
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 15:11:06
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my hometown is in liaocheng ,shandong provice ,with beautiful scenes and kind people .however ,i am born in ningan and grow up there .actually ,russian is near to my home ,only 4 hours train ride .i rememer than in my youth going abroad is shorter than going to school which take me 9 hours' ride.


In fact, my hometown is in Liaocheng,Shandong. It is very beatiful and people there are very kind. I was born and grew up in Ning'an. To tell the truth, Russia is very close to us, it usually takes fo...


In fact, my hometown is in Liaocheng,Shandong. It is very beatiful and people there are very kind. I was born and grew up in Ning'an. To tell the truth, Russia is very close to us, it usually takes four hours to go there by train. I remembered it took me less time to go abroad than going to school, however, it would take me nine hours to go to school by train....


In fact, my hometown is liaocheng, Shandong. It is really beautiful there. People there are really nice and friendly. But I was born and grown up in ningan. Russia is really close to us actually. It t...


In fact, my hometown is liaocheng, Shandong. It is really beautiful there. People there are really nice and friendly. But I was born and grown up in ningan. Russia is really close to us actually. It takes only four hours. I remember when I was little that I went aboard was even closer than I went to school. It took me nine hours on train to go to school when I was little.


My hometown in shandong liaocheng,In fact it is very beautiful, the person is very kind and friendly. But I grew up in ning an born and raised. In Russia from our very near, the train only four hours away, I remember my childhood out than to go to school near China trip even when I was a boy I school to do nine hours by train.

Actually my hometown is Liangcheng, Shandong. It's a pretty place and people there are really friendly. But i was grow up in Niangan. Russia is really close to us, it only takes me 4 hours by train. I...


Actually my hometown is Liangcheng, Shandong. It's a pretty place and people there are really friendly. But i was grow up in Niangan. Russia is really close to us, it only takes me 4 hours by train. I still remember i went abroad is much closer than went to school when i was a little child----it took me 9 hours to go school by train.


英语翻译其实我的家乡在山东聊城,那非常美,人非常友好善良.但我从小在宁安出生,长大.其实俄罗斯离我们非常近,坐火车只有4个小时路程,我记得我小时候出趟国比上学还要近,我小时候上学 英语翻译山东聊城的哦 山东聊城的气候怎么样. 英语翻译亲爱的杰克先生,我已收到了你的来信,具我所知你对繁华的城市生活感到非常厌恶,那就让我来给你讲述一下我的家乡吧!我从小生活在偏僻的农村里,但那里很美.我很快乐!我家大门前 英语翻译这是一个自我简介:我的名字叫皮特!家乡是山东聊城.我是应用化工专业08级学生.平时爱好广泛,比如打篮球,阅读之类的.特别喜欢听听英文歌曲,看看英文电影.我觉得英文电影里面带 我的家乡在山东,我想要一篇关于《家乡的特产》的作文. 我是山东聊城的.生物地理在初二会考时没及格.明年就要升高中了,会不会有影响?这是我一直以来的心事. 我的家乡是山东,修改病句. 我的家乡--山东英文演讲稿 我的家乡山东 英语作文二百字 英语翻译看,那座最高的山是一座雪山,在冬天的时候,商定会积满雪,在这儿就可以看到山顶是一片白色,非常美丽.在雪山的那一边就是我的家乡. 今天晚上有英仙座流星在山东聊城能看到吗 翻译成英语:“我的家乡非常美,欢迎你们来做客” 2000字的作文,我的家乡在变美 我的家乡在变美 2000字以内 我要一个家乡美的作文我家在卫辉! 我的家乡美在大庆快着急! 在过去我的家乡是一个非常漂亮的地方,可现在到处污水横流【用英语翻译】