
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 20:53:32
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我喜欢你,我不隐约了,因为我知道我再不表达出来,那应有的默契就不存在了,我已感觉出一种陌生感已出现在你我之间,这主要是因为我的待人习惯,我十分注重那短暂式的友谊,也许我始终想将与你的友谊中精采的片段装饰起来,放在高中的时空里,留着 去 回 想.尽管很长时间未和你见面,说话,但走在熙攘的街道上,总想在人群中分辨出你,有时回想在学校的那段日子,不经意就想到了你,这种感觉很奇妙.这种介乎于友谊与暗恋之间的情感总是萦绕着我,有时我想让这份感情只成为我一面的相思,独自休会这淡淡如雾荷之诗的意境.今天,写这封信,我无法思绪,无法写出顺畅的句子,这零乱的语序,也许正表白出因你而零乱的心绪,不知你读信时用了怎样的语气,你是否听到我写时默念的声音,我想怎样写,写什么才可以触动你共有的感觉,我只能写出我想说的一切.我知道同学时的友情已被时间磨砺的不牢固了,我不知道写这封信是否有意义,若...就将它忘却,继续见面微笑的友谊.…我感觉到了你的存在,感觉到我面对的不只是冰 冷的屏幕!我深深的被这些字符所吸引,我的心为它们沉浮,我的思绪为它 们停留,我的心情为它们悲喜…我感觉我不再是一个人,我不再孤 单,不再落寞,只因为有你在网络的那端默默的关注我,疼惜我,安慰 我,陪伴我度过了无数的不眠之夜.我感觉到了什么是快乐,什么是 幸福,我想这便是我所需要的吧!可是每当那串“现在你可以安全的关机”的字符跳现在我的眼前 时,我又跌进了无情的现实中.那里没有你的世界,没有你的字符,没有你的关怀,我好痛苦,好思念你!只有每当下雨,才似乎又听到了你呼吸的声音,才感觉到了你还 围绕在我的身边,我深深的想起你,想起你的字符,想起你的一点一 多少次幻想着你会忽然出现在我的面前,多少次仰望星空希望那 里有你的笑脸!多么想可以依偎在你的怀里,多么想听你把你写下的 字符亲口对我说出,还想坐着你的单车一起畅游在大街小巷,更想同 你散步在浪漫的雨夜…可是…可是… 可是那些都是遥远的梦!虚无而飘渺!不知何时才可以实现这让 我期待终身的梦,我期待着,永远期待着!

I love you, I do not faint, because I know I didn't express the tacit understanding, that should not exist, I have a feeling that has occurred in the strangeness between me and you, this is mainly because my treat, I pay great attention to the habit that short of friendship, maybe I will always think of your friendships with wonderful clips, on the high adornment space, has to go back. Although for a long time not to meet with you, to speak, but walked in the bustling streets in the crowd, total want to tell you, sometimes think that day at school, you would think of you, the feeling is very wonderful. This YuYouYi between love and between emotional always haunt me, sometimes I want to let this be my feelings only one of acacia, such as fog adjourned alone the light of the Hollywood. Today, write this letter, I can not write thoughts, smooth sentences, this messy sequence, perhaps is because you vindicate the mood, you know the messy with how to read the letter of the tone, whether you hear my voice, sounding write of what I wanted to write, what just can touch you were feeling, I don't know, I can write all I want to say. I know the friendship between classmates have been time hone the unstable, I don't know whether to write this letter, if... Will it, continue to meet smiling friendship. ... I feel you feel my face, not only the ice cold screen! I deeply attracted by these characters, my heart for their ups and downs, my thoughts for it, my heart the feeling for them. I feel I am no longer a person, I not solitary, no longer lonely, just because you are the silent in the network, the attention I cherish me, to comfort me, accompany I spent countless sleepless nights. I feel happy, what is what is happiness, I think this is what I need! But when the string "now can you safe shutdown" character jumping now my eyes, and I fell into heartless reality. There is no your world, not your character, not your concern, I miss you, good good pain! Only when it seemed to hear, you breath voice, just feel you are around me, I remembered you, remind of you of characters, remind of you of a drop! How many times you'll fantasize about suddenly appeared in front of me, how many times in the sky, the hope is your smile! How can stay in your arms, how to listen to you to write down your name on my mouth of character, also want to sit with your bike in the streets, and swim with you to walk in the romantic rainy night... But... But... But those are distant dream! Nothing but aery! Know when to expect that I can achieve lifelong dream, I am looking forward to, always looking!

英语翻译我喜欢你,我不隐约了,因为我知道我再不表达出来,那应有的默契就不存在了,我已感觉出一种陌生感已出现在你我之间,这主要是因为我的待人习惯,我十分注重那短暂式的友谊,也许我 我原来不知道你喜欢炫耀.英语翻译 英语翻译你肯定不知道我在想你,因为... 英语翻译这是我想对你说的我能遇见你,已经很不可思议了,xxx我像朋友一样喜欢着你.因为像朋友一样喜欢着你,所以希望你每天都过得开心,希望能惊我最大努力去保护你,虽然我不知道我能不 英语翻译午夜的电话里听到你隐约的哭泣声,我失眠了. 我喜欢你英语翻译 我喜欢你英语翻译 英语翻译我喜欢你,并不是因为你是谁,而是我喜欢那个和你在一起的我. 英语翻译我要快点长大 因为我开始喜欢你了 英语翻译:连我自己都不知道为什么,但我知道肯定是因为你. 我喜欢你,你喜欢我不? 我知道在你身边有很多爱你喜欢你的人.但你知道我有多爱你吗?英语翻译用英语怎么说有知道的吗 帮帮忙谢谢了啊我奖励不多 谁能帮帮我 英语翻译我等你,因为我忘不了 我等你,因为我喜欢上了你 我等你,因为我满脑子全是你 我等你,因为你让我的生活充满了阳光 我等你,因为我有等你的权利 我等你,因为我已经习惯了听你的话 你知道不知道我喜欢你 粤语怎么说rt 求翻译:我不知道我喜欢你还是喜欢喜欢你的感觉. 英语翻译“虽然我喜欢你但是我知道,爱一个人不一定要拥有,既然你有男朋友了,那我也不能破坏你的幸福,哪天你伤了累了可以来找我,祝你幸福.” 我知道自己喜欢你.但我不知道自己将来在哪里.翻译英文请帮我把这段话翻译成英文我知道自己喜欢你.但我不知道自己将来在哪里.因为我知道,无论哪里,你都不会带我去.我知道你喜欢我.但 英语翻译用英语翻译“我爱你并不是因为你是谁而是因为和你在一起我不知道我是谁.”