
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 01:44:41
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I have got an e-mail from little Tom
Where are the books about computer please?
Can I borrow your pen please?
There are not enough chairs for children

You should talk to your mother

Can i borrow your pen please

I have got an e-mail from little Tom
Where are the books about computer please?
Can I borrow your pen please?

I feel very hungry.
What place did you go to on Sunday?
I forgot to do that.
When will they come here?
How much tea do you want?
I am playing with my electric toy.
I play it ve...


I feel very hungry.
What place did you go to on Sunday?
I forgot to do that.
When will they come here?
How much tea do you want?
I am playing with my electric toy.
I play it very well.
Yes,there was.You could slide on it before.
Why does not he walk by himself?
They need to help others?
How much is the pen?
I have got an email from little Tom.
Where are the books about the computer please?
Can I borrow your pen please?
There are not enough chairs for the children.
You should talk to your mother.



I am hungry.What did you do on sunday?I forgot to do that.I am playing electric toy.How much tea do you want?When will they come here?Yes, there was a swing right behind the slide. Yes.I can play it w...


I am hungry.What did you do on sunday?I forgot to do that.I am playing electric toy.How much tea do you want?When will they come here?Yes, there was a swing right behind the slide. Yes.I can play it well.Why doesn't the boy walk by himself?How much is it?I did it with TV.They need our help.
I have got an email from little Tom.Where are the books about computer please?Can I borrow your pen please?There aren't enough chairs for the children.You should talk to your mother.


  1. I am hungry. 

  2. What have you done last sunday.

  3. Sorry, I am forgot.

  4. I am playing with the electric toy.

  5. <...


    1. I am hungry. 

    2. What have you done last sunday.

    3. Sorry, I am forgot.

    4. I am playing with the electric toy.

    5. how much do you want?

    6. When will they coming?

    7. Yes,a little slide.

    8. Yes,I once played very well.

    9.  Why he can not walk by himself.

    10. How much money?

    11. Watching TV.

    12. They need some help.

      1) I have little email got from Tom.

      2) Where are the books about computer,please?

      4) Can I borrow your pen,please?

      5) There are not enough chirs for children,

      6) You should talk to your mather.


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