
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 21:33:42
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Good morning everyone,today I will introduce my hometown zhoushan.You read with me.First of all see is located in putuo nahai guanyin.She is very high.Mountain.analysis is temple and rain,HuiJi temple temple in the top three.Seen the Buddhism culture,we come to appreciate zhujiajian sharp sand culture,you can swim on the sea of zhujiajian pointed,but this is not the most important.Held here every year sand sculpture festival,it continually demonstrates the short life of sand sculpture art of magic charm.Peach blossom island,do you think of huang2 rong2?There are attractive scenery let visitors not to forget.Finally was to introduce the characteristic of zhoushan seafood,shrimp,crabs,yellow croaker,hairtail,delicious fresh,this is the most characteristic sidewalk snack booth of the sea.Anyway just want to eat seafood to let zhoushan.

Good morning everyone,today Iwant to introduce my hometownZhoushan.Youand I read.The first to see theMount Putuo is located in theSouth China Seaa Buddism godness guanyin.She isvery high.Puji templean...


Good morning everyone,today Iwant to introduce my hometownZhoushan.Youand I read.The first to see theMount Putuo is located in theSouth China Seaa Buddism godness guanyin.She isvery high.Puji templeandthe temple law rain,Huiji templeat the top threetemples.Readthe Buddhaculture,wecome to appreciatethecultureof Zhujiajian,youcan swim inthe sea ofZhujiajian,butthis is not the most important.Holdthe festivalhereevery year,it continues todemonstratetheshortlife of artofmagic.Taohua Island,would you MissHuang.Here are thecharmingscenery touristscan not forget.Finally,to introduceis the characteristics of Zhoushanseafood,shrimp,crabs,yellow croaker,hairtail,fresh and delicious,this isthe most uniqueseasidestall.In a wordlikeseafood willcome to Zhoushan.


Good morning, today I want to introduce my home town in Zhoushan. We read along with me. See first is a South Sea Avalokitesvara in putuoshan. She is really high. Are puji Temple and fayu Temple, huij...


Good morning, today I want to introduce my home town in Zhoushan. We read along with me. See first is a South Sea Avalokitesvara in putuoshan. She is really high. Are puji Temple and fayu Temple, huijisi Temple of the top three. We visited the Buddhist culture, we are to listen to the zhujiajian sand culture, you can be swimming in the sea of zhujiajian, but this is not the most important. Sand Sculpture Festival held here every year, it has consistently demonstrated the magical charm of short-life art of sand sculpture. Peach Blossom Island, what do you think of Huang Rong. There are stunning views for visitors unforgettable. Finally would like to introduce is the feature of Zhoushan seafood, shrimp, crab, yellow fin tuna, Octopus, fresh and delicious, this is the most unique beachside stall. Anyway, wanted to come to us in Zhoushan, eat seafood.


英语翻译大家早上好,今天我要介绍的是我的家乡舟山.大家和我一起读.首先看到的是位于普陀山的南海观音.她很高很大.普济寺是和法雨寺,惠济寺位列前三的寺庙.看过了佛文化,我们来欣赏 求一篇介绍少年派奇幻漂流的英语小短文自己写的,开头是早上好,今天我为大家介绍一部电影.的.不要直接用工具翻译的 英语翻译先生们,女士们,早上好,今天我们为大家带来的节目是《唐伯虎点秋香》中精彩的一段,希望大家会喜欢,下面请我的室友为大家带来精彩的表演, 英语翻译汉语意思是:今天,我要为大家介绍的书目是《勃朗特一家的故事》. 英语翻译谁能帮我把下面句子翻译成英语:同学们,早上好!今天我给大家讲个小笑话,它的名字叫做“新老师”. 英语翻译老师早上好,我相信每位同学都会拥有自己的喜好,而我也不例外.今天我要和大家分享,畅谈我的喜好.我的爱好有很多,而我最喜爱的便是绘画和阅读.绘画是我从小便很喜欢的一项活动 英语演讲 怎么介绍自己和所讲的题目?翻译 - - ...大家早上好,我的名字叫做___ ,今天我给大家带来一个故事,故事的名字叫做___ 英语翻译早上好!  我十分荣幸有这个机会参加面试,  我希望今天我能有个好的表现.我相信我能成功.  现在我将简单介绍一下我自己本人性格热情开朗,待人友好,为人诚实谦虚.工作勤 英语翻译大家早上好,希望大家喜欢我们的表演!我晕~要日语的.有中文拼音的,让我好念··谢谢∩_∩ 英语翻译今天,我为大家介绍下中国的传统节日——重阳节. 英语翻译早上好,很高兴在这里和大家认识,我叫XX,今年24岁,出生于西安,我是一个活泼开朗的女孩,今天有点紧张,不过还是很高兴通过这次机会和大家认识, 英语翻译今天是我为大家做值日报告.今天我为大家介绍的是我的家乡荆州.图上的这个点就是荆州在全国的位置,今天我分为五个版块来给大家介绍我的家乡.第一个请观看视看荆州城市宣传片 帮我写个值日报告早上好,今天是10月27日,我过的很高兴,明天要读书翻译成英文 今天我向大家介绍的是关于加拿大的一些常识 英文怎么说 英语翻译早上好,大家好我叫jack,很高兴见到大家,我是个调皮的小男孩,嘻嘻,喜欢打乒乓球,最喜欢的食物是汉堡包,但是妈妈不让我吃说要发胖哎,你呢? 高一英语值日报告翻译:大家早上好,今天是我值日,今天我来给大家讲一个小笑 高一英语值日报告翻译:大家早上好,今天是我值日,今天我来给大家讲一个小笑话. 英语翻译今天我要为大家介绍下我的爱好 我的爱好是收藏手电筒大家可能觉得我的爱好很奇怪 但是手电筒为大家带来光明 能为我们指明前进的道路这是我收藏的一部分手电筒 我收集手电筒