
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 17:51:59
xT]OG+V/C湑<쎽#vw~sb@ I!IՂڂb?;ޙ]#R>|;s-3q9H.igɇdez҉_Qf;$Kٌ=yxzI}?jB[Q&zrvАŴg^n;NO6/%܎Bnn؈ɋƨuvNң* ZO !Omے'ƂnC?*awTE fd|Zza@?oӠ/?_.|j֯ZKvf[eL+xqٗK}m-$lc39%ʼh$yi"P~ =Y>K\y#ZWRW@R(+N3ͱi!6  l*յuL@  ë( AWD) G<~*|z]`O\[,;w#_r"3?g@rV`__X؜e{eUhfb#.XU W8NA5qJq BɔPmƬYzF*NH]H.]AW!zdW⩽L


alright let me get all of these shits straight:
first one
he put all of his attention on an action movie and totally forgot to make food for his family
it's an unexpect game,so that it's hard to make a conclusion
third one
he was retired last year after his 20 photographer career years
fourth oine
most of the insects always against farmer's harvest by eating all of the leaves
last one
i feel quite familar to this camera so that the uses of this one should be familiar to mine.

1. Since he was all attention on action moive, cooking for his family went right out of his mind.
2. Because tt is a evenly matched competition, it is not sure which party will win.
3. He retr...


1. Since he was all attention on action moive, cooking for his family went right out of his mind.
2. Because tt is a evenly matched competition, it is not sure which party will win.
3. He retried last year after more than 20 years in photograph.
4.Fram crop was always destroyed by pest through eating out leaves.
5. I know this camera very well, and its function is similar with the other one.


1、He glued to the action, the cook dinner for the family's forgotten all about that.
2、It was a very colse match, so it is difficult to say who will win.
3、When the 20 years after the photogra...


1、He glued to the action, the cook dinner for the family's forgotten all about that.
2、It was a very colse match, so it is difficult to say who will win.
3、When the 20 years after the photographer, he retired last year.
4、With all the insects often leaves the way against farmers harvest.
5、This camera is familiar to me, so it's function and my only similarity.


英语翻译1.他全神贯注地看着动作片,把为家人烧晚饭的事忘得一干二净(分词作状语)2.这是一场势均力敌的比赛,因此我们很难说谁一定会赢(it)3.当了20多年摄影师后,他去年退休了.(分 英语翻译1.他全神贯注的看动作片,把为家人烧饭的事忘的一干二净(absorb)2.资金是否足够极大的影响这项投资的成功(affect)3温室气体增加会使全球变热,从而对地球的气候和生态带来灾难性 英语翻译:动作片 他全神贯注的做实验英语翻译求解 莫泊桑天天站在大门口,全神贯注地观察过往的马车,他看到了什么?听到了什么?写一写. 莫泊桑天天站在大门口,全神贯注地观察过往的马车,他看到了什么?听到了什么?写一写. 高二新世纪5句中译英用括号里所给你提示词将下列中文翻译成英文,注意时态、语态、简单句还是复合句等等!切忌使用翻译软件或在线翻译网翻译!1、他全神贯注地看动画片,把为家人烧饭的 英语翻译Tom周末经常去看电影他喜欢喜剧片,但他不喜欢恐怖片你想去看动作片吗?我认为京剧很无聊 英语翻译1.她喜欢什么类型的电影. 2.他喜欢记录片,但是他不喜欢京剧.3.她认为她可以从京剧中了解中国历史.4.她经常和她的父亲一起去看京剧.5.他经常周末去看动作片. 英语翻译1.这件事标志着她美好生活的开始.2.她把生命中的最后几年都奉献给了慈善事业.3.到上学期期末为止,他们已经学了十首英语歌曲.4.有些动作片对青少年有坏的影响.5.在电影放眏前,为 莫泊桑天天站在大门口,全神贯注地观察过往的马车,他看到了什么?听到了什么?展开想象,写一写 英语翻译我翻译成他常常看着我,他努力地也想读那份报纸. 他想去看动作片英语怎么说 英语翻译John想看脱口秀因为他们很有趣.我喜欢看动作片因为他们激动人心.有些人可能会问这只卡通动物是怎样变得如此受欢迎的.一个主要的原因是,米奇像一个普通人,但他总是试着去面 1.甲虫音乐家们全神贯注地振着翅膀,优美的音乐,像泉水一般流了出来.2.甲虫音乐家们全神贯注地振着翅膀,优美的音韵,像灵泉一般流了出来.比较下面两句话,你觉得那句话的表达效果好.为什 英语翻译1.他不想上学,因此假装自己生病了(pretend)2.坦白地说,那正是他所说的(to be honest)3.人们把天气预报看得过于重要(attach.to...)4.她的理论是可以接受的,因为它是以实验为基础的(be bas 他惊讶地看着我 中译英 看一部动作片用英语怎么说