英语翻译THE STOCK which is lent at interest is always considered as a capital by the lender.He expects that in due time it is to be restored to him,and that in the mean time the borrower is to pay him a certain annual rent for the use of it.The b

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 07:01:32
英语翻译THE STOCK which is lent at interest is always considered as a capital by the lender.He expects that in due time it is to be restored to him,and that in the mean time the borrower is to pay him a certain annual rent for the use of it.The b
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英语翻译THE STOCK which is lent at interest is always considered as a capital by the lender.He expects that in due time it is to be restored to him,and that in the mean time the borrower is to pay him a certain annual rent for the use of it.The b
THE STOCK which is lent at interest is always considered as a capital by the lender.He expects that in due time it is to be restored to him,and that in the mean time the borrower is to pay him a certain annual rent for the use of it.The borrower may use it either as a capital,or as a stock reserved for immediate consumption.If he uses it as a capital,he employs it in the maintenance of productive labourers,who reproduce the value with a profit.He can,in this case,both restore the capital and pay the interest without alienating or encroaching upon any other source or revenue.If he uses it as a stock reserved for immediate consumption,he acts the part of a prodigal,and dissipates in the maintenance of the idle,what was destined for the support of the industrious.He can,in this case,neither restore the capital nor pay the interest,without either alienating or encroaching upon some other source of revenue,such as the property or the rent of land.1
The stock which is lent at interest is,no doubt,occasionally employed in both these ways,but in the former much more frequently than in the latter.The man who borrows in order to spend will soon be ruined,and he who lends to him will generally have occasion to repent of his folly.To borrow or to lend for such a purpose,therefore,is in all cases,where gross usury is out of the question,contrary to the interest of both parties; and though it no doubt happens sometimes that people do both the one and the other; yet,from the regard that all men have for their own interest,we may be assured,that it cannot happen so very frequently as we are sometimes apt to imagine.Ask any rich man of common prudence,to which of the two sorts of people he has lent the greater part of his stock,to those who,he thinks,will employ it profitably,or to those who will spend it idly,and he will laugh at you for proposing the question.Even among borrowers,therefore,not the people in the world most famous for frugality,the number of the frugal and industrious surpasses considerably that of the prodigal and idle.2
The only people to whom stock is commonly lent,without their being expected to make any very profitable use of it,are country gentlemen who borrow upon mortgage.Even they scarce ever borrow merely to spend.What they borrow,one may say,is commonly spent before they borrow it.They have generally consumed so great a quantity of goods,advanced to them upon credit by shopkeepers and tradesmen,that they find it necessary to borrow at interest in order to pay the debt.The capital borrowed replaces the capitals of those shopkeepers and tradesmen,which the country gentlemen could not have replaced from the rents of their estates.It is not properly borrowed in order to be spent,but in order to replace a capital which had been spent before.3
In this manner the same pieces,either of coin or of paper,may,in the course of a few days,serve as the instrument of three different loans,and of three different purchases,each of which is,in value,equal to the whole amount of those pieces.What the three monied men,A,B,and C,assign to the three borrowers,W,X,Y,is the power of making those purchases.

英语翻译THE STOCK which is lent at interest is always considered as a capital by the lender.He expects that in due time it is to be restored to him,and that in the mean time the borrower is to pay him a certain annual rent for the use of it.The b
这种情况下同样的货物,例如硬币或纸币,在几天内可能用于三宗不同的借贷,以及三宗不同的购买,每一宗都包括全部货物价值.3个借方A,B,C 赋予3个贷方W,X,Y的是进行这些购买的权利



股市是借给在利益总是认为是投入资金的贷款。他预计,在适当的时候是要恢复到他,并同时对借款人是向他支付一定的年租金为使用它。借款人可以使用它作为一种资本,或作为库存保留的即期消费。如果他使用它作为一种资本,他雇用了它在维持生产性劳动者,谁复制的价值与利润。他可以在这种情况下,双方恢复资本和支付利息没有疏远或侵害或任何其他来源的收入。如果他使用它作为库存保留即期消费,他的行为的一个组成部分浪子,和消散在维护闲置,什么是注定的支持,勤劳。他可以在这种情况下,既不恢复资本,也不支付利息,而不是疏远或侵犯其他的收入来源,如财产或出租土地。 1
这是该公司在贷款利息,毫无疑问,有时都采用这些方法,但前者更经常高于后者。该名男子谁借用,以花将很快被毁掉,他谁借给他将普遍有机会忏悔,他的愚蠢行为。借用或借这样一个目的,因此,在所有情况下,总高利贷是不可能的,违背双方的利益;和但毫无疑问,人们有时会发生这样的一个与其他然而,从所有的方面,男性为自己的利益,我们可以放心,它不能发生非常频繁,因为我们有时容易想象。问任何富人共同采取谨慎态度,而这两个类型的人,他借给了较大部分的股票,这些谁,他认为,将采用它有利可图,或将这些谁花钱袖手旁观,他将嘲笑你提出的问题。即使在借款,因此,没有人在世界上最有名的节俭,在一些节俭和勤劳超过大大的浪子和闲置。 2
几乎所有的贷款利息是在资金,无论是纸张,或黄金和白银。但借款人真的想,什么放款他真的用品,不是金钱,但金钱的价值,或者货物,它可以购买。如果他想为股票的即期消费,这是这些货物只有他可以在这个股票。如果他想作为资本雇用业来说,它是从这些商品不仅勤劳可以提供的工具,材料和维修,必要时进行其工作。通过贷款,贷款人,因为它是,赋予他的权利,借款人一定比例的年度生产的土地和劳力的国家,受聘为借款人高兴。 4




T是注定的支持,勤劳。他可以在这种情况下,既不恢复资本,也不支付利息,而不是疏远或侵犯其他的收入来源,如财产或出租土地。 1
引擎。问任何富人共同采取谨慎态度,而这两个类型的人,他借给了较大部分的股票,这些谁,他认为,将采用它有利可图,或将这些谁花钱袖手旁观,他将嘲笑你提出的问题。即使在借款,因此,没有人在世界上最有名的节俭,在一些节俭和勤劳超过大大的浪子和闲置。 2
先进的后向他们贷款的店主和商人,他们认为有必要借款利息,以偿还债务。借来的资本取代的首都那些店主和商人,该国君子不能取代从租金的屋。这是没有正确地借用以花费,而是为了取代了资本,之前已经花了。 3
