
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 19:03:30
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Now advertising is very popular, in its cities, villages, the wall has. People's lives can not have it. Like "I can do it" and "desire unlimited" Mosquito Shashasha "have all affected the people's lives , enriching the people's language, which is advertising the merits.But some of China's idiom was replaced strange ads.Its misleading many of the students are learning.It makes children feel fooled, and the growth of the children is detrimental. This is its shortcomings.

Advertisements can have lots of advantages.
It can attract the consumers' attention and help them choose what they may need. The same time, advertisement plays the role of a great helper to the m...


Advertisements can have lots of advantages.
It can attract the consumers' attention and help them choose what they may need. The same time, advertisement plays the role of a great helper to the manufatures or shop-keepers. Also , it can somehow prompt the rising in the profit of the commercial field in one society.
However, advertisements also have some disadvantages. The biggest one of these may lie in the misleading effect in the purchasing behavior. Advertisements can unluckily successfully pursuade people buy things they don't even need, this also sadly might be how the phrase" white elephant" was born into use. And of course, this disadvantage of advertisements makes waste of money and product.
:) Hope u like dat!


Advertisement is a significant part of commerce. A good advertisement can make the product more popular and marketable, while a lousy one can simply ruin the reputation of a co...


Advertisement is a significant part of commerce. A good advertisement can make the product more popular and marketable, while a lousy one can simply ruin the reputation of a company.
Advertisement can make the publicity of product easier. If there is no advertisement, some products may only spread in a very little range. However, every sword has two edges. The disadvantage of advertisement is also quite obvious. Advertisement is sometimes too subjective, even unrealistic in some way, which may misguide the customer and cause a series of severe problems. In a word, advertisement is an angelic demon as well as demonic angel to us.


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