
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/30 23:27:17
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difference 名词
C] ~ (between A and B); ~ (in/of sth) state or way in which two people or things are not the same, or in which sb/sth has changed 差别; 差异; 不同之处; 变化; 变化之处: the marked differences between the two children 两个孩子之间的显着差别 * Did you notice a difference (in her)? 你注意到(她)有什麽变化吗? * It's easy to tell the difference (ie distinguish) between butter and margarine. 区别黄油和人造黄油是很容易的. * a difference of approach 方法的不同.
[C, U] ~ (in sth) (between A and B) amount or degree in which two things are not the same or sth has changed 差距; 差额; 变化程度: There's an age difference of six years between them, ie One of them is six years older than the other. 他们俩相差六岁. * I'll lend you 90% of the money and you'll have to find the difference, ie the other 10%. 我借给你这笔钱的90%, 其余的(10%)你自己解决. * We measured the difference(s) in temperature. 我们测量了温度的变化. * There's not much difference in price between the two computers. 这两种计算机价格没多大差别.
[C] ~ (between A and B) (over sth) disagreement, often involving a quarrel 意见不合, 争执(常引起争吵者): Settle your differences and be friends again. 你们消除分歧, 言归於好罢. * We had a difference of opinion (ie argued) over who had won. 我们在究竟是谁获胜的问题上发生了争执.
(idm 习语) as near as makes no difference => near2. for all the `difference it/sth
makes considering how little difference it/sth makes 鉴於那事物[某事物]作用甚微; 尽管有所差别. make a, no, some, etc difference (to sb/sth) (a) have an, no, some, etc effect (on sb/sth) (对某人[某事物])有、 没有、 有些...作用或影响: The rain didn't make much difference (to the game). 这场雨(对比赛)没多大影响. * The sea air has made a difference to (ie improved) her health. 海上的空气改善了她的健康状况. * A hot bath makes all the difference (ie makes you feel better) in the morning. 上午洗个热水澡能让人精神振奋. (b) be important, unimportant, etc (to sb/sth); matter (对某人[某事物])重要、 不重要等; 要紧、 不要紧等: It makes no difference (to me) what you say: I'm not going. 不管你怎麽说(对我来说)都无所谓, 反正我不去. * It won't make much difference whether you go today or tomorrow. 你今天去也好, 明天去也好, 关系不大. * Does that make any difference? ie Is it important, need we consider it? 那要紧吗? * Yes, it makes all the difference, ie is very important. 是的, 非常重要. make a difference between treat differently 区别对待; 不同样对待: She makes no difference between her two sons. 她对两个儿子一视同仁. sink one's differences => sink1. split the difference => split. with a `difference (following ns 用於名词之后) special; unusual 特别的; 与众不同的: She's an opera singer with a difference: she can act well! 她这个歌剧演唱家与众不同, 因为她还擅长表演!
different 形容词
~ (from/to sb/sth); esp US ~ (than sb/sth) not the same (as sb/sth) 不同的; 不一样的; 有区别的: the same product with a different name 名称不同的同一种产品 * The room looks different with the furniture gone. 家具搬走之后, 这房间变了样了. * Their tastes are different from/to mine. 他们的爱好与我的不同. * She is wearing a different dress every time I see her. 我每次见到她时, 她穿的衣服都不重样.
separate; distinct 分别的; 彼此分开的; 各不相同的: I called on three different occasions, but he was out. 我打了三次电话, 他都不在. * They are sold in different colours, ie a variety of colours. 这批货有多种颜色供选购.
(idm 习语) (as) ,different as ,chalk and/from `cheese completely different 天差地远; 迥然不同. a (very) different kettle of fish (infml 口) a completely different person or thing from the one previously mentioned 与所提及的人或事物完全不同者; 另一码事. know different => know. sing a different song/tune => sing. > differently adv.
NOTE ON USAGE 用法: British and US English differ as regards the prepositions used after different. 接在different后面的介词, 在英式英语和美式英语中有所不同.
1 Before a noun or adverbial phrase, both from and to are acceptable in British English. 若用在名词或状语短语前, 英式英语使用from和to均可. Some speakers prefer from. 有的人喜欢用from. Different than is not usual *different than则不常用: He's very different from/to his brother. 他跟他哥哥很不同. * This visit is very different from/to last time. 这次的访问与上次大不一样. In US English than is commonly used (not to) 在美式英语中, than使用得较普遍(to则不常见): Your trains are different from/than ours. 你们的火车跟我们的不一样. * You look different than before. 你看上去跟从前不同了.
2 In both varieties, but especially in US English, than is an alternative to from before a clause 在以上两种英语中, 尤其是美式英语, 从句前既可用from亦可用than: His appearance was very different from what I'd expected/His appearance was very different than I'd expected. 他的容貌与我想像的相去甚远.

different是形容词 不同的 表示这个意思的时候都可以用记得是“不同的”

如:One of the difference betwean you and your brother is ages.(做主语)你和你哥哥之间不同点之一是年龄。
Can you tell me the difference betwean you and you...


如:One of the difference betwean you and your brother is ages.(做主语)你和你哥哥之间不同点之一是年龄。
Can you tell me the difference betwean you and your brother.(做宾语)你能告诉我你和你哥哥之间的不同之处吗?
2)形容词一般用做修饰的,或者经常用在BE+形容词 结构中
如:Cats and tigers are different animals.(修饰名词)猫和老虎是不同的动物。
Cats and tigers are different .(be+形容词结构)


差异, 差别, 分歧, 争论, [数]差额, 差分
[数]微分的, [机]差动的
AHD:[d¹f“…r-…nt, d¹f“r…nt]
D.J.[6d!f*r*nt, 6d!fr*nt]
K.K.[6d!f*r*nt, 6d!fr*nt]


差异, 差别, 分歧, 争论, [数]差额, 差分
[数]微分的, [机]差动的
AHD:[d¹f“…r-…nt, d¹f“r…nt]
D.J.[6d!f*r*nt, 6d!fr*nt]
K.K.[6d!f*r*nt, 6d!fr*nt]
Unlike in form, quality, amount, or nature; dissimilar:
took different approaches to the problem.
Distinct or separate:
That's a different issue altogether.
Various or assorted:
interviewed different members of the community.
Differing from all others; unusual:
a different point of view.

