1.A lot of new buildings have been put up in our university.It is no longer___it used to be.答案是D为什么不选B呢?A.like what B.that C.as D.what 2.I really have no idea___with her.答案是C为什么不选A呢?A.what the matter B.what the mat

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 08:34:04
1.A lot of new buildings have been put up in our university.It is no longer___it used to be.答案是D为什么不选B呢?A.like what B.that C.as D.what 2.I really have no idea___with her.答案是C为什么不选A呢?A.what the matter B.what the mat
xX[o+>Fk@ݠV"Exlօ١$IGī8;'~grI E%?Μwnib:/DXBSC]ٹE\8 D8z!S"Q:03fmhvhfFX'_~>M` .iqoB Ĥ~Q=0=@MhJ@|(A=z)bH8WrA]q= -ޕ[JO`j MGVyWI-8GcӁO܀acXo HRxӝhFNIFj~̍Ey /'r7!ϿKrᇼ+:y~sa-񝖬)dMX[KMWOp$GʰYS'hVNR{A1Yu٨jߨan@F6! yUy^raCkIᲠ$TߘsfO̝~EX %%BP^1Yx'DaӐN=7^4?s+1]ORV0Pt8 )9fag(4#I,@9!GӠ*"3z\Յ3`wAHzB=VH3zI $3*]n䲔U OB 5R8+ukQ}@Wn<@S}b0ZDk䕋< a._Z47Atzr"F85^>w( b:ӳTM AV2 JՊ ̬v=]@j `1'QZՄ̗pcE-*ֵev`2>躑:Nm(:9Ai${L6%j?3N[:7֕L%NjcGhn/SaJS%NtZSp՗O˹ٌ?h8)cTʲBĀoƻS3Kg$5"Q1Q^ ߤOiOv'<֊SۭyNiQ8ɡ-;Ç3~9-ZyolvH\ĸzk[)TO¹Z"77k =cOȣKy)aVf=7!,Nﵙ?7/%g!B5 Pe+2q ?)

1.A lot of new buildings have been put up in our university.It is no longer___it used to be.答案是D为什么不选B呢?A.like what B.that C.as D.what 2.I really have no idea___with her.答案是C为什么不选A呢?A.what the matter B.what the mat
1.A lot of new buildings have been put up in our university.It is no longer___it used to be.答案是D为什么不选B呢?
A.like what B.that C.as D.what
2.I really have no idea___with her.答案是C为什么不选A呢?
A.what the matter B.what the matter was C.what wrong was D.what was wrong
3.The lady___he spoke to just now is a professor___here.答案是D为什么不选A呢?
A.that,who teaches B.to whom,who teaching C.to whom,teaching English D.whom,teaching English
4.Is there a shop___we can buy an English-English dictionary?答案是A为什么不选B呢?
A.where B.that C.which D.the one

1.A lot of new buildings have been put up in our university.It is no longer___it used to be.答案是D为什么不选B呢?A.like what B.that C.as D.what 2.I really have no idea___with her.答案是C为什么不选A呢?A.what the matter B.what the mat
1、它再也不是原来的样子了.it ,主语,is,谓语,no longer,状语,what it used to be,表语从句.引导主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句等从句时,what要充当句子成分,而that不充当句子成分,只起连接作用.换句话说,that当引导词,后可跟完整句子,what不行.
2、我真不知道她怎么了.have no idea,“不知道”,我不知道的事情正是“她怎么了”,所以“她怎么了”在这里充当的是have no idea的宾语,宾语从句用陈述语序.
3、第一空,whom/that引导了一个定语从句,修饰the lady,充当介词to的宾语;第二空,现在分词作定语,修饰前面 a professor,“在这儿教学的教授”.

1、最后一句是宾语从句,空格里填的词是连接宾语从句并作to be的宾语,what 和 that两个都可以引导宾语从句,that 在从句中没有实际的意思,也不充当任何成分,只起到连接句子的作用,而what在宾语从句中不但起连接作用,本身在从句中还充当宾语,故选D不选B。
2、这是一个同位语从句,如果选A,就变成what the matter with her,这个句子就没有谓语,一个主谓宾完...


