.I have a little house which i live in all alone.without doors ,withou windows ,and if i want to go out i have to break through the wall.what am ( ).Kate has some hats ,all her are red except two .all her has are blue except two .All her hats are yel

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 12:02:24
.I have a little house which i live in all alone.without doors ,withou windows ,and if i want to go out i have to break through the wall.what am ( ).Kate has some hats ,all her are red except two .all her has are blue except two .All her hats are yel
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.I have a little house which i live in all alone.without doors ,withou windows ,and if i want to go out i have to break through the wall.what am ( ).Kate has some hats ,all her are red except two .all her has are blue except two .All her hats are yel
.I have a little house which i live in all alone.without doors ,withou windows ,and if i want to go out i have to break through the wall.
what am ( )
.Kate has some hats ,all her are red except two .all her has are blue except two .All her hats are yellow except two.how many hats does she have?( )
某电视台有个综艺节目,曾这样考嘉宾:给几个似乎不相干的词语让你猜一个词.比如“自行车、郭沫若、电视台、梧桐树”答案是 凤凰 .思维是这样的:这几个词有个共同点:从凤凰牌自行车,郭某若的《凤凰涅槃》、香港的凤凰卫视(电视台)、梧桐树引来金凤凰.同一思路,给你这么一组短语“格林威治”、史蒂芬’霍金 、金子 、公元“猜两个字的词,应该是甚么?( )为什么?(


.I have a little house which i live in all alone.without doors ,withou windows ,and if i want to go out i have to break through the wall.what am ( ).Kate has some hats ,all her are red except two .all her has are blue except two .All her hats are yel
2 三顶 .3时间,原因是本初子午线是格林威治标准时间制定的依据,史蒂芬’霍金写的时间简史,时间就是金钱,公元是时间,其它的正在想.

  1. prisoner

  2. 3 hats, one is red, one is blue, the left one is yellow

  3. 3、4题类似于脑筋急转弯,楼主问百度吧
