
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/28 04:54:32
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人称为I, we, they, you时用have,人称为he, she, it时用has

动词have作为"有"使用时,表示"某人(物)有……"用于第一、二人称单数I、you和复数主语,其单数第三人称形式为has,用于第三人称单数he、she、it和单数主语。 肯定句:主语+have / has+宾语。例如: 1. I have an English book. 2. Lily has a dog. 3. They have many frien...


动词have作为"有"使用时,表示"某人(物)有……"用于第一、二人称单数I、you和复数主语,其单数第三人称形式为has,用于第三人称单数he、she、it和单数主语。 肯定句:主语+have / has+宾语。例如: 1. I have an English book. 2. Lily has a dog. 3. They have many friends. 另外,have、has作为"有"使用时,在英国英语和美国英语中稍有差异。 在英国英语中,have=have got, has=has got,在实际应用时,got常省略。 否定句:在have、has后直接加not。主语+have not / has not+宾语。例如: 1. You have not a red car. 2. She has not a new bike. 3. Lily and lucy have not a big family. 一般疑问句:把have、has移到句首,在回答时仍用have / has。Have / Has+主语+宾语?例如: 1. Has she a new bike? Yes, she has. (No, She hasn't.) 2. Have they many friends? Yes, they have. (No, they haven't.) 3. Have Lily and lucy a big family? Yes, they have. (No, they haven't.) 特殊疑问句:用"特殊疑问词+have / has+其它"。例如: Who has an English book? What have Lily and Lucy got? 在美语中,含有have / has的句子要借助于助动词变为问句和否定句,但has要变为have。在作回答时也要用do或does的形式。 否定句中,用"主语+don't / doesn't+have+宾语"。例如: 1. I don't have an English book. 2. She doesn't have a new bike. 一般疑问句中,用"Do / Does+主语+have+宾语"。例如: 1. Do you have an English book? Yes, I do. (No, I don't.) 2. Does she have any friends? Yes, she does. (No, they doesn't.) 特殊疑问句中,用"特殊疑问词+do/ does+主语+have+其它"。例如: 1. What do they have? 2. How many friends does Lucy have? 当特殊疑问词作主语时,直接用"特殊疑问词+have / has+其它"。例如: Who has an English book?简单点就是:当主语是第三人称单数是用 has 当主语是一二 人称及各人称复数时用 have


当主语是第三人称单数的时候,也就是he, she, it 或者Tom等:
He /She / Mary has a brother.
I / you/ they/we have a good teacher.

have 和 has的用法(专项练习)
I She
We He
You have… It ...


have 和 has的用法(专项练习)
I She
We He
You have… It has…
They The boy
Tony and Jenny Jenny
have / has的含义及用法:
1.作“有”讲。 如:I have a bag. 我有一个包。
He has a red cup. 他有一个红杯子。
2.作“吃、喝”讲。如:have breakfast (吃早饭) have tea (喝茶)
have a biscuit (吃块饼干) have a drink (喝点水)
3.作“拿、取得、得到”讲。如:Can I have a toy? (我可以要一个玩具吗?)
somgthing,everything等用has,each of加名词用has,复数主语开头加each如they each仍旧用have.
一、用have /has填空:
1.A dog has four legs. A bird has two legs.
2.Our school has a library.
3.We have 37 chairs in our classroom.
4.My sister has a nice toy car.
5. Has that girl a doll? No, he hasn’t .
6. Have Tom and his brother a big bedroom? Yes, they have
1. You have (有) two small eyes.
2. My sister has (有) three pens.
3.Come here and have (吃) an apple.
4.Mummy,can I have (要) a new bag.
1. I am have a green apple. 错:am 改: 去掉
2. Peter have a banana. 错:have 改:has
3. My brother and sister has a toy car. 错:has 改:have
4.They has got some roses. 错:has 改: have
5.She has got some lily. 错: lily改:lilies 或者some 改为a
( A)1.I big eyes. A. have B.has C.am
( A)2.They got five trains. A. have B.has C.am
( B )3.She got a big bedroom. A. have B.has C.is
( B )4.My toy dog big ears. A. are B.has C.is
( A )5. We dinner at seven o’clock. A. have B.has C.are
( A )6Tom and I got a football. A. have B.has C.are
( B )7.It got big leaves. A. have B.has C.is
( A )8.Can he lunch now? A. have B.has C.is
1.I ____ (have) a cat.
2.He ____ (have) a dog.
3.She ____ (have) long hair.
4.We ____ (have) a big house.
5.They ____ (have) a happy family.
6.It ____ (have) a short tail.
7.You ____ (have) a good teacher.
8.Elva ____ (have) two big eyes.
9.Tom ____ (have) a red pen.
10.My mother ____ (have) a beautiful nose.
11.Cats ____ (have) four legs.
12.Dogs ____ (have) two ears.
13.My father ____ (have) a blue car.
14.Everybody ____ (have) two hands.
15.I ____ (have) a model plane.
16.Lily ____ (have) a doll.
17.Students ____ (have) many books.
18.Girls ____ (have) many skirts.
19.The baby ____ (have) no teeth.
20.They ____ (have) some fish.


He /She / Mary has a brother.
I / you/ they/we have a good teacher. 很详细了


第三人称单数的时候用have,像I, we, they, you这些都用have,