1、最后一句是宾语从句,空格里填的词是连接宾语从句并作to be的宾语,what 和 that两个都可以引导宾语从句,that 在从句中没有实际的意思,也不充当任何成分,只起到连接句子的作用,而what在宾语从句中不但起连接作用,本身在从句中还充当宾语,故选D不选B。
2、这是一个同位语从句,如果选A,就变成what the matter with her,这个句子就没有谓语,一个主谓宾完整的句子应该是what was wrong with her,而这是一个同位语从句,故选C
3、The lady是he说话的对象,是宾语,所以应该用宾格的whom,而professor是现在(just now
)在这里教书,是现在进行时,故应该用现在进行时的teaching English
4、看这个句子,we can buy an English-English dictionary 已经是一个完整无缺的句子,那么很显然是缺少一个连词之类,Shop是一个地点,那么where作为地点副词连接两个句子是最合适不过的了


1 这是个定语从句,不是个表语从句It is no longer_what (that)__it used to be
2 what the matter was
3 who whom应该都能用that替代,我不是很有把握
4 where 表地点,,that有点像定语从句,

1、如果选B,那么这句话就变成了强调句型。而强调句型中,把it is ...that 去掉还是一个完整的句子。这题中,that显然不可以。另外what相当于something that 。


1、如果选B,那么这句话就变成了强调句型。而强调句型中,把it is ...that 去掉还是一个完整的句子。这题中,that显然不可以。另外what相当于something that 。


1. 表语从句缺表语 that 在名词性从句中不做成分
2. 感觉B和C都对
3. 第一个空 宾语从句中缺spoke to 后面的宾语,填that 和whom 都可以,第二个空,teach 是及物 动词,选A的话缺宾语了。
4. 定语从句不缺成分 而且先行词是shop

简单来说只要是这些都是"用作关系代名词的先行词",这些都是为了延常句子结构并详述更具体的情节内容所常用的~ 以下是我所归纳的:
1.若是跟"人"有关的代名词,後面要接 who(m),that.-


简单来说只要是这些都是"用作关系代名词的先行词",这些都是为了延常句子结构并详述更具体的情节内容所常用的~ 以下是我所归纳的:
1.若是跟"人"有关的代名词,後面要接 who(m),that.-
ex:I really have no idea" what wrong was" with her.
5.ex: Is there a shop "where" we can buy an English-English dictionary.
6. 只要代名词後面接的是"人",就要把who→whom,所以最有可能的答案为 "D"
ex:The lady "whom " he spoke to just now is a professor teaching English here. (肯定句)


1 D.what 引导名词性从句作表语 是表语从句
2答案是D.what was wrong
原答案 错 这是名词性从句 作同位语 是同位语从句 what是从句中的主语 本身就是陈述句语序
3答案 就是A teach可以是不及物动词 选项D 定从谓语动词错
4 A.where 引导定从 并作从句中的地点状语


1 D.what 引导名词性从句作表语 是表语从句
2答案是D.what was wrong
原答案 错 这是名词性从句 作同位语 是同位语从句 what是从句中的主语 本身就是陈述句语序
3答案 就是A teach可以是不及物动词 选项D 定从谓语动词错
4 A.where 引导定从 并作从句中的地点状语
从句完整 无需代词 故A 错


We'll build a lot of new buildings in our city this year.初三英语句子改写,改为被动语态A lot of new buildings_____ _____ _____in our city this yeai. What should we do first if we want to develop our village?A lot of new roads ( ),I think.A must build B have to build Cmust be built D have built 把以下句子改成被动语态,30分,十万火急!1 He made a big cake this morning2 He drink a lot of water every day.3 They will build a new hospital next year.4.She can write English leters What should we do if we want to develop our village?I think a lot of new roads________---A have built B must be built C must built D must build 我觉得选B.你们觉得呢 build up your vocabulary ,you'll need lots...有这个词吗,只见过a lot,a lot of,lotsof. A lot of w___ was sent to Sichuan Province to be used to build houses. have, words, new, a lot of, i, to, write I can a lot of make them new things There are a lot of new (b ) in my hometown. He alwags has a lot of new things to learn He is medium build , but he looks_____fat,I think. A a lot of B. a bit of C.a little What should we do first if we want to develop our village?A lot of new roads____,I think.A.have to build B.must be built C.have built D.must build应该选B吧?我觉得首先应该选被动~然后MUST是必须的意思,不过不确定~应该选 英语.大哥大姐们1.Jack's father wondered______.A.how much had cost the new DVDsB.the new DVDs had cost how much C.how much the new DVDs had costD.how much had the new DVDS cost2.The city goverment needs ____ money to build underground.A.a lot B 用celebrate的适当形式填空 1.We have a lot of activities in the ( ) of the New Year. I have a lot of new friends at the new school.Do you want to know Which of the following sentence(s) is (are) wrong?Which of the following sentence(s) is (are) wrong?1)Two months has passed already.2)A lot of new buildings will build in our city soon.3)Several hundreds of wild animals were killed each day in the ol He is medium build,but he looks ____ fat,I think.A a little B a lot of C a little of D a little bit of 英语lt took me a lot of money to buy a new computer (改为同义句)lt ______ a lot of money _____ a new computer