
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 15:09:09
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  城门失火    Many many years ago, in the State of Song, there was a city gate. Outside the gate was a moat with fishes that lived a quiet and happy life there.   One day the tower above the city gate caught fire and the people of the city were alarmed. Even the fishes in the moat could hear the gone.   "What's the noise about?" the fishes wondered. "I must go and find out," said one curious black carp. When he saw the tower on fire, he hurried back to tell hismates1. "Swim all you could! Swim all you could! Swim for life!" He cried to his fellow-fishes. "The city gate is burning!"   So all the fishes except the carps started to swim away. Onearrogant2 carp even laughed at the other fishes. "Don't laugh," said the kind black carp. "You really ought to swim away, too, in good time."   "Why should I?" asked the arrogant carp. "It's only their city gate on fire, what's it got to do with me in the water?" The fire spread very fast and the firemen had used up all the water in the city. But it was still burning. So they fetched waster from the moat.   At long last, the fire was put out, but the moat had also gone dry, leaving a few sorry carps in theirdying3 struggle. This tale likens the city gate fire to disasters that do not seem to concern us but that can spread and involve even the innocent4.   很久很久以前,宋国有一座城池.城外有一条河,河中的鱼群生活的十分安定愉快.   有一天,城楼失火了,火警的钟声穿到了水中.   “为什么这么吵闹呢?”一条鱼问道,“我们得去看看!”好奇的青鱼已经先游去去查看了,当它看到城楼失火时,他急忙回来告诉他的同伴,“着火了,城楼失火了,快点叫他们逃命吧!”   所有的鱼都逃命去了,只有一条鲤鱼在嘲笑他们.青鱼对他说:“还不快逃命,还在这里笑什么?”   “我为什么要逃,城楼失火了又不会蔓延到水中,我为什么要走呢?”鲤鱼回答.城中的水很快就用完了,火还没有扑灭,于是,人们都来护城河中取水救火.   火终于扑灭了,可是河也干涸了,只余下几条可怜的鲤鱼在河床上作垂死的挣扎.城门失火比喻因牵连而受祸害或损失.







Most terribly cold it was; it snowed, and was nearly quite dark, and evening--
the last evening of the year. In this cold and darkness there went along the
street a poor little girl, bareheaded, and with naked feet. When she left home
she had slippers on, it is true; but what was the good of that? They were very
large slippers, which her mother had hitherto worn; so large were they; and
the poor little thing lost them as she scuffled away across the street,
because of two carriages that rolled by dreadfully fast.

One slipper was nowhere to be found; the other had been laid hold of by an
urchin, and off he ran with it; he thought it would do capitally for a cradle
when he some day or other should have children himself. So the little maiden
walked on with her tiny naked feet, that were quite red and blue from cold.
She carried a quantity of matches in an old apron, and she held a bundle of
them in her hand. Nobody had bought anything of her the whole livelong day; no
one had given her a single farthing.

She crept along trembling with cold and hunger--a very picture of sorrow, the
poor little thing!

The flakes of snow covered her long fair hair, which fell in beautiful curls
around her neck; but of that, of course, she never once now thought. From all
the windows the candles were gleaming, and it smelt so deliciously of roast
goose, for you know it was New Year's Eve; yes, of that she thought.

In a corner formed by two houses, of which one advanced more than the other,
she seated herself down and cowered together. Her little feet she had drawn
close up to her, but she grew colder and colder, and to go home she did not
venture, for she had not sold any matches and could not bring a farthing of
money: from her father she would certainly get blows, and at home it was cold
too, for above her she had only the roof, through which the wind whistled,
even though the largest cracks were stopped up with straw and rags.

