有关寂静岭2的结局每个结局都有Mary念的一段稿子 求那稿子 就是什么什么I see that town ...science hill差不多是这样 很长的

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 05:50:59
有关寂静岭2的结局每个结局都有Mary念的一段稿子 求那稿子 就是什么什么I see that town ...science hill差不多是这样 很长的
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有关寂静岭2的结局每个结局都有Mary念的一段稿子 求那稿子 就是什么什么I see that town ...science hill差不多是这样 很长的
每个结局都有Mary念的一段稿子 求那稿子 就是什么什么I see that town ...science hill
差不多是这样 很长的

有关寂静岭2的结局每个结局都有Mary念的一段稿子 求那稿子 就是什么什么I see that town ...science hill差不多是这样 很长的
In my restless dreams,
I see that town.
Silent Hill.
You promised you’d take me
there again someday.
But you never did.
Well I’m alone there now...
In our “special place”
Waiting for you...
Waiting for you to
come to see me.
But you never do.
And so I wait,wrapped in my
cocoon of pain and loneliness.
I know I’ve done a terrible
thing to you.Something you’ll
never forgive me for.
I wish I could change
that,but I can’t.
I feel so pathetic and ugly
laying here,waiting for you...
Every day I stare up at the cracks
in the ceiling and all I can think
about is how unfair it all is...
The doctor came today.
He told me I could go
home for a short stay.
It’s not that I’m getting better.
It’s just that this may be
my last chance...
I think you know what I mean...
Even so,I’m glad to be coming
home.I’ve missed you terribly.
But I’m afraid James.
I’m afraid you don’t really
want me to come home.
Whenever you come see me,
I can tell how hard it is on you...
I don’t know if you
hate me or pity me...
Or maybe I just disgust you.
I’m sorry about that.
When I first learned that
I was going to die,I just
didn’t want to accept it.
I was so angry all the time and I
struck out at everyone I loved most.
Especially you,James.
That’s why I understand
if you do hate me.
But I want you to
know this,James.
I’ll always love you.
Even though our life together had
to end like this,I still wouldn’t
trade it for the world.We had
some wonderful years together.
Well this letter has gone on
too long so I’ll say goodbye.
I told the nurse to give
this to you after I’m gone.
That means that as you read this,
I’m already dead.
I can’t tell you to remember me,
but I can’t bear for you to
forget me.
These last few years since I
became ill...I’m so sorry for
what I did to you,did to us...
You’ve given me so much and
I haven’t bee able to return
a single thing.
That’s why I want you to live
for yourself now.
Do what’s best for you,James.
You made me happy.

有关寂静岭2的结局每个结局都有Mary念的一段稿子 求那稿子 就是什么什么I see that town ...science hill差不多是这样 很长的 有关寂静岭2结局各种结局通关条件我都知道只是想问一下各个结局的内容是什么?没时间一一打过 - -! 寂静岭暴雨有几个结局 寂静岭1的结局是什么意思? 寂静岭5中的UFO结局是什么意思啊?是不是寂静岭所有的12345都有UFO? 寂静岭UFO结局是什么?是PSP的寂静岭 寂静岭结局求解释 是不是每个故事都有一个结局? 寂静岭2电影结局结局出现开大货车那个是不是起源的男主角,还有过去的警车是不是暴雨里的 寂静岭结局什么意思 看不懂 求解释 每个结局都很完美.英语怎么说? 寂静岭破碎记忆的结局请各位叙述下破碎的几大结局,好像是6个,麻烦各位说说结局的内容,好的会加分. 寂静岭破碎的记忆有哪些结局啊雪柔的父亲进来,跟雪柔说几句后就冻成冰了,然后后面有一段录像哈立德妻子骂了哈利,还打了一巴掌.这是什么结局啊 寂静岭5各种结局的解释就是寂静岭5中的5种结局ufo结局没看懂,还有要是可以的话,把另外几个结局也说一下!我的意思是没看懂哪里来的UFO寂静岭5说的是神之怒,和UFO这种科学理念完全相反,还 寂静岭破碎的记忆结局问题5个结局的具体内容是什么?别发什么触发条件啊不要条件 要内容 有关青年责任的作文的结局 寂静岭的三角头是什么,他的结局是什么?电影中只出现了一下而已?我想知道具体是什么, 以结局为话题的作文只要内容和结局有关就行了