英语新目标九年级第六单元单词造句prefer [prI5f\:(r)]v.更喜爱;更喜欢lyric [5lIrIk]n.(常pl.)歌词;抒情词句gentle [5dVentl]adj.轻柔的;柔和的dislike [dIs5laIk]v.不喜欢remind [rI5maInd]of 提醒;使记起hea

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 03:44:51
英语新目标九年级第六单元单词造句prefer [prI5f\:(r)]v.更喜爱;更喜欢lyric [5lIrIk]n.(常pl.)歌词;抒情词句gentle [5dVentl]adj.轻柔的;柔和的dislike [dIs5laIk]v.不喜欢remind [rI5maInd]of 提醒;使记起hea
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英语新目标九年级第六单元单词造句prefer [prI5f\:(r)]v.更喜爱;更喜欢lyric [5lIrIk]n.(常pl.)歌词;抒情词句gentle [5dVentl]adj.轻柔的;柔和的dislike [dIs5laIk]v.不喜欢remind [rI5maInd]of 提醒;使记起hea
prefer [prI5f\:(r)]v.更喜爱;更喜欢
lyric [5lIrIk]n.(常pl.)歌词;抒情词句
gentle [5dVentl]adj.轻柔的;柔和的
dislike [dIs5laIk]v.不喜欢
remind [rI5maInd]of 提醒;使记起
heart [hB:(r)t]n.心;内心
string [strIN]n.细绳;线
sink [sINk]v.下沉;沉没
Yellow River 黄河
fisherman [5fIF[(r)m[n]n.(pl.fishermen) 渔民;渔夫
latest [5leItIst]adj.最近的
entertainment [7ent[(r)5teInm[nt]n.娱乐;乐趣;快乐
feature [5fi:F[(r)]n.特点;特征
photography [f[5tB:gr[fI9f[5tRgr[fI]n.摄影;照相
gallery [5gAl[rI]n.美术馆;画廊
photographer [f[5tB:gr[f[r9f[5tRgr[f[]n.摄影者;摄影师
display [dI5sples]v.& n,展览;陈列
on display 展览;陈列
photograph [5f[J[grAf95f[Jt[grB:f]n.照片;相片
interest [5ntrIst]v.引起.关注;使.感兴趣
class [klAs9klB:s]n.等级;类别
whatever [wB:t5ev[r9wRt5ev[r]pron.不管什么;无论什么;任何(事物)
miss [mIs]v.错过;遗漏
suggest [s[g5dVest9s[5dVest]v.显示;间接明白;暗示
energy [5en[(r)dVI]n.活力;力量
okay [7[J5keI]adj.(=OK) 好的
pro [pr[J]n.(常pl.)赞成的观点
con [kB:n9kCn]n.(常pl.)反对的观点
honest [5B:nIst95CnIst]adj.诚实的;真诚的
course [5kC:(r)s]n.课程
suit [su:t9sju:t]v.适合;使感到满意
suit sb.(fine) (口语)(很)合某人的意;对某人(很)合适
expect [Ik5spekt]v.期待;预料
sweet [swi:t]adj.甜的
taste [teIst]v.品尝;尝起来
to be honest(作插入语)老实说;说实在的
be bad for 对.有害
actually [5AktF[lI95AktFJ[lI]adv.实际上;说实在的
fry [fraI]v.油煎;油炸
mainly [5meInlI]adv.主要的;首要的
stay away from与.保持距离
be in agreement意见一致
itself [It5self]pron.(反身代词)它自己;它本身
laboratory [5lAbr[tC:rI9l[5bCr[trI]n.实验室
type [taIp]n.类型;种类
cancer [5kAns[(r)]n.癌症
barbecue [5bB:(r)bIkjU:]n.户外烤肉餐;(户外烤制的)烤肉 v.(尤指在户外)烤肉
increase [In5kri:s]v.增加;增大
risk [rIsk]n.危险;风险
biscuit [5bIskIt]n.饼干
main [meIn]adj.主要的;首要的
exclamation [7ekskl[5meIFLn]n.感叹号
tag [tAg] question 附加疑问句
contraction [k[n5trAkFLn]n.缩略词;缩略形式
tasty [5teIstI]adj.味道好的;味美可口的
vegetarian [7vedVI5trI[n97vedV5te[rI[n]n.素食主义者
shock [FB:k9FCk]adj.使.震惊

英语新目标九年级第六单元单词造句prefer [prI5f\:(r)]v.更喜爱;更喜欢lyric [5lIrIk]n.(常pl.)歌词;抒情词句gentle [5dVentl]adj.轻柔的;柔和的dislike [dIs5laIk]v.不喜欢remind [rI5maInd]of 提醒;使记起hea
I prefer watching World Cup than NBA.
The lyrics of that song touched me.
Please be gentle to the kids.
I dislike eating durian because of the smell.
The old lady reminds me of my grandmother.
She is sufferring from heart disease.
I dont even know how many strings a guitar has.
The coin sinks in the water.
Yellow River is one of the famous rivers in China.
When I was young,I wanted to be a fisherman.
I have read the lastest news about the aeroplane accident.
This bar is a good place for relaxation and entertainment.
Teamwork is the main feaature of this programme.
I am deeply interested in photography.
Please stay away from the art display.
His latest art piece will be on display next week.
Can I take a look at the photographs taken last week?
My interest is going fishing.
I want to stay in a higher class hotel during travelling.
Whatever you decide to do,I will support you.
I dont want to miss a single moment with you.
I suggest holding a BBQ party this weekend.
She puts all her energies in her work.
She replied okay for my invitation of going for a date.
There are pros and cons of holding this meeting.
I appreciate you being honest.
I have signed up swimming course during holiday.
The dress suits you very much.
I expect you doing better that him.
She has a sweet voice.
The meal tastes good.
To be honest,I dont agree with your opinion.
cigarette is bad for your health.
The lecture actually starts at 10am instead of 11am.
I love the fried fries in Mcdonalds
The tourists in this hotel is mainly from America.
Please keep the children stay away from sharp objects,such as knife.
Are we in agreement about this project?
The house itself is nice,but the surrounded environment is undeveloped.
The teacher is conducting lessons in the laboratory.
Which type of shoes do you prefer.
She is now hospitalising due to cancer.
We are going for a barbecue party tomorrow.
The population in China is increasing.
Dont take the risk of doing this program.
I will have biscuit for my lunch.
He is the main character in this drama show.
He gave an exclamation of surprise.
She likes to tag a question after the conversation.
Young people nowadays like to use contractions in sms.
the spagetti looks tasty.
I decide to be a vegetarian and stay away from meats.
I was shocked when I heard she is going overseas.

I prefer to watch TV rather than go out.我宁愿呆在家里也不出去。
all my love lyric
She is a girl,gentle and beautiful.
I felt a strong dislike of the new teacher. 我感到很不喜欢这个新教员。
Remind is a free ...


I prefer to watch TV rather than go out.我宁愿呆在家里也不出去。
all my love lyric
She is a girl,gentle and beautiful.
I felt a strong dislike of the new teacher. 我感到很不喜欢这个新教员。
Remind is a free calendar and alarm software program designed to run on Linux.
My heart aches. 我心痛。
The String class represents character strings.
It took a long time for the bad news to sink in. 人们花了很长时间才弄明白这个坏消息。
The Yellow River, with a total length of 5464 kilometers, is the second longest river in China,
They were once fisherman. 他们曾是渔夫。


She is a girl,gentle and beautiful.