——Look!It rains.——Yeah.I____the folwers.A.shouldn't waterB.shouldn't have wateredC.musn't waterD.musn't have watered

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/04 00:14:03
——Look!It rains.——Yeah.I____the folwers.A.shouldn't waterB.shouldn't have wateredC.musn't waterD.musn't have watered
xS]oP+ݕ[b $Co2j0NJhnR>" YMK7Wi7 |pտKφw4isD$*@I7>vJ~0a3.[?1A܂ ؖ $Z^Hw&g%FK#6k6m,q눴Ӥ~CQ =5lp˹K`DE{hi>y N]\e8cqG1CKk2pO+]ג61Ne|U"uI (!F>9f |tgjW= ʵ߈.3|h,

——Look!It rains.——Yeah.I____the folwers.A.shouldn't waterB.shouldn't have wateredC.musn't waterD.musn't have watered
——Look!It rains.——Yeah.I____the folwers.
A.shouldn't water
B.shouldn't have watered
C.musn't water
D.musn't have watered

——Look!It rains.——Yeah.I____the folwers.A.shouldn't waterB.shouldn't have wateredC.musn't waterD.musn't have watered
shouldn't have done 不应该做的事情而做了
【俊狼猎英】 欢迎追问


解析:should (not)have done (sth .)是英语虚拟语气中的一种语法现象。这一结构既可以用来表示假设又可以用来表示事实。 这里的should not have done 表示“不应该做某事,但事实上却做了”。放在句子里的理解就是:


解析:should (not)have done (sth .)是英语虚拟语气中的一种语法现象。这一结构既可以用来表示假设又可以用来表示事实。 这里的should not have done 表示“不应该做某事,但事实上却做了”。放在句子里的理解就是:


——Look!It rains.——Yeah.I____the folwers.A.shouldn't waterB.shouldn't have wateredC.musn't waterD.musn't have watered It's very dry in spring in my hometown;it rains now and t—— I ———— come(不能来) tomorrow if it rains. 翻译:如果星期天下雨怎么办?—— ——it rains on sunday?填两个词 ie——ye üe——yue ye——yue 有什么不同 It often rains in summer.(变否定句) It ——often —— in summer 问几个英语问题 Look at the——.How hard it's——A rain raining B rains rainy C rain rain D raining rainy a little bit 和那个词可以互换Look jack and his dog———fliying disk together now A is playing B are playingMy father is bu It often rains a lot there(同义句)—— —— —— ——there 英语翻译What were you doing while it——(rains或raining)选一个并解释谢谢咯~ Look!It is________outside now.A.rain B.raining C,rains Look at the _____!It's_____heavily now.A.rian;rains B.rain;raining C.rains;rainy D.rain;rains Look ,it's____outside. A.raining B.rains C.rain D.Rains 2、—How is the weather tomorrow?—I don’t know if it( )tomorrow—Well,if it ( ) ,I won’t go out with.A.will rain ,will rain B.rains,rainsC.rains,will rain D.will rain,rains 22.— What if it ______ tomorrow?— I ______ at home and watch football matches on TV.A.rains; stay B.will rain; will stay C.rains; will stay D.will rain; stay答案选C但是为什么第一空要用rains不用will rain? ( )8.— What’s the weather like there?— It usually _____________.A.rain B.rainy C.rains频率副词应该是放在行为动词之前的吧! what if it —— The sports meeting will be put off .A) would rain .B) rained .C) rains .D) will rain为什么? if it ——tomorrow.i will go by car A rain b will rain C rains D would rain 选什么 look!It( )outside.A.rains heavy B.rains heavily C.is raining heavy D.is raining heavily