区别be going to do/will do/will be doing/be to do###还有用be doing表示将来时的情况

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:12:54
区别be going to do/will do/will be doing/be to do###还有用be doing表示将来时的情况
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区别be going to do/will do/will be doing/be to do###还有用be doing表示将来时的情况
区别be going to do/will do/will be doing/be to do
###还有用be doing表示将来时的情况

区别be going to do/will do/will be doing/be to do###还有用be doing表示将来时的情况
“I will”和“I am going to”都是代表未来的动作(The Future).
Lucy:Have you decided yet?你决定了吗?
John:Yes,We will go to Penang,It is cheaper.是的,我们会去槟城,因为费用比较便宜.
当 John告诉 Lucy他们会去槟城,第二天John Stanley告诉另外一位朋友.
John:Lucy and I are going to Penang next week.Lucy和我下个星期去槟城.
Michael:That’s great!那很好!
I will
例(1) I think it will rain tonight
例(2)A:There is a customer waiting for you.有一位顾客等著你.
B:Okay.I will see him in a few minutes time.我会在几分钟后见他.(B 刚刚接到消息.)
I am going to
例(1)Look!It is going to rain.
例(2)A:There is a customer waiting for you.有一位顾客等著你.
B:I know.I am going to see him in a few minutes time.我知道,我会在几分钟后见他.(B 已经知道)
“I will……”是不确定会做的动作,而且这个未来词也是脑里刚决定会做的动作.
“I am going to……”是之前已经提过要做的动作,而且即将发生,而所要发生的事情是自然而然的,并不是刻意去做.
例如:(你既然觉得不舒服)I feel funny.I think I am going to have stomache be sick.我觉得不对劲,肚子要开始痛了.
我们不能够讲.“I feel funny.I will be sick.”(这个will的用法不正确)
Lee Won 明天要去搭长途巴士.
Lee Won:Jo,I need you to bring me to the bus station tomorrow.Jo,我需要你明天载我去巴士站.
Jo:No problem.______ you to the bus station.(I/Take) What time does your bus depart?没问题,我会载你去巴士站,巴士几点启程?
Lee Won:At 9 in the morning.早上9时正.
Jo:Good.We_______ (leave)at 7:30 in the morning.好,我们早上七时半出发.
Lee Won:I agree.我同意.
Mary:Are you free tomorrow morning?你明天早上有空吗?
Jo:What is the time?什么时间?
Mary:At 9 a.m.早上 9时.
Jo:I am sorry.I_____(bring)Lee Won to the bus station tomorrow morning.
对不起!我明天早上要载 Lee Won去巴士车站.
will be doing 表将来某个时间点将会在做什么