英语翻译Close my eyes and feel your mind 我闭上眼想去感受你的心 Time has passed 但一切都远去了 I walk like a shadow 我就象一个无主的孤魂在乱逛 Never knew What I am going through 从来都不知道要何去何从 You

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 11:04:48
英语翻译Close my eyes and feel your mind 我闭上眼想去感受你的心 Time has passed 但一切都远去了 I walk like a shadow 我就象一个无主的孤魂在乱逛 Never knew What I am going through 从来都不知道要何去何从 You
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英语翻译Close my eyes and feel your mind 我闭上眼想去感受你的心 Time has passed 但一切都远去了 I walk like a shadow 我就象一个无主的孤魂在乱逛 Never knew What I am going through 从来都不知道要何去何从 You
Close my eyes and feel your mind
Time has passed
I walk like a shadow
Never knew What I am going through
You touch my heart and take my breath away
Whisper on the wind so softly
Let the bright stars fill out dreams with love
Reach for your hand(you're holding my key)and you show me the way
Tonight,I'll feel close to you

英语翻译Close my eyes and feel your mind 我闭上眼想去感受你的心 Time has passed 但一切都远去了 I walk like a shadow 我就象一个无主的孤魂在乱逛 Never knew What I am going through 从来都不知道要何去何从 You
In My Arms 在我怀中
by Plumb
your baby blues 你蓝色双眼
so full of wonder 充满好奇
your curly cues 你卷曲的发脚
your contagious smile 你感染的微笑
and as I watch 而当我注视
you start to grow up 你开始成长
all I can do 我所能及
is hold you tight 就是拥你入怀
knowing clouds will rage up 当乌云涌现
storms will race in 暴雨将袭
but you will be safe in my arms 而我怀中安然
rains will pour down 雨水倾盆
waves will crash all around 波浪惊天
but you will be safe in my arms 而我怀中安然
story books 故事书
full of fairy tales 童话满目
of kings and queens 君王皇后
and the bluest skies 和最蓝青空
my heart is torn 我心却碎
just in knowing 只因知讳
you'll someday see 你会从荒谬
the truth from lies 发现真切
when the clouds will rage up 当乌云涌现
storms will race in 暴雨将袭
but you will be safe in my arms 而我怀中安然
rains will pour down 雨水倾盆
waves will crash all around 波浪惊天
but you will be safe in my arms 而我怀中安然
castles they might crumble 城堡会破裂
dreams may not come true 梦想会泯灭
but you are never all alone 但你不会孑然一身
because I will always 因为我永生
always love you 永生爱你一人
when the clouds will rage up 当乌云涌现
storms will race in 暴雨将袭
but you will be safe in my arms而我怀中安然
rains will pour down 雨水倾盆
waves will crash all around 波浪惊天
but you will be safe in my arms 而我怀中安然
in my arms 在我怀中