英语翻译从(B)中选出能与(A)栏组合的句子(A)1,he's going to move2,they're going to study3,we're going to communicate better4,we're going to work hard5,he's going to be6,i'm going to do 7,they're going to build8,she's going to get(B)A.in

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 21:02:33
英语翻译从(B)中选出能与(A)栏组合的句子(A)1,he's going to move2,they're going to study3,we're going to communicate better4,we're going to work hard5,he's going to be6,i'm going to do 7,they're going to build8,she's going to get(B)A.in
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英语翻译从(B)中选出能与(A)栏组合的句子(A)1,he's going to move2,they're going to study3,we're going to communicate better4,we're going to work hard5,he's going to be6,i'm going to do 7,they're going to build8,she's going to get(B)A.in
1,he's going to move
2,they're going to study
3,we're going to communicate better
4,we're going to work hard
5,he's going to be
6,i'm going to do
7,they're going to build
8,she's going to get
A.in school this year
B.what i want to do
C.a student at an art college
D.with our kids
E.a bigger subway
F.good grades
G.somewhere quiet and beautiful
1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4._______
5.______ 6.______ 7.______ 8._______

英语翻译从(B)中选出能与(A)栏组合的句子(A)1,he's going to move2,they're going to study3,we're going to communicate better4,we're going to work hard5,he's going to be6,i'm going to do 7,they're going to build8,she's going to get(B)A.in
1._G_____ 2.___H___ 3.__D____ 4.__A_____
5.__C____ 6.___B___ 7.__E____ 8.___F____

1.____G__ 2.__H____ 3.___D___ 4.____A___
5.____C__ 6.____B__ 7.___E___ 8.____F___


1.G 他将搬到一个美丽而安静的地方。
2.H 他们打算学法语。
3.D 我们将和孩子更好地交流。
4.A 我们打算今年在学校努力学习。
5.C 他将成为一名美术学院的学生。
6.B 我打算做我想做的事。
7.E 他们打算建个更大的地铁。
8.F 她将拿到个好等级。...


1.G 他将搬到一个美丽而安静的地方。
2.H 他们打算学法语。
3.D 我们将和孩子更好地交流。
4.A 我们打算今年在学校努力学习。
5.C 他将成为一名美术学院的学生。
6.B 我打算做我想做的事。
7.E 他们打算建个更大的地铁。
8.F 她将拿到个好等级。


英语翻译从(B)中选出能与(A)栏组合的句子(A)1,he's going to move2,they're going to study3,we're going to communicate better4,we're going to work hard5,he's going to be6,i'm going to do 7,they're going to build8,she's going to get(B)A.in 从B栏中选出与A栏中句子相对应的答语 从b栏中选出a栏句子的答语 概率和组合的问题从1-10这十个整数中随机选出2个不同的数,(a)求从1-10的质数中选出两个不同的数的组合有多少个?(b)求选出的两个数都是质数的概率. 选择填空从图题中所给的a b c3个选项中选出能填入空格的最佳选项. 英语翻译一、从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出适当的字母和字母组合,使单词完整、正确.1、n_____tyA.in B.ine C.ie D.en2、tr_____s_____sA.ow,or B.ou;ir C.ou;er D.o;ar3、fr_____dA.ien B.ei C.ein D.ian4、l_____n_____eA.ice;c 从四个选项中选出一个划线部分读音语与其余三个不同的选项.A.vase-a B.dance-a C.after-a D.plate-a 完形填空,阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项. 从a b c d中选出读音不同的选项 从B栏中选出选出与A栏句子相匹配的答句A B( )1、What day is it today?A、They mean“Be quiet”( )2、Was she at home yesterday?B、it was behind the door.( )3、What date is it today?C、it is the sixth of March.( )4 求英语精英解答!阅读下面的短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项.阅读下面的短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项.Pa 从1~8中选出七个数字,分别组成能被12整除的最大与最小的七位数 1ba__na A.nar B.nna C.na 2pi____ A.s,cher B.c,ture C.g,chur3w__nd__wA.i,o B.o,i C.i,i你会拼读单词吗?请从A,B,C中选出适当的字母或字母组合,使单词完整. 从2栏中选出与1栏句子相配的答语. 谢谢啦!🙏 从2栏中选出与1栏相对应的答句 关于排列与组合的题目~那个阶梯过程我不懂在11名工人中,有5人只能当钳工,4人只能当车工,另外2人能当钳工也能当车工.现从11人中选出4人当钳工,4人当车工,问共有多少种不同的选法?  分 终极排列组合算法题现有5个小组,每小组有3人,现在要从这5个小组中任选3组出来,再从这3个小组中,任选一人出来,这样选出来的3个人组合成一个“新组A”,现在已知5个小组中,有一个小组叫B小 从七个班委中选出正、副班长有多少种不同的选法?另问是排列问题,还是组合问题