英语翻译1.这本小说是他早期的代表作.(typical)2.我刚才看见那个强盗被警察带走了.3.书读的越多,对你越有好处.(the more……)4.现代音乐常被认为不如过去的.(inferior)5.许多在电视上由

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 17:34:27
英语翻译1.这本小说是他早期的代表作.(typical)2.我刚才看见那个强盗被警察带走了.3.书读的越多,对你越有好处.(the more……)4.现代音乐常被认为不如过去的.(inferior)5.许多在电视上由
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英语翻译1.这本小说是他早期的代表作.(typical)2.我刚才看见那个强盗被警察带走了.3.书读的越多,对你越有好处.(the more……)4.现代音乐常被认为不如过去的.(inferior)5.许多在电视上由
3.书读的越多,对你越有好处.(the more……)

英语翻译1.这本小说是他早期的代表作.(typical)2.我刚才看见那个强盗被警察带走了.3.书读的越多,对你越有好处.(the more……)4.现代音乐常被认为不如过去的.(inferior)5.许多在电视上由
1 This novel is his early typical work.
2 I just saw the robber was taken away by the police.
3 The more you read,the more you benefit.
4 Modern music is usually considered inferior to the old-timey one.
5 Products advertised by stars on TV are usually easier to sell.
6 What makes me worried is,the more busily you work,the less time you spare for your parents.

i have seen a robber carried away by police
the more books you read,the more benefit you will get
what i worried is that the busier you are,the less time can you share with your parents.


i have seen a robber carried away by police
the more books you read,the more benefit you will get
what i worried is that the busier you are,the less time can you share with your parents.
many products sold on tv are advertised by stars,which is easy to sell.
the typical is his representative work on his early stage


This novel is his typical work in his earlier stage.
I saw the police took the robber away just now.
The more books you read, the better it is for you.
Contempory music is commonly regarde...


This novel is his typical work in his earlier stage.
I saw the police took the robber away just now.
The more books you read, the better it is for you.
Contempory music is commonly regarded as inferior to those earlier pieces.
Products advertised on TV by stars are usually easier to sell.
My worry is that the busier you are, the less time you have with your parents.


1. This book is his early masterpiece. (Typical)
2. I just saw the robbers by the police away.
3. Read the more benefit you more. (The more ... ...)
4. That modern music is often not...


1. This book is his early masterpiece. (Typical)
2. I just saw the robbers by the police away.
3. Read the more benefit you more. (The more ... ...)
4. That modern music is often not as good as the past. (Inferior)
5. Many in the television star endorsement from the products are usually easy to sell. (Advertise)
6. What worries me is that the more busy you work, the more there is no time to accompany your parents.


1. This book is his early masterpiece.
2. I just saw the robbers by the police away.
3. Read the more benefit you more.
4. That modern music is often not as good as the past.


1. This book is his early masterpiece.
2. I just saw the robbers by the police away.
3. Read the more benefit you more.
4. That modern music is often not as good as the past.
5. Many in the television star endorsement from the products are usually easy to sell.
6. What worries me is that the more busy you work, the more there is no time to accompany your parents.


英语翻译1.这本小说是他早期的代表作.(typical)2.我刚才看见那个强盗被警察带走了.3.书读的越多,对你越有好处.(the more……)4.现代音乐常被认为不如过去的.(inferior)5.许多在电视上由 英语翻译:这本卖得很好的小说是基于一个真实的故事 哪篇文章是鲁迅早期文艺思想的代表作之一? 世说新语这本小说是中国古代第一部著名的 画家和他的代表作 英语翻译1 视某人/某物为2 与其说这本书是一本字典,不如说是一本语法书.(要用more...than3 他给我帮助之大是你想象不到的.(要用 more than 骆驼祥子是老舍的代表作,也是他“?” 俄国文学始祖及他的代表作 雨果是什么国家?他的代表作有--------? 巴金,他的代表作《激流三部曲》是( ),( ),( ). 英语翻译1.食管癌早期诊断早期治疗项目2.食管癌早期诊断早期治疗的卫生学评价3.食管癌综合防治研究4.太行抗癌工程5.从事肿瘤登记和收集以及早期癌的筛查工作大大大虾 整理床铺的时间到了.你可以借这本书两周.他年龄太小了不能上学.英语翻译 英语翻译很好听的歌曲,他的早期作品,值得一听 英语翻译地心游记是儒勒·凡尔纳的代表作之一,讲述了1863 年5 月的某一天,里登布洛克教授在一本古老的书籍里偶然发现一张羊皮纸,他从这张羊皮纸上的字里行间得到了一个令人震惊的信息 沈石溪最好看的动物小说是哪本? T.S.Eliot是谁?他的代表作是什么?如果可以,写出他的三首代表作, 唐朝的阎立本擅长人物画,代表作是?吴道子的代表作? 《小圣施威降大圣》的作者是清末明初小说家吴承恩,他的代表作是《西游记》判断对错