They have produced ____they did last year.A twice as much grain as B twice more grain asC twice as many grain asD as twice much grain as

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 20:44:37
They have produced ____they did last year.A twice as much grain as B twice more grain asC twice as many grain asD as twice much grain as
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They have produced ____they did last year.A twice as much grain as B twice more grain asC twice as many grain asD as twice much grain as
They have produced ____they did last year.A twice as much grain as B twice more grain as
C twice as many grain as
D as twice much grain as

They have produced ____they did last year.A twice as much grain as B twice more grain asC twice as many grain asD as twice much grain as
A.twice as much grain as 正选
1.grain 这里理解为 “谷类作物” 的总称,所以不可数用 much 而不是 many
2.比较多寡时如果是论及倍数,一律置于 as much as 短语之前.如:twice as much...,three times as much ...

this year the villages have produced less rice than they did two years rice,produced是什么 do you know when the first train _ in China?a:wdo you know when the first train _ in China?a:was produced B:is produced.c:produced.d:have produced they have been used to remove arsenic from the sludge produced by gold mining operations翻译,produced --what have the scientists found?--They've found how fat___and stored.A produced B is produced C is producing D has produced 选择哪项?为什么?怎么译? 他们有物美价廉的帽子 They have hats _ _ _ _ _ They have _ (成功)achieved what they hoped for. they make plans to have a party写同义句 they _ _ have a party They set up a plant _ produced things _ had never been seen before.A.where,which B.which,that C.where,that D.that,where 英语翻译are the principal beneficiaries of the database right in Europe producing databases they would not have produced otherwise? British scientists have produced ___ they believe is the world's smallest Christmas card. A.which They have finished doing their homework.Their homework _ _ _. they have produced ten thousand more cars this year,compared with last year/.为什么不用comparingthey have produced ten thousand more cars this year,compared with last year/.为什么不用comparing produced On weekend,they have many kinds of _(party) they have classes on weekdays同义句 they have classes from_ to _ Do Alan and his classmate have chairs?--Yes,_.A they have B they do they do not do anything every day同义句They have _ _ _ every dayThey _ _ _to do every day This year they have produced ____rice ___they did last less,as few,as C.less ,than D.fewer,than