1、We need to think outside of box ______ we are to come up with something really new.A.so that B.as long as C.once D.if2/ The financial crisis and the suffering ______ has caused have a great influence on the whole world.A.they B.which C.it D.what3

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 01:07:56
1、We need to think outside of box ______ we are to come up with something really new.A.so that B.as long as C.once D.if2/ The financial crisis and the suffering ______ has caused have a great influence on the whole world.A.they B.which C.it D.what3
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1、We need to think outside of box ______ we are to come up with something really new.A.so that B.as long as C.once D.if2/ The financial crisis and the suffering ______ has caused have a great influence on the whole world.A.they B.which C.it D.what3
1、We need to think outside of box ______ we are to come up with something really new.
A.so that B.as long as C.once D.if
2/ The financial crisis and the suffering ______ has caused have a great influence on the whole world.
A.they B.which C.it D.what
3.Exciting as its special effects are ______,there is too much violence in the film.
A.to watch B.to be watched
C.watching D.being watched
come up with不是楼下有人说的“面临”的意思,这个词组的意思是“提出(问题;意见等)”

1、We need to think outside of box ______ we are to come up with something really new.A.so that B.as long as C.once D.if2/ The financial crisis and the suffering ______ has caused have a great influence on the whole world.A.they B.which C.it D.what3
错题集也做过好多遍 o(╯□╰)o
if后面跟条件状语从句,so that后面是结果状语从句.如果照你说选A,这两句话有什么必然的因果联系呢?
这前半句是部分倒装,应该是its special effects are exciting to be watched 这样会不会容易理解

A. so that ,so that 解释为那样
C. it, it 指代前面的financial crisis
B. to be watched 。as its special effects are to be watched正如所被看到的特殊影响一样
special effects应该是被看到

A,B ,D

1. C
so that 后面应该跟结果从句,表明前后是因果关系,后面是前面能够造成的结果。as long as是只要的意思,once翻译为一旦,接的是一个状语从句,if如果,从上下文来看,句子的意思是 一旦我们面临一些新的问题我们需要发散思考(跳出盒子想问题)。
2. C
it has caused是the suffering的定语从句,修饰the suffering的,...


1. C
so that 后面应该跟结果从句,表明前后是因果关系,后面是前面能够造成的结果。as long as是只要的意思,once翻译为一旦,接的是一个状语从句,if如果,从上下文来看,句子的意思是 一旦我们面临一些新的问题我们需要发散思考(跳出盒子想问题)。
2. C
it has caused是the suffering的定语从句,修饰the suffering的,it 指代的是 the financial crisis
3. D


1、B,我们要正确的理解题干,题干中,are to come up,是说明我们即将面临全新的问题,也就是说,由于我们即将面临新的问题,我们必须采用新的思维方式(outside of box),此处必须选择as long as,选择so that是不恰当的,we need to think outside of box so that we can……就会OK。而once和if后面的从句只能用一般时...


1、B,我们要正确的理解题干,题干中,are to come up,是说明我们即将面临全新的问题,也就是说,由于我们即将面临新的问题,我们必须采用新的思维方式(outside of box),此处必须选择as long as,选择so that是不恰当的,we need to think outside of box so that we can……就会OK。而once和if后面的从句只能用一般时态,而不是将来时态(be to)
2、C,意思是,经济危机和它造成的严重后果对世界造成了重大影响。选which和what都是不妥的,首先,如果题干中,has caused是has been caused 就必须选择which, 而what可以被用在没有“the suffering”,且“has caused”必须被改为“has been caused", 完整的句子可以是,the financial cirisis and what has been caused……;A不对,因为financial crisis是单数,不能用they;


1.D原句意思是,如果我们想要跟上真的新事物,我们需要拓展我们的思维。 2.C 3.B,原句意思是,尽管这部电影产生的可以预见的特殊影响是令人激动的,但是电影中有过多的暴力行为,D项是指正在发生。

1:C superior与to是固定搭配表示比什么什么更好跟高级,in表示在某方面,1.D superior than更高,更好 in intelligence 在智力上 Richard is

1. 关键在于 are to ,表示意向、目地,e.g. They are to be married. (他们准备结婚。)可以与if 搭配。而so that 后接结果“以至于”,不会用这么主观意向性的搭配。另外,need to 也暗示了后面是目的或条件。全句意思:如果我们希望想出真正的新点子,就需要跳出窠臼去思考。


1. 关键在于 are to ,表示意向、目地,e.g. They are to be married. (他们准备结婚。)可以与if 搭配。而so that 后接结果“以至于”,不会用这么主观意向性的搭配。另外,need to 也暗示了后面是目的或条件。全句意思:如果我们希望想出真正的新点子,就需要跳出窠臼去思考。
3、前半句还原成正常语序是:its speacila effects are exciting to be wached, (尽管电影的特效看起来很给力)。用形容词加不定式的结构很多,如amusing, cheap, dangerous, difficult, easy, important, nice, good, pleasant等 。e.g.The cake is easy to make.这蛋糕很容易做。


1. D. if
2. C.it
3. A. to watch