
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 09:21:19
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For something it is predestined.I do not want to strive for it anymore.The past is passed away and it won't come b.a.c.k anyway.(百度老说我有敏感词不让我发表.楼主你凑合看着,把四个字单词里的点号去掉就行了~晕)

Fate had obtained that I can't get your return. I will not keep going and want more. The past thing is past that can never return

Some thing was arranged by fortune , you can't change anymore by your effort .

Some things are predestined.

Something was predestined, I won't strive for it anymore. The past is passed, ...