
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 17:52:27
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我生长在一个充满快乐的家庭,有勤劳的爸爸和善良的妈妈. 爸爸虽然工作十分忙碌,但他很关心我的学习,老师每天布置的作业,他都要求我先认真做好,再给他检查.每次测验后我都是第一时间把成绩告诉他.就算有些题目做错了,爸爸也不会骂我,而是耐心地教导我,让我找出错的原因. 我妈妈也很关心我的学习和生活,妈妈每天下班后就回家做饭.她会做很多好吃的菜,会包饺子、做包子和其他各式各样的糕点.我真佩服妈妈的厨艺! 我家的阳台上种了各种各样美丽的花草,令全家人都觉得心情很舒畅.晚上茉莉花的香气伴着夏季的清风一阵阵吹过来,望着夜空闪烁的星星,我们说说笑笑,度过愉快的晚上. 家带给我欢乐,家带给我温暖,我爱我的家!
I grew up in a happy family, a hard-working father and good mother. Although my father is very busy, but he is very concerned about my learning, teacher assignments every day, he asked me to do a good job, give him a check. After each test is the first time I told him the results. Even if some of the title wrong, my father would not have called me, but patiently to teach me, let me get the wrong reasons. My mother is very concerned about my study and life, my mother every day after work to go home to cook. She will do a lot of delicious dishes, dumplings will be done a variety of buns and other pastries. I really admire my mother's cooking! The balcony of my house a variety of beautiful species of flowers, the family feel very comfortable feeling. Accompanied by the scent of jasmine at night during the summer breeze blowing over waves, stars twinkling at night, weKidding, spent a pleasant evening. Home brings me joy, bring me the warmth of home, I love my home!