征集一段英语口语情景对话,有关将来职业的A and B are talking about their favorite jobs.A would like to be an international correspondent/doctor/teacher...since it is a glamorous job...But B prefers to be a web-based movie critic/busi

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:01:12
征集一段英语口语情景对话,有关将来职业的A and B are talking about their favorite jobs.A would like to be an international correspondent/doctor/teacher...since it is a glamorous job...But B prefers to be a web-based movie critic/busi
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征集一段英语口语情景对话,有关将来职业的A and B are talking about their favorite jobs.A would like to be an international correspondent/doctor/teacher...since it is a glamorous job...But B prefers to be a web-based movie critic/busi
A and B are talking about their favorite jobs.A would like to be an international correspondent/doctor/teacher...since it is a glamorous job...But B prefers to be a web-based movie critic/businessman/writer/singer/fashion designer...,beacause...They finally wish each other have their dreams come true.

征集一段英语口语情景对话,有关将来职业的A and B are talking about their favorite jobs.A would like to be an international correspondent/doctor/teacher...since it is a glamorous job...But B prefers to be a web-based movie critic/busi
A:I would like to be an international corresspondent iin the future,how about you?B:I prefer to be a teacher after graduation,this is my childhood desire.Well,the international correspondent sound great too.A:Yeah,since it is a glamorous job,as you know,being an international correspondent,I can travel aroud the world and report the worldwide hot spots,I can get the updated information to the people all over the world.B:Travel around the world,perfect!To be an international correspondent,being fluent in English is very necessary since English is the basic communicating language over the world.Then,you will need a good English teacher when you studying English.A:I see,you want to be an English teacher,don’t you?B:Yes,I want to be an English teacher,I hope I can go back to my hometown and teach the children there.As you know,I come from a small village in the northwestern China,it is a poor village and there is no English teacher there,it is difficult for the children there to learn English and to know about the outside world of the village.I hope I can open the road to the world for the children there by my English teaching.A:Wow,that is really,really a great dream.Let’s study hard from now on,keep studying to make our dreams come true as soon as possible.B:Yeah,keep studying and working hard to make our dreams come true.

征集一段英语口语情景对话,有关将来职业的A and B are talking about their favorite jobs.A would like to be an international correspondent/doctor/teacher...since it is a glamorous job...But B prefers to be a web-based movie critic/busi 征集一段英语口语情景对话(关于灾难的)5个人的对话, 征集一段英语口语情景对话 1分钟左右 征集一段英语口语情景对话,内容有关于未来的工作时间五分钟左右 征集一段英语口语情景对话,内容有关于招聘或求职的英语课前,做一段小对话,要求三到四分钟.我们有三个人参加. 征集一段英语口语情景对话,关于sales promotion5.6分钟左右 征集一段英语口语情景对话5分钟左右,内容是两个人讨论关于上网的优点和缺点,水平不用太高就可以了 征集英语口语情景对话(关于农场工作的)例如今天要做***米围墙 之类的 征集大学英语情景对话征集一段3--5分钟的英语情景对话 带翻译的最好 不要很难的 内容成熟一点 征集一段英语对话:关于天气的 急需一段关于身体的3分钟左右的英语口语情景对话~有的帮下忙, 英语口语情景对话练习? 有关生活英语口语的对话. 英语口语情景对话关于求职面试的口语对话 英语情景对话 关于 提高英语口语的对话 征集一段大学英语情景对话,要求在2分钟左右,内容要成熟一点 征集一段英语口语情景对话 2分钟到三分钟A and B are two students.They have been busy for almost a semester and they are expecting the summer vacation and discussing plans. 征集一段英语口语情景对话Should a college srudent take a driving course?ROLE A wants take a driving course.ROLE B tries to dissuade him/her.要求五到六分钟,急啊.呜.求善良热心的人们帮帮忙啊~能不能再补充一下,