
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/28 07:35:23
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Recession is an fading market. No much trading and business. No more working opportunities coming.
I remeber, when I was studying in the school, text book describe:" Many merchant throw away the milk into waste bin!". At that monment, I don't really understand exactly its meaning.
In 2008-2009, global recession was happening to us and make us disappointed and nobody like to purchase new stuffs. I've seen many merchant set as low as the price would be. Whole market seem to be broken except in China. Eventually goverment will gave money to irritate market.
China is totally a lengend.Under the support of China goverment, the recession didn't take place and much impact in china. Adversely goverment take part in the marketing trading and utilise many remedies to irritate the market, Therefore china was luck to avoid the recession.

Financial crisis is generated by speculators but everyone has to pay the price for it. Speculators who are from the group of 1% people of the world, who has been monopolized the world’s financial and ...


Financial crisis is generated by speculators but everyone has to pay the price for it. Speculators who are from the group of 1% people of the world, who has been monopolized the world’s financial and economy since war world II through US and UK influences.
After physical war world II, smart business men start to realize that robbing fortune from other peoples don’t need to go through physical attack such as war, simply creating financial crisis which will rob huge fortune legally will do. Playing around the world economy and financial on their fingers, through financial tools such as forward and future contracts for currencies and commodities, control the publicity on financial analysis and economy report on various medias, peoples are fooled by these group of speculators into believing their lies and falling into their financial traps including governments.
Nowadays, peoples started to accept financial crisis as natural disaster such as earthquake, tsunami,.. All of these are created by god to test them and to make them stronger.
Stupid governments of course will be very willing to push all the financial crisis problems and blames to god rather than learn a lesson from it. Besides, some of the governments’ VIP had been paid to become a helping hand to the financial crisis too. Some business tycoons know about this secret but they also part of the speculators who make tones of money from it too.
Democracy in US and UK is not a perfect model because the laws and rules and regulation in properties, commodities, shares and financial markets are set to protect the fortune of the rich rather to be fair and clean to all people.
Future and forward contracts are fake contracts, but they can be speculated to control the actual and spot contracts’ market price. This happened in foreign currencies exchange rate and commodities price such as oil and gold.
Lots of things need to be done in order to stabilize the financial market in order to maintain proper growth in developing countries. Appropriate financial and economy knowledge must be taught in the education system just like mathematic start from kinder garden.
