for the last few years和 in the last few years的区别

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 21:46:35
for the last few years和 in the last few years的区别
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for the last few years和 in the last few years的区别
for the last few years和 in the last few years的区别

for the last few years和 in the last few years的区别
1、for the lastfew years 表示“近几年以来”,多与完成时态连用,含持续时间的意思.

The controversy has waged for the last few years.近几年以来,论战一直在进行.
After  having made his pile by working in industry for the last few years, he moved to the country and bought a farm. 最近几年以来,他在工业方面干到发财之后搬到乡村,买下一个农场.

2、in the lastfew years 有两层含义


In the last few years we may no longer have a monarchy.最近几年后,君主政体可能将不复存在.
In the last years you'll have no bloody things. 这几年后,你们不会再有任何该死的东西了.


They have amassed a fortune in the last few years.他们在近几年的时间里就聚集了一笔财富.

in the 18th century在十八世纪 in spring 在春天
In the last few years, this art has made a big leap. 近几年来, 这一艺术有了新的跃进.
I'm getting forgetful in my old...


in the 18th century在十八世纪 in spring 在春天
In the last few years, this art has made a big leap. 近几年来, 这一艺术有了新的跃进.
I'm getting forgetful in my old age.我上了年纪,变得健忘了。
It'll be ready in a week's time.只需一周的时间就会准备好。
She learnt to drive in three weeks.她花了三个星期就学会了开车。
In attempting to save the child from drowning, she nearly lost her own life.她在抢救落水儿童时,差点丧命。
In all the commotion I forgot to tell him the news.在一阵混乱之中,我忘记告诉他那个消息。
Can you finisn the work by five o'clock?你能在五点前完成这个工作吗?
I'll have it done by tomorrow.我将在明天前【让人】完成这件事。
By the time the letter reaches you I’ll have left the country.你收到这封信时,我已经离开这个国家了。
I'm going away for a few days.我要离开几天。
That's all the news there is for now.目前的新闻就是这么多了。
We‘re invited for 7:30.我们受邀,七点三十分出席。 an appoinment for May 12.

