帮我修改下英语作文Duringour daily life we can’t leave medicine,When you’re feeling uncomfortable,youhave must go to see a doctor If you are seriously ill.All in all,publichealth is directly related to medical.Medicine is a abstract scien

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:37:43
帮我修改下英语作文Duringour daily life we can’t leave medicine,When you’re feeling uncomfortable,youhave must go to see a doctor If you are seriously ill.All in all,publichealth is directly related to medical.Medicine is a abstract scien
xT]SF+h{ai<3}^KkHr<~sJc4)$ԐE /$E]a$N?Ȼ{3]Qaz8d >%kK_<ɚ6NQP`1qp[XƷeBCpPn .릚@90H %B>8W898 \`cTkEGXeΜ [x  Ms;䨎+Ǭ|KpwM}L=П ȱ%( 5AEJϡn5xکH\1D {1)gt^n@ Πf7^;gPm@Hp-\5;6'@lP hxdȄ{p"G=g XiH+8:|B$$8s|¨6#]x(%\^.C-uGXSƫ7kIpŃd}0}ON8<㰛͟ZΞg[Ƀ~צ֏Iֲ |].c5^؎j:؏fҌaǠkjm<\G8B@N|R(qӽǚAp-iȻq|7߱#;yVl`JhRM]-39Q;kFGX{_ OTkۤ(GHL=^*f\N7NpOݡ[F=Kq4zb&uV$''hQmP?S]n7ͤ݌MJ7xM-IlngpޜxfI9=UG0_)NDJ1h6v\ʾ3BfdD^-P'd-܄-Le:UB |)`c[K쮳3@3f][U=‹HNwH~o&nax_c|>*y ߳v蕎uvdgFƕ|\b*sg X

帮我修改下英语作文Duringour daily life we can’t leave medicine,When you’re feeling uncomfortable,youhave must go to see a doctor If you are seriously ill.All in all,publichealth is directly related to medical.Medicine is a abstract scien
our daily life we can’t leave medicine,When you’re feeling uncomfortable,you
have must go to see a doctor If you are seriously ill.All in all,public
health is directly related to medical.Medicine is a abstract scientific,in
the world today,health is the most precious wealth of life.That’s the reason why I want to study for an medicine.In addition,ever since I was ten years
ago,I’ve dreamt of becoming a doctor.Therefore,I have been working hard for
my dream,after two years of hard study.I has to lay a solid foundation.So,I
believe .I have the conditions to learn it well.I believe .where there is a
will,there is a way.

帮我修改下英语作文Duringour daily life we can’t leave medicine,When you’re feeling uncomfortable,youhave must go to see a doctor If you are seriously ill.All in all,publichealth is directly related to medical.Medicine is a abstract scien
Medical science plays an important role in our daily life. Especially when you are seriously ill, you need a doctor. All in all, medical is closely related to public health. Medicine is an abstract scientific.Currently, health is the most precious wealth of life. That’s the reason why I decide to major in Medical science. In addition, ever since ten years ago, I’ve dreamt of becoming a doctor. Therefore, I have been going after my dream all the way. After two years of hard study, I had lay a solid foundation. So, I believe that I have the conditions to learn it well. And the proverb always inspire me: where there is a will, there is a way.

帮我修改下英语作文Duringour daily life we can’t leave medicine,When you’re feeling uncomfortable,youhave must go to see a doctor If you are seriously ill.All in all,publichealth is directly related to medical.Medicine is a abstract scien 帮我修改下英语作文 高手帮我修改英语作文, 英语作文:请帮我修改一下, 深圳市的语文,英语,科学,历史与社会.怎样复习?顺便帮我修改下作文 求英语高手修改英语作文帮我修改下语法方面的错误,不方便直接发这上面,有愿意修改的同学麻烦留邮箱交流, 英语.帮我修改 帮我看看这篇英语作文有没有错,帮我修改一下 作文 帮下 英语 请帮我修改下病句 想请位会英语的帮我修改一下这偏英语作文,特想提高写作能力 新托福写作强化,有人可以帮我修改作文吗,想突击下, 我写的一篇英语作文帮麻烦修改下,看下哪些句子有语法错误,哪些句子写的不好,写的部好麻烦帮我改下.我英语成绩非常烂,麻烦修改详细点啊千万不要像语法书上那样讲我看不懂My schoolMy schoo 我写的一篇英语作文帮麻烦修改下,看下哪些句子有语法错误,哪些句子写的不好,写的部好麻烦帮我改下.我英语成绩非常烂,麻烦修改详细点啊千万不要像语法书上那样讲我看不懂My schoolMy schoo 这篇英语小短文有十处错误,帮我修改下 各位帮忙修改下英语作文 英语作文,帮我看看有没有语法错误和用词不当的,以及怎样修改,) 请帮我检查这篇英语作文,哪里需要修改的