英语翻译Natural History ___.2.吉姆何时丢了眼镜?--听说是昨天上午.___ ___ Jim ___ his glasses?--I ___ it was ___ morning.3.丽莎的弟弟太小了,以至于还不能去上学.Lisa's brother is ___ young ___ he can't ___ to school.4.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:53:35
英语翻译Natural History ___.2.吉姆何时丢了眼镜?--听说是昨天上午.___ ___ Jim ___ his glasses?--I ___ it was ___ morning.3.丽莎的弟弟太小了,以至于还不能去上学.Lisa's brother is ___ young ___ he can't ___ to school.4.
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英语翻译Natural History ___.2.吉姆何时丢了眼镜?--听说是昨天上午.___ ___ Jim ___ his glasses?--I ___ it was ___ morning.3.丽莎的弟弟太小了,以至于还不能去上学.Lisa's brother is ___ young ___ he can't ___ to school.4.
Natural History ___.2.吉姆何时丢了眼镜?--听说是昨天上午.___ ___ Jim ___ his glasses?--I ___ it was ___ morning.3.丽莎的弟弟太小了,以至于还不能去上学.Lisa's brother is ___ young ___ he can't ___ to school.4.对于我们来说学好一门外语很重要.It's ___ for us ___ ___ a foreign language well.5.从这件小事中你们吸取了什么教训?What ___ did you ___ ___ the little thing?6.你知道火灾发生是如何呼叫消防中心的吗?___ you know ___ ___ ___ the fire station ___ ___ is a fire?

英语翻译Natural History ___.2.吉姆何时丢了眼镜?--听说是昨天上午.___ ___ Jim ___ his glasses?--I ___ it was ___ morning.3.丽莎的弟弟太小了,以至于还不能去上学.Lisa's brother is ___ young ___ he can't ___ to school.4.

It's fun        as         Museum

When did lose                        heard   yesterday

so     that       go

important           to learn 

lesson    learn from

Do           how to call               if there