这里有几道高中英语的选择题,但我不知道为什么选那个标准答案.1.Some great people said it was their primary school teachers and their lessons_____ they were fond of_____ influenced their whole lives.( D )A.which;that B.that;wh

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 01:08:25
这里有几道高中英语的选择题,但我不知道为什么选那个标准答案.1.Some great people said it was their primary school teachers and their lessons_____ they were fond of_____ influenced their whole lives.( D )A.which;that B.that;wh
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这里有几道高中英语的选择题,但我不知道为什么选那个标准答案.1.Some great people said it was their primary school teachers and their lessons_____ they were fond of_____ influenced their whole lives.( D )A.which;that B.that;wh
1.Some great people said it was their primary school teachers and their lessons_____ they were fond of_____ influenced their whole lives.( D )
A.which;that B.that;which
C.which;which D.that;that
2.He didn't want to see anybody,so he spent six hours_____ in the small room.( A )
A.locked B.to lock
C.locking D.being locked
3._____after a long walk,Kate called and said she couldn't come to the party.( A )
A.Worn out B.Having worn out
C.To be worn out D.To wear out
4.--Did you ask Peter where____ for the winter vacation
--No.I didn't,but I will.( A )
A.he went B.had he gone
C.he goes D.was he going
5.One of the sides of the board should be painted yellow,and_____.
( C )
A.the other is white B.another white
C.the other white D.another is white

这里有几道高中英语的选择题,但我不知道为什么选那个标准答案.1.Some great people said it was their primary school teachers and their lessons_____ they were fond of_____ influenced their whole lives.( D )A.which;that B.that;wh
第一空,that是定语从句they were fond of的关系代词.它等同于先行词their primary school teachers and their lessons.因为该先行词既有人有物,且充当be fond of的宾语,所以只能用that,不过也可以省略.
It is/was + 被强调部分 + that + 句子未被强调的部分.
其最大特点是:去掉It is/was和that之后,剩下部分可以构成一个完整的句子(有时需要调整句序).
It was + 被强调部分(their primary school teachers and their lessons that they were fond of) + that + 句子未被强调的部分(influenced their whole lives).
去掉It is/was和that之后,剩下部分刚好是一个完整的句子(打括号部分为定语从句):
Their primary school teachers and their lessons (that they were fond of) influenced their whole lives.
He didn't want to see anybody,so he spent six hours_____ in the small room.
此处并不是sb spend some time (in) doing sth的固定句型.
此题是把locked in the small room作为伴随状语,spent翻译为“度过”.因为lock和主语he之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词locked表示被锁住的状态.
D用现在分词的被动结构,而此时既不表示进行,也不能用spend some time in doing sth结构,排除.
固定短语:sb be worn out“某人精疲力竭/累坏了”,即sb和wear out之间是被动关系,所以应该用过去分词短语作原因状语,排除表主动关系的B(其表被动时应为having been worn out);
where____ for the winter vacation是问句中ask的宾语从句,所以必须使用“疑问词where + 陈述句”结构,而BD都不是陈述句的句序,除非分别把has/was放到gone/going的前面,排除BD;
即:and the other white = and the other (sides of the board should be painted) white
sides of the board should be painted在上句中已经出现过,所以后句对此加以省略.
前句是should be painted,所以后句不可能出现is,排除AD;
而another表示“另外一边”,而句意为“the board的其他所有sides”,排除B.

1.第一空that做后置定语,修饰their primary school teachers and their lessons。第二空that为强调句型的一部分,该句强调主语。
2.locked做后置定语,修饰six hours。句子的主干是“他度过了六个小时”,怎样的六个小时呢?被锁在房间里的六个小时。
3.be worn out的省略,做原因状语。


1.第一空that做后置定语,修饰their primary school teachers and their lessons。第二空that为强调句型的一部分,该句强调主语。
2.locked做后置定语,修饰six hours。句子的主干是“他度过了六个小时”,怎样的六个小时呢?被锁在房间里的六个小时。
3.be worn out的省略,做原因状语。
5.board(板子)共两面,所以用the other(两者中的另一个);为避免重复,突出关键词,并使上下文紧密连接,省略句子中相同的部分is。


1. Some great people said it was their primary school teachers and their lessons_____ they were fond of_____ influenced their whole lives. ( D )


1. Some great people said it was their primary school teachers and their lessons_____ they were fond of_____ influenced their whole lives. ( D )
1) 主句:Some great people said
2) 宾语从句:it was their primary school teachers and their lessons that they were fond of
* 该从句是个强调句,其句式结构是 it was + 被强调部分 + that +其他部分。
* 这里强调的是宾语,如果不强调就是 they were fond of their primary school teachers and their lessons,其中主语是 they, 谓语动词 were,表语 fond of(可以把 be fond of 看作固定搭配),宾语 their primary school teachers and their lessons。
3) 定语从句:that influenced their whole lives.
* 先行词是 their primary school teachers and their lessons.既包括人 特achers 也包括事物 lessons
* 关系代词 that 既指代人也指代事物,而 which 只能指代事物,who 只能指代人(选项中没有)。

