
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 22:05:12
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为加强与业务部门的交流,让用户更好地了解IT工作,同时IT也能更清楚客户的需求,确保提供高质量的IT服务.9/26日下午,惠阳IT与用户的半年沟通会如期展开.会议分为四个步骤:一、CR(Changed Requirement)处理流程;二、Q2季度新增IT Systems(如Hot Standby、M3 Measure System、ETF、HYP Portal BBS、SPC System等)介绍; 三、当前HYP信息系统架构、未来IT展望;四、IT & 用户答问;

In order to strengthen with Business agency's exchange,lets the user understand the IT work well,simultaneously IT can also the clearer customer demand,guarantee that provides the high grade IT service.on 9/26th afternoon,Huiyang IT and user's a half year communication will launch as scheduled.The conference divides into four steps:
一,CR (Changed Requirement) processes the flow;
二,Q increases IT Systems (for example Hot Standby,M3 Measure System,ETF,HYP Portal BBS,SPC System and so on) to introduce in the second quarter;
三,current HYP information system construction,future IT forecast; Fourth,IT the & user answers questions; under relaxed communication atmosphere,short one-and-a-half hour conference,all attending personnel positive initiative,has achieved the true effective communication exchange,the simultaneous reception user proposed the valued suggestion and suggested altogether 12,after the meeting,IT has given the corresponding answer to all opinions and the suggestion.Following IT a better service in the service,will also become the service right-hand,the boost service swift development!

Juanhongjiliao Hongyajuanya Gaiting ": Quanfeiqiaohai Xianguangrencong ╃ Ke Xifenghulian Jiebanbangwu ВIT Operations Chen Hu Ben Hanqianzuji T Cenxishixuan Cunjinyuya ? Xi Feng Jing dark € Chagurenyun...


Juanhongjiliao Hongyajuanya Gaiting ": Quanfeiqiaohai Xianguangrencong ╃ Ke Xifenghulian Jiebanbangwu ВIT Operations Chen Hu Ben Hanqianzuji T Cenxishixuan Cunjinyuya ? Xi Feng Jing dark € Chagurenyun ? Liaosuoyunzong Zhashanchuanyue Shi Jing IT Lianaogaimo sharp 6 Operations Ti Yu Jiao Renlangbogui IT Juantiaokexi wind Jingtimiangou Li Yi € small hydrogen moisten Rongyubali Mo glossy prepared to hold small ? He Zi to coax Juan Juan Nan ? ?わsmall trickle € Momyeon R (Changed Requirement) still water Zhe Dong-han Quan Ben ▼ Shuilaomozhuo 2 harm e-ying Ou board ? IT Systems Ben Crucible ? Hot Standby Moji 3 Measure System Eyes TF Mo Mo Mo YP Portal BBS Qiu Jing Zhi Jiang PC System-level changes Rusu Ben Zhai Juan € Huo Hong Ji Ling Qi YP ℃ meat dish polished rice HUNG Fei Ying Mo Man rudder suddenly Qiushou ? T Bachenshiben Siqimoliang T


To strengthen exchanges with the business sector, allows users to a better understanding of IT, IT at the same time also be able to better customer demand, ensure the availability of high-quality IT s...


To strengthen exchanges with the business sector, allows users to a better understanding of IT, IT at the same time also be able to better customer demand, ensure the availability of high-quality IT services. 9/26日下午,惠阳IT与用户的半年沟通会如期展开。 9 / 26 in the afternoon, Huiyang and IT users to communicate will be half a year as scheduled. 会议分为四个步骤:一、CR(Changed Requirement)处理流程;二、Q2季度新增IT Systems(如Hot Standby、M3 Measure System、ETF、HYP Portal BBS、SPC System等)介绍; 三、当前HYP信息系统架构、未来IT展望;四、IT & 用户答问; The meeting was divided into four steps: First, CR (Changed Requirement) process; II, Q2 quarter of the new IT Systems (such as Hot Standby, M3 Measure System, ETF, HYP Portal BBS, SPC System, etc.), introduced; Third, the current HYP Information systems architecture, IT prospects in the future; four, IT & user question and answer session;
在轻松沟通的氛围下,短短一个半小时的会议,所有与会人员积极主动,达到了真正有效的沟通交流,同时接收到用户提出的宝贵意见和建议共12条,会后IT对所有意见与建议给予了相应的答复。 Communication in a relaxed atmosphere, a short one and a half hours of the session, all participants take the initiative to reach a genuine and effective communication at the same time users receive their valuable opinions and suggestions of 12, after the meeting with the views of all IT The proposal to allow the appropriate response. 后续IT也将更好的服务于业务,成为业务的左膀右臂,助力业务的飞速发展! IT will also follow-up to better serve the business, business to become the right-hand man, help the rapid development of business!


