英语翻译It's said that a smile is the lighting system of the face,the cooling systemof the head and the heating system of the heart.But a smile isalso a powerful weapon against toxic attitudes of allkinds.Lisa Gurnsey,of Portland,Oregon,wrote to

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 02:55:17
英语翻译It's said that a smile is the lighting system of the face,the cooling systemof the head and the heating system of the heart.But a smile isalso a powerful weapon against toxic attitudes of allkinds.Lisa Gurnsey,of Portland,Oregon,wrote to
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英语翻译It's said that a smile is the lighting system of the face,the cooling systemof the head and the heating system of the heart.But a smile isalso a powerful weapon against toxic attitudes of allkinds.Lisa Gurnsey,of Portland,Oregon,wrote to
It's said that a smile is the lighting system of the face,the cooling systemof the head and the heating system of the heart.But a smile isalso a powerful weapon against toxic attitudes of allkinds.
Lisa Gurnsey,of Portland,Oregon,wrote to me about a man whose smile quiteliterally changed her life:"I was having a horrible day -- hatingmy job,tired of the weather,tired of trying to keep up on bills,and just completely stressed out.I stopped at the post office inthe morning and,as I was entering,an older business man commentedto me that it was going to be a good day and life shouldn't be asbad as I make it look.I glared at him and simply said,'I wish itwas Friday.'
"I felt betterabout my day when I left the post office...that man's smile andcomment,although irritating at first,made methink.
"The secondtime I ran into the man I went out of my way to say 'Happy Friday'to him and to smile.I saw him a few more times and always he wascheery and 'made my day.'
"I looked forhim around Christmastime to give him a card and explain how hiskind words and smile that very first day made me regroup mythinking and realize I didn't have it so bad.But I have not seenhim at the post office since then.I look every morning...I go atdifferent times to see if I can catch him.Maybe he retired,maybehe is ill.I think to myself,'I wish I had thanked him for being akind person.' I can honestly say this man changed my life.I willwork to spread that same feeling to those I see in need of asmile."
Speaker JoshHinds makes this suggestion:"Play the smiling game in your dailylife.See how many people you can get to smile back at you.Keepscore and tally the results at the end of eachday."
That sounds like agame we can all play.The rules are simple.There are lots ofwinners.And who knows...you may even "make" someone's day -- evenif that someone is you!

英语翻译It's said that a smile is the lighting system of the face,the cooling systemof the head and the heating system of the heart.But a smile isalso a powerful weapon against toxic attitudes of allkinds.Lisa Gurnsey,of Portland,Oregon,wrote to
丽莎古恩西,波特兰,俄勒冈州,写信给我介绍一个人,他的笑容quiteliterally改变了她的生活:“我有一个可怕的一天 - hatingmy工作,厌倦了天气,试图保持对账单了,累了,就完全压力太大了.我停在邮局刘郁文早上,当我进入,一老商人commentedto我这又是一个好日子,生活不应该asbad我使它看起来.我在他怒视着和简单地说,'我希望脚步的星期五.
这听起来像是阿加梅我们都可以玩.规则很简单.有很多ofwinners.谁知道...你甚至可以“制造”一个人的日子 - evenif有人就是你!