Her little hands were almost numbed with cold. Oh! a match might afford her a
world of comfort, if she only dared take a single one out of the bundle, draw
it against the wall, and warm her fingers by it. She drew one out. "Rischt!"
how it blazed, how it burnt! It was a warm, bright flame, like a candle, as
she held her hands over it: it was a wonderful light. It seemed really to the
little maiden as though she were sitting before a large iron stove, with
burnished brass feet and a brass ornament at top. The fire burned with such
blessed influence; it warmed so delightfully. The little girl had already
stretched out her feet to warm them too; but--the small flame went out, the
stove vanished: she had only the remains of the burnt-out match in her hand.

She rubbed another against the wall: it burned brightly, and where the light
fell on the wall, there the wall became transparent like a veil, so that she
could see into the room. On the table was spread a snow-white tablecloth; upon
it was a splendid porcelain service, and the roast goose was steaming famously
with its stuffing of apple and dried plums. And what was still more capital to
behold was, the goose hopped down from the dish, reeled about on the floor
with knife and fork in its breast, till it came up to the poor little girl;
when--the match went out and nothing but the thick, cold, damp wall was left
behind. She lighted another match. Now there she was sitting under the most
magnificent Christmas tree: it was still larger, and more decorated than the
one which she had seen through the glass door in the rich merchant's house.

Thousands of lights were burning on the green branches, and gaily-colored
pictures, such as she had seen in the shop-windows, looked down upon her.
The little maiden stretched out her hands towards them when--the match went
out. The lights of the Christmas tree rose higher and higher, she saw them now
as stars in heaven; one fell down and formed a long trail of fire.

"Someone is just dead!" said the little girl; for her old grandmother, the
only person who had loved her, and who was now no more, had told her, that
when a star falls, a soul ascends to God.

She drew another match against the wall: it was again light, and in the lustre
there stood the old grandmother, so bright and radiant, so mild, and with such
an expression of love.

"Grandmother!" cried the little one. "Oh, take me with you! You go away when
the match burns out; you vanish like the warm stove, like the delicious roast
goose, and like the magnificent Christmas tree!" And she rubbed the whole
bundle of matches quickly against the wall, for she wanted to be quite sure of
keeping her grandmother near her. And the matches gave such a brilliant light
that it was brighter than at noon-day: never formerly had the grandmother been
so beautiful and so tall. She took the little maiden, on her arm, and both
flew in brightness and in joy so high, so very high, and then above was
neither cold, nor hunger, nor anxiety--they were with God.

But in the corner, at the cold hour of dawn, sat the poor girl, with rosy
cheeks and with a smiling mouth, leaning against the wall--frozen to death on
the last evening of the old year. Stiff and stark sat the child there with her
matches, of which one bundle had been burnt. "She wanted to warm herself,"
people said. No one had the slightest suspicion of what beautiful things she
had seen; no one even dreamed of the splendor in which, with her grandmother
she had entered on the joys of a new year.







One night, I let my mother took me to the supermarket, I am arguing for a long time, my mother finally agreed to take me to. By there, I saw a grandfather sitting on sitting on wooden wheel board, he ...


