It's a pity..的疑问It's a pity he couldn't visit Mary.这是个定语从句吧?I could drive a car by the time I was sixteen.这是什么从句?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 11:23:22
It's a pity..的疑问It's a pity he couldn't visit Mary.这是个定语从句吧?I could drive a car by the time I was sixteen.这是什么从句?
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It's a pity..的疑问It's a pity he couldn't visit Mary.这是个定语从句吧?I could drive a car by the time I was sixteen.这是什么从句?
It's a pity..的疑问
It's a pity he couldn't visit Mary.
I could drive a car by the time I was sixteen.

It's a pity..的疑问It's a pity he couldn't visit Mary.这是个定语从句吧?I could drive a car by the time I was sixteen.这是什么从句?
一、“it is + 形容词表语 + 从句”叫做主语从句,其中
* it 是形式主语,
* 从句是真实主语.
he couldn't visit Mary is a pity.
很明显,主语部分是个较长的句子,而表语却只有一个形容词,整个句子显得头重脚轻.为了避免这种头重脚轻得凝重句式,于是就把做主语的从句放在句尾,主语空出来的位置由形式代词 it 来充当.
不定式:It is difficult to study English Grammar.学习英语语法很难.
动名词:It is no good eating more.多吃食没有好处的.
从 句:It's a pity that he couldn't visit Mary.
二、I could drive a car by the time I was sixteen 中的by the time I was sixtteen 可以作如下几种理
1.最易于理解的是把 by the time 看成一个复合的引导时间状语的连词,如果这样,它就是时间状语从句;
2.比较复杂的办法则是把 by the time 和 I was sixtteen 分开来分析:
* by the time 介词短语作时间状语,意思是“到那时为止” 或者“在那以前”;
* I was sixtteen 是省略关系词 when 或 at which 的定语从句,即“(在)我16岁的时候(以前)”.
英语语法里常把“the + 表示时间的名词”规定为复合连词,用来引导时间状语从句,如:
the moment 就在...那一刻
the time 就在...那个时刻
the day 就在...那一天
the year 就在...那一年

第一个是it作形式主语,实际应该是:That he couldn't visit Mary is a pity.
第二个是when时间状语从句,省略了when. (I could drive a car by the time when I was sixteen.)

第一个不是定语从句 且是个错误的句子 因为 他不能见玛丽 这是遗憾的内容 所以这句话应是一个同位语从句 而在同位语从句中 that是不能省去的
应该是 It's a pity that he couldn't visit Mary.
