英语翻译After having discovered how the product and brand are organized in consumers' minds,man- agement's problem is what to do about it.Setting Goals First of all,management must take into ac- count these two basic points:(1) A reputable brand

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 17:32:42
英语翻译After having discovered how the product and brand are organized in consumers' minds,man- agement's problem is what to do about it.Setting Goals First of all,management must take into ac- count these two basic points:(1) A reputable brand
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英语翻译After having discovered how the product and brand are organized in consumers' minds,man- agement's problem is what to do about it.Setting Goals First of all,management must take into ac- count these two basic points:(1) A reputable brand
After having discovered how the product and brand are organized in consumers' minds,man- agement's problem is what to do about it.
Setting Goals
First of all,management must take into ac- count these two basic points:(1) A reputable brand persists as a stable image through time.The ideas people have about it are not completely malleable,not idly swayed by one communication and then another.If the public believes that a certain brand is of inferior quality,or that another is "on the skids," or that some other has all the latest improvements,these beliefs are not usually modified very rapidly.Such reputa- tions are built through time,frequently in ways that management is not aware of.(2) It is rarely possible for a product or brand to be all things to all people.It may be most de- sirable to sell to the most people,but hardly any- one can sell to everyone.Some brands have very skillfully built up reputations of being suitable for a wide variety of people,but in most areas audience groupings will differ,if only because there are deviants who refuse to consume the same way other people do.More significantly,there are different age,sex,social class,personality groupings,to say nothing of special interest groups,ethnic groups,and occu- pational groups.It is not easy for a brand to appeal to stable lower middle-class people and at the same time to be interesting to sophisticated,intellectual upper middle-class buyers.

英语翻译After having discovered how the product and brand are organized in consumers' minds,man- agement's problem is what to do about it.Setting Goals First of all,management must take into ac- count these two basic points:(1) A reputable brand



之后,发现了产品和品牌是在消费者心目中,人,问题是怎样做的。设定目标,首先,管理必须考虑到交流计数这些基本点:(1)一个有信誉的品牌,作为一个持续稳定的图像通过时间。人们对它的想法是不完全的可塑性,不是受一个通信和另一个。如果公众认为,品牌是品质低劣,或另一个是“在衰落,”或其他一些有所有最新的改进,这些信念通常不修改非常迅速。这种reputa,是通过时间,经常在管理方式,不知道。(2)这是很少可能的产品或品牌所有人。它可能是德- sirable出售给大多数人,但几乎没有一人能卖。一些品牌已经非常巧妙地建立起来的声誉是适合各种各样的人,但在大多数地区的观众群会不同,如果只是因为有离经叛道拒绝消费一样,其他人。更重要的是,有不同的年龄,性别,社会阶级,个性集团,说什么特殊利益群体,种族群体,和职业:男性多于女性群体。这是不容易的一个品牌,吸引稳定的下层阶级的人,同时是有趣的,复杂的,智力上中产买家。