One night, I let my mother took me to the supermarket, I am arguing for a long time, my mother finally agreed to take me to. By there, I saw a grandfather sitting on sitting on wooden wheel board, he was wearing an overcoat and several patches, hair matted, as not washed mop, shoes have been worn on the right foot only, but also there is no soles of. There is only one Kukou pants, the other only half Kukou, with a Po Wan money. "I have grown up, have to become a scientist, improper beggar, money money, begging no rice." I determined to say. I have a door, they saw a dazzling array of items one by one placed in the shelf, I'll go to this, again for a while then went to buy things, "the number could not finish." I pull her to pay, when, suddenly, I was reminded of the outside of the beggar. So, I put the basket down, pulled her mother to buy bread, place, and I want my mother to buy a clip of bread with ham, my mother kept strictly rejected me because my mother has always been against me to eat sausage. I think my mother repeated requests, said: "This time, the future no longer buy the" mother looked at me water, Lin Lin's eyes, had promised, and said: "The future, it will not be allowed to buy!" I see my mother agreed, and can not help but overjoyed, my mother paid for, it out the door. I am excited to pick up the bread, gave beggar, said: "Grandpa, you must not eat it, eat." My mother saw it, said: "My son, how can you Buzao Yue, as early as said that I had bought." Although the future can not eat bread and ham, but I did an interesting thing, "rescued" a beggar, let my heart be complacent, is a good thing.
有一天晚上,我让妈妈带我上超市,我吵了好久,妈妈才肯带我去。 到了那儿,我看见了一个老爷爷坐在坐在木轮板上,他穿着一件有好几个补丁的大衣,头发乱蓬蓬的,如同没洗过的拖把,鞋子只有一直穿在右脚上,而且也没有鞋底了。裤子只有一个裤口,另一个只有半个裤口,,用一个破碗要钱。 “我长大了一定要当一个科学家,不当叫花子,要钱没钱,要饭没饭。”我下定决心的说。 我一进门,就看见了琳琅满目的物品一个个摆在架子上,我一会儿跑到这,又一会儿跑到那,买的东西“数不完”。在我拉妈妈去付钱时,突然,我想起了外面的叫花子。于是,我把篮子放下,拉着妈妈去买面包的地方,我要妈妈买一个夹有火腿肠的面包,妈妈严加拒绝了我,因为妈妈一直反对我吃火腿肠。我想妈妈一再请求,说:“就这一次,以后再也不买了”,妈妈看着我水淋淋的眼神,只好答应,并说:“以后一定不准买!”我见妈妈答应了,不禁喜出望外,妈妈付了钱,就出了门。我兴奋地拿起面包,递给叫花子,说:“爷爷,你一定没吃过吧,吃吧。”妈妈看见了便说:“儿子,你怎么不早说,早说我早买了。” 虽然以后不能吃到火腿肠的面包了,但是我做了一件有意义的事情,“解救”了一个叫花子,让我心里沾沾自喜,是一件好事。


英语翻译我要去英语演讲比赛,要准备一个英语故事,长点的,带翻译. 英语演讲比赛会出什么题目?我后天要去参加一个英语演讲比赛,还要回答评委的问题.通常情况下,评委一般会出什么问题? 怎么准备CCTV英语演讲比赛?我想参加这个比赛啊,但是不知道怎么去准备,请大家帮帮我 我要参加英语演讲比赛 准备三分钟 演讲三分钟 我都准备些什么主题啦?这是校内选拔cctv比赛那个 去参加公司的英文演讲比赛,有提问的环节,要准备什么问题? 我们要做英语班长演讲比赛 我要找一个英语短文 如果想要参加CCTV CUP英语演讲比赛要怎么准备啊,特别是即兴演讲,我现在大二,是不是要准备一年? 我要参加一个高中生英语演讲比赛 请问看点谁的英文演讲视频比较好 求一个富有哲理的小故事要3分钟左右哦,我要去参加演讲比赛. be myself 英语演讲我要参加英语演讲比赛, 英语翻译他太小了 不能去上学.昨天,李明在演讲比赛上得了第一名你什么时候开始学英语的要准确 必须人工翻译 主持演讲比赛的开场白与结束语演讲比赛,题目《我有一个梦想》我作主持人,要思路就可以了 英语演讲比赛该怎么准备啊 鲨鱼皮泳衣英文介绍因为我要参加一个科技英语的演讲比赛,所以很需要大家的帮助, 翻译成英语:我刚刚参加了一个英语演讲比赛 “英语演讲比赛”怎么用英语翻译 怎样做一个英语演讲ppt我要参加一个英语演讲比赛,要求制作ppt,我演讲的是一篇抒情散文.应该怎么在演讲中穿插方放ppt,ppt上应该有什么内容.小妹第一次参加演讲比赛,急, 求找一个有趣的英语故事我要参加一个英语演讲比赛,求有启发性而且有趣的英语故事,