In the past few years there___ great changes in my hometown?A have been B were C had been D are我要理由!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 16:02:20
In the past few years there___ great changes in my hometown?A have been B were C had been D are我要理由!
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In the past few years there___ great changes in my hometown?A have been B were C had been D are我要理由!
In the past few years there___ great changes in my hometown?
A have been
B were
C had been
D are

In the past few years there___ great changes in my hometown?A have been B were C had been D are我要理由!
my hometown___ great changes in the past few years
b were说明的是一种事实,大家都知道事实是一个时间点的比如我的家乡过去很差
my hometown were very ...
但是不能用来表示一个过程,就是变化的过程in the past few years是一个时间段
c had been 是指以前一段时间的事情,比如我的家乡在十年前经历地震后变化很大(现在没什么变化)
my hometown had been great changes since the earthquack ten years ago .
A:Have you ever been to America?你去过美国吗?
B:Yes,I have.I went there two years ago.是的,我去过.两年前去的.
A:And have you been to India 你去过印度吗?
B:Yes.Before I went to America,I had been to India.是的.在我去美国之前,我就已经去过印度了.
看到了吗?这两个用法差别就在于动作发生的时间,你只要记得,当动作发生在过去的过去的时候,就得用had been,至于have been,使用它的场合和理由有很多,建议去看语法书.当然had been 还常用于虚拟语气,这是更难弄的.慢慢来吧.一起努力.


应该选C,它是过去完成时的标志:In + 一段过去的时间.

C 过去的过去