
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/28 13:26:52
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Mans Zelmerlow-Brother Oh Brother
I've been there 我也曾经历过那些
I thought she was the one 我也曾认为她就是我的唯一
Until I realized that she was gone,ooooo 知道我意识到她已经离我远去
Beauty can't describe 美得难以用言语形容
The way she looked 她凝视我的方式
I was a fool,for love 我是一个爱情傻瓜
Please don't make the same 请不要重蹈我的覆辙
Mistakes I did,don't let her win 我犯的错误,不要让她得逞
Don't give in 不要对她听之任之
Believe me Brother oh Brother 相信我吧兄弟
She will break your heart 她会彻底的伤你的心
Leave her tonight,be strong 坚强一点,今夜离开她
'Cause Brother oh Brother 因为,哥们儿
She's gonna tare you apart 她还是会离你远去
Don't stay and fight 不要这样耗下去争吵不休
'Cause she will have some fun 她总有玩儿够的一天
And then she'll run away 然后一走了之
With someone else 和某个路人甲私奔掉
Believe me Brother oh Brother 相信我吧,哥们儿
She's gonna break your heart 她会伤透你的心
Listen to me,I'm setting you free 听我的吧,我这是给你指一条明路
After me she had a millionaire 等她傍到了大款
Who bought her trips to London and Paris,ooooo 他会带她去伦敦巴黎去旅行
First I tried to win her back,but no 一开始我还想着把她的心赢回来,可是,不了
What could I do,oh she said:我能做什么呢 当她说
"You are sweet but it was just a game" 你人很好,但这只是个游戏
"I thought you knew",well now I do 我以为你早知道(这是个游戏)
She wants to feel your heart's desire,ooooo 她只是想感觉你内心的渴望
But all she is,is a heart break liar 但她只是一个伤你心的骗子