In order to strengthen with the exchanges of the business section, let customer betterly understanding IT work, in the meantime IT also ability more clear the customer's need, insure to provide Gao th...


In order to strengthen with the exchanges of the business section, let customer betterly understanding IT work, in the meantime IT also ability more clear the customer's need, insure to provide Gao the IT of the quality service.9/the 26th afternoon, Hui sun IT and customer of half year communication will according to schedule launch.The meeting is divided into four step:A, CR(Changed Requirement) processing process;Two, the Q2 quarter degree add IT Systems(like Hot Standby, M3 Measure System, ETF, HYP Portal BBS, the SPC System etc.) introduction; Three, current HYP information system structure, future IT outlook;Four, the IT& customer answer to ask;
Under the atmosphere that easy communication, the meeting of short and a half hours, all attend meeting a personnel aggressive active, come to a real valid of communication exchanges, receive the precious opinion that the customer put forward in the meantime and suggestion total 12, empress the meeting IT to all opinion and suggestion give correspond of reply.The follow-up IT also become the left Bang better arm of business at the business the better service, fly of help business soon development!


To strengthen exchanges with the business sector, allows users to a better understanding of IT, IT at the same time also be able to better customer demand, ensure the availability of high-quality IT s...


To strengthen exchanges with the business sector, allows users to a better understanding of IT, IT at the same time also be able to better customer demand, ensure the availability of high-quality IT services. 9 / 26 in the afternoon, Huiyang and IT users to communicate will be half a year as scheduled. The meeting was divided into four steps: First, CR (Changed Requirement) process; II, Q2 quarter of the new IT Systems (such as Hot Standby, M3 Measure System, ETF, HYP Portal BBS, SPC System, etc.), introduced; Third, the current HYP Information systems architecture, IT prospects in the future; four, IT & user question and answer session;
Communication in a relaxed atmosphere, a short one and a half hours of the session, all participants take the initiative to reach a genuine and effective communication at the same time users receive their valuable opinions and suggestions of 12, after the meeting with the views of all IT The proposal to allow the appropriate response. IT will also follow-up to better serve the business, business to become the right-hand man, help the rapid development of business!



请高人帮忙翻译下面一段话,非常感谢^^^^^^(中译英)为加强与业务部门的交流,让用户更好地了解IT工作,同时IT也能更清楚客户的需求,确保提供高质量的IT服务.9/26日下午,惠阳IT与用户的半年沟 “名标凌阁”是什么意思?请高人不吝赐教!非常感谢! 请英语好的朋友帮忙翻译下面的这一段话吧,非常感谢!我们还有一个0283的订单没有执行完,请问你们的货物现在是否生产完?能否按期发给我们?因为我们春节放假从2月7日到2月14日,所以能不能 请帮忙翻译一下下面这句话 非常感谢!外来农民工基本上都是年纪轻、有文化、能力强的农村的“精英”. You 're always in your head! 怎么翻译?请高人指教.首先非常感谢您的帮助。请回答的高人说明一下为什么这样翻译好吗? 请帮忙翻译下面一段:电镀废水处理进展 英语翻译请求高人帮忙翻译一段中文成英文,请用百度HI联系, They hardly write to each other, do they?请帮忙翻译整句话,非常感谢! 请大家帮忙翻译“广西壮族自治区 河池市无线电监测站”成壮文·非常感谢 大学里的“教务处”,这个英文应该怎么翻译呢?请帮忙啊,非常感谢. 请帮忙翻译一段话,中译韩, 求助用英文翻译.非常感谢您的关注,欲了解更多有关品ABB的信息,请拔打电话...求高人帮忙翻译这段话.谢谢非常感谢您的关注,欲了解更多有ABB的信息,请拔打电话021-... 请帮忙翻译一段英文,很简单的,非常感谢!全面协助公司副总裁处理日常工作,如接听电话、会议安排、重要客人接待、财务申请与报销等; 2、负责副总裁与公司各部门以及其他管理者之间的 请用下列词语写一段话,并运用修辞手法!一定会非常感谢你!千姿百态 全神贯注 求翻译一段德文.德语.内容如下:“请告诉我是那家快递公司? 单号是多少? 非常感谢” 从法律角度讲,权力寻租是什么意思啊~~高人进!请高人指点!急用!非常非常感谢! 哪位好心的大哥大姐帮忙翻译一下非常感谢 英文帮助翻译词句.请英文高手帮忙把下面的话翻译成英文:1、哦!非常感谢!2、这么晚打扰您真不好意思.3、为什么呢?4、祝您天天开心、工作愉快!晚安!