
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/12/02 02:43:54
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In this paper,"Flower Drum Hai" and its history of the formation of the characteristics of the kind of dance,described in the new period,Jiangsu's "Flower Drum Hai" to maintain its original core on the basis of its charm from the dance vocabulary,use of props,as well as performance,and other forms of To enrich and improve the side in order to explore the description of "Flower Drum Hai" in the form of bold and innovative breakthroughs,so that a new era of art have aesthetic value.explaining "Hai An county flower-drum out" thereby.And and pass the main body of a book exploration and study Hai An county flower-drum finding that disregarding Hai An county flower-drum be still the new period being tradition,it's the characteristic performing a characteristic still has rich local culture,has become one kind of sign of the culture representing a local.

Dance the main body of a book is formed to "Hai An county flower-drum " historical origins and the person grows a characteristic , additionally, aspect such as wielding and performing a form from the ...


Dance the main body of a book is formed to "Hai An county flower-drum " historical origins and the person grows a characteristic , additionally, aspect such as wielding and performing a form from the dance vocabulary , prop enriches and improves on the Jiangsu "Hai An county flower-drum " basis having set forth the new period in keeping whose original core and their lingering charm,probe viewpoint being bold in making innovations , making that have new era art appreciation of the beauty value in in form bold breakthrough explaining "Hai An county flower-drum out" thereby. And and pass the main body of a book exploration and study Hai An county flower-drum finding that disregarding Hai An county flower-drum be still the new period being tradition, it's the characteristic performing a characteristic still has rich local culture, has become one kind of sign of the culture representing a local.


In this paper, "Flower Drum Hai" and its history of the formation of the characteristics of the kind of dance, described in the new period, Jiangsu's "Flower Drum Hai" to maintain its original core on...


In this paper, "Flower Drum Hai" and its history of the formation of the characteristics of the kind of dance, described in the new period, Jiangsu's "Flower Drum Hai" to maintain its original core on the basis of its charm from the dance vocabulary, use of props, as well as performance, and other forms of To enrich and improve the side in order to explore the description of "Flower Drum Hai" in the form of bold and innovative breakthroughs, so that a new era of art have aesthetic value. In this paper, through the exploration and study found that both the traditional Flower Drum MSC or MSC in the new era of Flower Drum, and its performance characteristics or is rich in local cultural characteristics, and representatives of the local culture has become a symbol.


英语翻译本文对“海安花鼓”的历史渊源和其形成的舞种特点,阐述了新时期的江苏“海安花鼓”在保持其原有核心及其韵味的基础上,从舞蹈语汇、道具运用以及表演形式等方面加以丰富和 浙江的别名和历史渊源 中国和利比亚的历史渊源 谁知道以色列和中国的历史渊源阿? 英语翻译本文通过阐明非语言交际的分类,并探索其作用和差异产生的原因使读者对其产生形成系统认识. 英语翻译本文结合近年来的研究成果就酸枣仁五味子药对配伍对其化学成分含量变化,提取工艺和药理作用影响作一综述 英语翻译本文主要对其作简要论述,并探讨**的归属问题. 英语翻译本文由科里奥利效应引出科里奥利力并对其进行分析推导进而得出其表达式再对科里奥利力对自然现象的影响以及其在科学领域的应用进行简要的描述和分析. 英语翻译本文从探讨茶道的概念入手,探寻中国茶道的历史渊源,阐述了中国茶道的法则和礼仪,最后分析了中国茶道与日本茶道、朝鲜茶道的关系.全文围绕“中国茶道”层层深入,力求深入探 轴承花鼓和滚珠花鼓,哪种能对山地自行车轮胎滚动更畅顺,更能令前进惯性更持久? 唐人街的历史渊源 台独的历史渊源 德国人谨慎、法国人浪漫和英国人绅士的历史渊源是什么? 死飞用的什么花鼓 英语翻译摘要:本文针对范小青的短篇小说创作,挖掘其中蕴含的平凡、谅解视角,对两个视角分别论述了其主要内涵和成因.并提出了它们对现实生活的参考意义.关键词:范小青 平凡 英语翻译本文从环境心理学角度分析监狱环境设计中在空间布局、功能用房、特殊营造物等方面通过对罪犯生理行为的限制,从而对其产生心理和情感不适感,并达到纠正行为的目的. 英语翻译摘 要本文分析了中国关帝信仰的形成过程及原因,并对受其影响的韩国关帝信仰的历史和现状进行了初步探讨.本文认为,中国的关帝信仰和韩国的关帝信仰在本质上并无差异,但其发 英语翻译毕业论文.摘要如下:本文针对铁路的售票情况,按照管理信息系统的结构化设计思想,经过对其的需求分析和可行性分析、整体设计、详细审计,以及编码实现和调试等步骤分析设计了