2. He didn't want to see anybody, so he spent six hours_____ in the small room. ( A )
1) 供选答案都是非谓语动词,其中 A、 C、 D、是分词,B 是不定式。分词和不定式的语法功能不同: * 分词可以用作时间、原因、方式、伴随状语;* 不定式可以用作目的和结果状语。本句中式伴随状语,因此只能选择分词;
2)由于非谓语动词有应该有自己行为的支配关系名词,这种支配关系名词被称作逻辑主语,本句中非谓语动词 lock 的逻辑主语就是句子的主语 he, 所以首先把 he spent six hours locked in the small room 分解成两个独立的句子来理
* he spent six hours in the small room
* he was locked in the small room
从第二个句子可以发现,逻辑主语 he 与 lock 是动宾关系,因此只能选用分词的被动形式。
3)选项中分词的被动形式有两种,一个是过去分词 locked,另一个是 现在分词的被动形式 being locked:
* 过去分词 locked 表示早于谓语动词 spent 的动作,即“被锁以后度过六个小时”;
* 现在分词 being locked 表示是与 spent 同时发生的动作,即“正在被锁的时候度过六个小时”
3. _____ after a long walk, Kate called and said she couldn't come to the party. ( A )
1) 句首的非谓语动词的语法功能:
* 不定式:作目的状语,表示“为了”,本题显然不是这个意思。
* 分词:作时间或原因状语,表示“当...的时候”或者“因为...原因”,本题就是这个意思。
* When/because Kate was worn out after a long walk.
* Kate called and said she couldn't come to the party.
可见 worn out(精疲力尽) 的逻辑主语是 Kate;而过去分词常表示主语所处的状态,这里的意思就是:长时间的行走后 Kate 显得精疲力尽
3)Having worn out 是现在分词的完成形式,也就是说 Kate 已经作了 worn 这个行为,但是却没有 worn 这个动作的对象,比如说 Kate have worn her shoes out(Kate 已经把鞋磨破了),所以短语本身就不成立;即使成立,也与整个句子的意思不相符合。
* 与主句为动词 called and said 进行时间比较
4. --Did you ask Peter where____ for the winter vacation ?
--No.I didn't, but I will. ( A )
1)宾语从句的时态必须与主句时态一致,本句这句 did ask 是过去时,因此从句只能用一般过去时,过去进行时或过去完成时;
2)宾语从句不是疑问句,不能用倒装语序 B.had he gone 或 D.was he going 。
5. One of the sides of the board should be painted yellow, and_____.
( C )
1) 首先确定 board (板子)应该至少有三个边,所以另外的边只能用 the others 或 the other(sides),既然出去一个边后还有至少两个边,那么 A.the other is white 和 D. another is white
的动词 is 表示的是单数,不能成立,应排除。
2)board 的边是确定的,所以应该是特指,而泛指的 another 表示的是未知的一个边,不符合逻辑。因此选项 B.another white 被排除。
3. 两个并列句,如果谓语动词相同,后一个分句就可以省略,本题就是如此:
* 第一分句: One of the sides of the board should be painted yellow,
* 第二分句: and the other (should be painted)white.



1.第一空that做后置定语,修饰their primary school teachers and their lessons。第二空that为强调句型的一部分,该句强调主语。
2.locked做后置定语,修饰six hours。句子的主干是“他度过了六个小时”,怎样的六个小时呢?被锁在房间里的六个小时。
3.be worn out的省略原因状语。


1.第一空that做后置定语,修饰their primary school teachers and their lessons。第二空that为强调句型的一部分,该句强调主语。
2.locked做后置定语,修饰six hours。句子的主干是“他度过了六个小时”,怎样的六个小时呢?被锁在房间里的六个小时。
3.be worn out的省略原因状语。
5.board(板子)共两面,所以用the other(两者中的另一个);


这里有几道高中英语的选择题,但我不知道为什么选那个标准答案.1.Some great people said it was their primary school teachers and their lessons_____ they were fond of_____ influenced their whole lives.( D )A.which;that B.that;wh 求做高中英语选择题的一般方法?我拿到一个选择题时不知道该咋分析? 教师资格证马上试讲了,我报的高中英语,但觉得没什么头绪,不知道怎么写教案,怎么说课? 我不知道多久,我会一直等你.但我来到这里,现在从世界的另一边.这话是什么意思? 某考生回答一道四选一的选择题,已知他知道正确答案的概率为0.5,不知道答案但猜对的概率为0.25.那么他答 选择题 我不知道哪个是正确的 选择题(请讲下过程)一本书,看了20%,则剩下的是已看的( )%.答案是400%,但我不知道为什么是400%.注:尽量用算式,当然方程也行. 椭圆焦半径的定义我知道公式,但不知道何为焦半径 问一道有关现在完成时的英语选择题Is your father in?No,he ____ for three hours.A.was out B.has been out C.went out D.has gone out我选的是B,但不确定是B还是D,不知道这里的是不是has been to和has gone to的区别? 我很想买李阳的《五分钟突破高中英语》,但不知道这套书怎么样,我基础本身就不好,不知道李阳的《五分钟突破高中英语》对我有没有效,我想问问有使用过的网友,你对这套书的感觉怎么样? 五道选择题,已经做了,但不知道对不对. 我这里不知道你说的微博是指的啥微博? 高中英语,选择题. ludvig vitgenstajn是哪个哲学家,有他的资料吗他说过一句话:我不知道我们为什么在这里,但我肯定不是为了让自己开心. 说明文的基本常识我要复习语文,但不知道说明为有哪些基本常识, 某考生回答一道四选一的选择题,已知他知道正确答案的概率为0.5,不知道答案但猜对的概率为0.25.那么他答对题的概率是多大? 概率题.某考生回答一道四选一的选择题,已知他知道正确答案的概率为0.5,不知道答案但猜对的概率为0.25.那么他答对题的概率是多大?答案等于0.8,求详解. 动词不定式做原因状语与过去分词做原因状语的区别在做动词非谓语动词的选择题时,我只知道哪个选项是对的,但不知道其他选项为什么是错的,怎么分辨呢?比如说有的to be done 表被动,being don