ƶX`Lk ,Tc&x *@tM;Eq1zӭM'@_Y d>%NhPAζVujXURVa 5Su@§STMV[Șh5k3E)Cf-#X7 ʼnکQ&qP@y,޽0Ej\vZkzp%|s{(8BTY?N0p矞ܣ.

请说明原因 (已知答案是D项,为什么不是A呢?)It is hard for Jennifer to see what problem she has( ) in the company.Simply because she is a girl?A.got promoted B.getting promoting C.got promoted D.getting promoted
请说明原因 (已知答案是D项,为什么不是A呢?)
It is hard for Jennifer to see what problem she has( ) in the company.Simply because she is a girl?
A.got promoted B.getting promoting C.got promoted D.getting promoted

请说明原因 (已知答案是D项,为什么不是A呢?)It is hard for Jennifer to see what problem she has( ) in the company.Simply because she is a girl?A.got promoted B.getting promoting C.got promoted D.getting promoted
It is hard for Jennifer [to see (what problem she has)][getting promoted] in the company.Simply because she is a girl?
3.注意这里的get 他和Jennifer是主动关系 而非被动
4.这里的[to see (what problem she has)和getting promoted同时作为Jennifer的宾补,所以不是因为什么see sth doing这个搭配是没有的

固定搭配,have problem doing sth做某事有困难,可以在从句从看清这个搭配吗?

have problem/difficult (in) doing sth 做某事有问题(困难)是固定搭配。

感觉是has和后面的成分应该分开理解,因为是have a problem而不是get a problem

因为, It is hard for Jennifer to see (what problem she has) getting promoted in the company.
而不单纯是has 后面接过去分词。

请说明原因 (已知答案是D项,为什么不是A呢?)It is hard for Jennifer to see what problem she has( ) in the company.Simply because she is a girl?A.got promoted B.getting promoting C.got promoted D.getting promoted How long has the lab in your school been___use?A.into B.in C.of D.for答案应该选B,为什么不是A?请说明原因,谢谢~ 为什么井是冬暖夏凉,请说明原因. 人去世还是不是生物?为什么?请说明原因. ( )in the street is very dangerous.答案是playing,为什么,请说明原因. 如图所示,10题,为什么C答案不正确,请说明原因, You should listen____attention.A.in B.with C.by D.to答案应该选B,为什么?请说明原因, The region is____with possible earthquakeA.threatened B.frightened C.attacked D.wrapped答案应该选A,为什么?请说明原因, Never __ time come back again.A.will you loseB.will lostC.have I lostD.am I losing答案是B.为什么?不是D?请详细说明. What he told you yesterday_____true.A.was proved to be B.provedC.was proved D.proved being答案应该选A,为什么?请说明原因,正确答案应该是B,我选的是A,说明下A为什么不能选, 海豹是不是两栖动物?回答是与不是,并说明为什么.请不要摘抄别人的答案. 海豹是不是两栖动物?回答是与不是,并说明为什么.请不要摘抄别人的答案. 以下不是乙烯的用途的是哪一项?A.制聚乙烯塑料 B.制取乙烷 C.制乙醇 D.果实催熟剂请说明原因, 高中化学题目,请写分析原因,谢谢! PUOTO16答案是D,但不知道为什么? 蓝蓝的天空像大海一样蓝.是比喻句吗?为什么不是比喻句,请说明原因. 我知道是选d 那请说明其他答案为什么错呢? 已知{An}成等差数列,请说明{nAn}为什么不是等差数列 下列哪一项不是RNA具有的? A.复制 B.转录 C.逆转录 D.翻译请说明原因