English补全对话A:Excuse ne ______1 you from Australia?B:Yes _____2 hao do you know?A:The_____3 you speak When ______4 you come to china?B:This time ____5 yearA:So you have been in china for baout one yearB:Yes you are rightA:What do you______6 of

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 01:35:36
English补全对话A:Excuse ne ______1 you from Australia?B:Yes _____2 hao do you know?A:The_____3 you speak When ______4 you come to china?B:This time ____5 yearA:So you have been in china for baout one yearB:Yes you are rightA:What do you______6 of
x]OAݤ7M)1ʅ$+3mMww6Sw5"&# @Qiإ\ݖ]f/:3gs;g9:a4V[΃mߨVt``+~1(d-C`S i* "!",od|FOl&FyUK41PiE5⌢@UK<Ed'9 )$T{Ă" ˣx80XjN_}H6@_/,E/K3R-dvِ0 McP)az!tEJ"`bbjW7KH x'V -l7rMy2 E=H|[ӑ)D:jx/sN x yT42D5MByd& -TC+ {ܜp`3_4m.)l h9 9Y=!Ab/9?~=zyW\/o<>=q.9啈hYy}rsUu֪lG/NJσUlD9KZRL/2j4dS,EL 1 0h:UwSuܥ+nDƨoiB,Z.XbI0 !J&}SH2rJh9Ph;Qp!T4 kMɽmCܿ~pehGSr7W܏a얾4>  cbe

English补全对话A:Excuse ne ______1 you from Australia?B:Yes _____2 hao do you know?A:The_____3 you speak When ______4 you come to china?B:This time ____5 yearA:So you have been in china for baout one yearB:Yes you are rightA:What do you______6 of
A:Excuse ne ______1 you from Australia?
B:Yes _____2 hao do you know?
A:The_____3 you speak When ______4 you come to china?
B:This time ____5 year
A:So you have been in china for baout one year
B:Yes you are right
A:What do you______6 of china?
B:It's great I like it very much
A:Whatdo you like about china?
B:The people the food and the ___7 of interest
A:Have you ever been to the Great Wall
B:NO,I haven't Iam going there next month _____8 the way can you tell_____9 how to get to the park?
A:Certainly Take the MO 18bus it'lltake you right there
B:Thanks a ______10
A:That's OK
开头是me不是ne 打错咯,不好意思

English补全对话A:Excuse ne ______1 you from Australia?B:Yes _____2 hao do you know?A:The_____3 you speak When ______4 you come to china?B:This time ____5 yearA:So you have been in china for baout one yearB:Yes you are rightA:What do you______6 of
1Are2 but 3day 4 did 5last 6think 7place 8by 9me 10lot希望帮到您!

A:Excuse me(Are) you from Australia?
B:Yes (but) How do you know?
A:The(language) you speak When (did)4 you come to china?
B:This time(last) year
A:So you have been in china for ab...


A:Excuse me(Are) you from Australia?
B:Yes (but) How do you know?
A:The(language) you speak When (did)4 you come to china?
B:This time(last) year
A:So you have been in china for about one year
B:Yes you are right
A:What do you(think)6 of china?
B:It's great I like it very much
A:What do you like about china?
B:The people,the food and the (places) of interest
A:Have you ever been to the Great Wall
B:NO, I haven't I am going there next month .(By)the way ,can you tell(me) how to get to the park?
A:Certainly Take the MO 18 bus it'll take you right there
B:Thanks a (lot)
A:That's OK


补全对话每空一词.A.Excuse me 初三英语(补全对话 )A:Excuse me.Could you please tell me _______ 补全对话:(2)A:Excuse me,Mr Green,I can't _____the twins 补全对话a;excuse me()()a post office near here.b;i’m sorry i()know.plese ()that excuse me ,is there a post office near here第二大题的,补全对话,每词一空, 根据上下文补全对话 what’s this ( )English?it's a model plane excuse ___,jenny.___this your eraser 补全对话,每空一词A:Excuse 1______,Jenny.2______ this your eraser?B:Yes,3______ you.4______ that is my pencil.A:Tim,is this your ruler?C:No,it 5______.6______ her ruler.A:OK.7______ this 8______ English?C:I Yes,we have English lesson______two hours.补全对话, 英语 谢 补全对话(A 根据对话内容,用恰当的单词补全对话.A:Excuse me.I⑴ a book.Is it here?B:what's your book⑵根据对话内容,用恰当的单词补全对话.A:Excuse me.I⑴ a book.Is it here?B:what's your book⑵ A:It's about computers.B:Is⑶ na 补全对话 A:Excuse me.Is there a post office near here补全对话A:Excuse me.Is there a post office near here?B:______, I don't know.I'm new here.A:Excuse me,______is the nearest post office?C:____________?A:Where is the neareat post office?C 将下列对话补全A:Excuse me,------------------------------------------the library,please?B:Yes,-----------------------------------.A:---------------------------------------?B:No,it is not far.A:-----------------------------------------.B:You can Excuse me.Can you help me?I'm___for the post office一道补全对话, 初一补全对话 excuse me,is this white coat什么,jim 补全对话:A:Excuse me,Is__a pay phone in the neighborbood?B:Well,__.There's one on May Street 补全对话 Excuse me,is that ____ your grandmother?Which ____?The ____ ____ a red sweater.No,she____.Who's____?She's Yang Lin's grandmother. 情景对话,补全对话, A:You look upset?________________ B:I am worrying about(担心)my English test.A:_______________补全对话.