-How about the Christmas evening party?-I should say it was ______success.A.a,a B.the,a C.a,/ D.the,/It is___world of wonders,______world where anything can happen.A.a,the B.a,a C.the,a D./,/-I am so sorry to have come late for the metting.-It is not

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 17:49:23
-How about the Christmas evening party?-I should say it was ______success.A.a,a B.the,a C.a,/ D.the,/It is___world of wonders,______world where anything can happen.A.a,the B.a,a C.the,a D./,/-I am so sorry to have come late for the metting.-It is not
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-How about the Christmas evening party?-I should say it was ______success.A.a,a B.the,a C.a,/ D.the,/It is___world of wonders,______world where anything can happen.A.a,the B.a,a C.the,a D./,/-I am so sorry to have come late for the metting.-It is not
-How about the Christmas evening party?
-I should say it was ______success.
A.a,a B.the,a C.a,/ D.the,/
It is___world of wonders,______world where anything can happen.
A.a,the B.a,a C.the,a D./,/
-I am so sorry to have come late for the metting.
-It is not your fault.with________rush-hour traffic and______heavy rain,it is no wonder you were late.
A.a,a B.the,the C./,/ D./,a

-How about the Christmas evening party?-I should say it was ______success.A.a,a B.the,a C.a,/ D.the,/It is___world of wonders,______world where anything can happen.A.a,the B.a,a C.the,a D./,/-I am so sorry to have come late for the metting.-It is not
答案:1.B.success做 “成功”讲是不可数名词,指具体某个人或事物 “成功的人、事情”是可数名词.本题是指“圣诞晚会”这件事,是可数的;试比较:
I wish you success.(不可数)
You are a success.你是一个成功者(成功的人:可数)
2.B.指 “一个”这个概念:句意:这是一个充满奇迹的世界,一个任何事情都可以发生的世界.
如果用the就变成了 “这个、那个世界”了,语义不通.
注意:后面的a world充当同位语作用,经常用以解释前面的名词,常用one代替,也常考one的用法
3.B.这是说话人和听话人都知道的 “交通高峰期”和 “大雨”,所以要用the表示特指.

1. B.the特指那个圣诞晚会,a 表示一次成功的晚会
2. 选A a the
a world of wonders, a world where anything can happen 是两个并...


1. B.the特指那个圣诞晚会,a 表示一次成功的晚会
2. 选A a the
a world of wonders, a world where anything can happen 是两个并列结构。所以都用同样的冠词 a
3. 非常抱歉这次会议我迟到了。-这不是你的错。毕竟在交通高峰期。(迟到的理由:由于交通高峰期和大雨,表示特指)


1,a指这个晚会很举办得很成功。a success指一件成功的事情,泛指。而the特指的事物。。。。
2,选择A。a world of 是泛指一个世界,接着后面的the world 指前面提到的那个世界是怎样的。

1.C success 在此意为一件成功的事,这是抽象名词具体化的用法。2.B这是一个充满奇迹的世界,一个任何事都会发生的世界。3.c rush hour traffic and heavy rain 不用冠词修饰。希望这个答案对你有所帮助。

1B 2.A 3.A 不可数名词的具体化

第一题b,success 成功,不可数名词。第二题选a,这是一个充满神奇的世界,一个什么都会发生的世界。第三题,b,特指上班交通高峰期和这场雨

A 抽象名词
D traffic是不可数名词 一场雨可以是可数名词