I could play football very well when l was younger改成用he作主语.这个句子该怎么变?为什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:09:10
I could play football very well when l was younger改成用he作主语.这个句子该怎么变?为什么?
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I could play football very well when l was younger改成用he作主语.这个句子该怎么变?为什么?
I could play football very well when l was younger改成用he作主语.

I could play football very well when l was younger改成用he作主语.这个句子该怎么变?为什么?
He could play football very well when he was younger.这里could 后面要用动词原形.这样的话只要吧人称换掉就好了

He could plays football very well when he was younger.

He could plays football very well when he was younger.

we often play football afrer school 对划线句子提问 是play footbal If I __(have)time,I could play with you. Could you record the footbal match for me?I can watch _____ later.A.it B.that这一条我知道选A,但是有人问我that为什么不对.我就不知道该怎么回答了... they are going to【play footbal】 after school,画线提问【】【】they going to【】after school? David wanted to play basketball instead of footbal 句型转换没有要求,但意思要一样 I could play no more mind games.帮忙翻译下, sorry I'm busy有我不会的意思吗?听力当中,A叫B去踢足球 ,B说:sorry,I'm busy .然后问 what does B mean.?A.He doesn't like play footbal with themB.He can't play football.C.He will play football.D.He is working hard.答案选B 为什 英语翻译A.Excuse me ________________?B.It’s a footbal.A.________________?B.Yes,I can play it.What about you?A.————————.But I want to play.B.OK.I can help you.____________.A.Like this?Does she like it?Yes,she does._____________ I wish I could have time to play chess every day为什么要用could 而不是用 can how i wish i could hear Beethoven himself play it何意,can行吗 how i wish i could hear beethoven play the piano with my own e__________ could,how,the,I,flute,see,wish,her,I,play连词成句 i knew the robots could play chess with us变疑问句否定句呢,为什么could不变成can I could play football very well when l was younger.的意思RT I could play football very well when I was younger.为什么不用when I was young ,两者有何区别 I play 造句I play . have放句首 谓语动词用原型吗 比如说 have you play football 还是have you played footbal求救啊! 谁可以肯定地告诉我! 1.David wanted to play basketball instead of footbal 2.The floor in the hall was spotlessly clean.3.Kate bought a necklace for $100.