帮助我分析一下下面这个英语句子.When any ECI record is sent or received in AAA system there is a table which descripes which data elements are found in any record type and if those data elements are Mandatory or Optional这里面第一

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 07:41:34
帮助我分析一下下面这个英语句子.When any ECI record is sent or received in AAA system there is a table which descripes which data elements are found in any record type and if those data elements are Mandatory or Optional这里面第一
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帮助我分析一下下面这个英语句子.When any ECI record is sent or received in AAA system there is a table which descripes which data elements are found in any record type and if those data elements are Mandatory or Optional这里面第一
When any ECI record is sent or received in AAA system there is a table which descripes which data elements are found in any record type and if those data elements are Mandatory or Optional

帮助我分析一下下面这个英语句子.When any ECI record is sent or received in AAA system there is a table which descripes which data elements are found in any record type and if those data elements are Mandatory or Optional这里面第一
第二个Which和if 引导的从句 做descripe的宾语
即which data elements are found in any record type 和后面的if those data elements are Mandatory or Optional 做descripe 的宾语
我的理解是这样 ,仅供参考


帮助我分析一下下面这个英语句子.When any ECI record is sent or received in AAA system there is a table which descripes which data elements are found in any record type and if those data elements are Mandatory or Optional这里面第一 这个英语句子的成分 这是什么句 帮我分析一下Seldom is the weather more dramatic than when thunderstorms strike. 谁能帮我分析下这个英语句子?How good it will be when I also have one.我也不懂分析什么,就是看不懂这句话的意思,大家能不能在结构上和语法上分析一下呢? He walks with a girl和He is walking with a girl的区别请英语高手帮助我分析一下下面的两个句子的区别:He walks with a girl.He is walking with a girl. 请英语达人帮我分析分析下面这个句子.That long summer stretch no longer makes sense. 哪位老师帮我翻译以下这个句子并分析一下句子结构,句子是:when wine is in truth,wit is out. 英语高手so how can the world be a village when it is home to more than six billion people?哪个英语高手能够帮我分析一下这个句子 句型结构啊 什么的. 帮忙分析一下这个英语句子!谢了 请帮我分析一下下面这个句子:Ich habe sie durch einen Freund kennen gelernt.这个句子中为什么会有lernen和kennen两个动词? 谁能帮我分析一下下面的这个电路图的作用,请具体分析一下 there is motivation only when there is pressure!谁能帮我分析分析这个句子结构 分析一下句子结构,这个句子看不懂. 帮我分析一下这个句子He praised the young Charles Dickens when others had not yet seen the promise of his work. 求助,高人帮我分析一下这个英语句子的语法结构! The problem is difficult to be solved When it realized how different the world seemed when it rolled so quickly,it stopped.帮我分析一下这个句子,为什么用两个“when”?作用是什么.还有“seemed” 请英语高手能帮我分析一下句子结构,because there was a time when all I did was wish 请帮助分析一下这个句子 by 1999 he had worked hard enough for fortune to take over. 谁能帮我分析一下下面这个句子的句法结构:Is air the only acoustic medium through which sound can propagate?